Chapter 2

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"Good job on your first assignment, we have put the ruling back in the hands of the president. However, this was but a test of your current ability. I am proud to say you have passed, you can wait on standby for your next mission. I expect to see improvements in your Aura for the next mission" His mother slightly complimented and he walked out of her quarters to the mountains outside.

The first thing he wanted to do was be prepared for different climates using his aura, weapons could be easily arranged for or hidden but clothing was just an extra hassle. Especially for an assassin who needed to be agile and reflexive. So he decided to go out with heavy clothing suitable for the mountains and then slowly increased his Aura's heat output. His body was already somewhat adapted to the cold so that made it a little easier but still nonetheless difficult.

He climbed onto an outcrop of the mountain and slowly took off his heavy jacket which made him instantly feel the cold. He started shivering and nearly dropped out cold but was able to put on a light orange aura around his body which warmed him slightly. Straining his circuits, he pushed the power output farther and the orange became a darker hue. Changing from a very pale orange to a warm peachy one, nonetheless, he as still shivering in the cold and adjusted his output to only the most crucial parts. 

However, he was still 5 years old and his body could only take so much. He decided to stop before he straight up passed out right then and there. He made his way back inside to dinner and after that, he went to sleep. 

The next morning he awoke and preformed his daily routine of changing, brushing his teeth, catching up on some news (which was just about the assassination instead of all the usual), then going to get some training in.

He did some light warm-ups, stretching, practice punches and kicks, etc. Before finally informing his instructor that he was ready, not a moment later he was jumped by about 10 people.

They all attacked him at once, however only using CQC (close quarters combat). One threw a right hook which he caught before throwing the person into another behind him who was trying to sweep him off his feet. They landed with an audible thud and he dodged a punch to the gut before ducking under a person's legs and kicking from behind, toppling said person into another one. Before backflipping to avoid a kick to his knees, and jumping on the perpetrators' head and knocking the said person out. 

His shenanigans continued until his instructor said one-word "kill". After that, he quickly drop-kicked a person in the head before rolling on the ground over to his next target and attempting to take them down from the legs but was met with a hard kick to his solar plexus. Which sent him flying into a headlock from another waiting person, he quickly turned his head to unblock his airway before punching said person hard in the thighs. This freed him but he was then held up against the wall in another chokehold.

Recognizing that he only had a few seconds before he passed out he quickly put his hands in a praying position, before putting them in between the arms and grabbing his attackers head and forcing the arms apart with the greater leverage. Now he pushed his fingers into the eyeballs, making the target finally release him and then he got on their back and twisted their neck. He then used the body as a shield to dispose of the last two, tossing it into one of them before sweeping the other and jumping on his skull as he fell. Effectively crushing it.

He then quickly disposed of the other simply by bashing the disoriented being into the ground over and over, killing the person and then almost passing out. His instructor grabbed him up by the collar and harshly scolded him.

"Listen here, you have disappointed me. Getting caught in 2 chokeholds like that, I thought I taught you better than that pathetic show" The man scolded and he and that decency to look down in shame, he had not performed up to standard and had disappointed his mother.

He walked off to his room and went to shower before breakfast was brought to him, it consisted of avocado toast topped with eggs, a mixed berry yogurt parfait, and some fresh orange slices. 

He ate at a decent pace before going to his tutor's room and taking his lessons in Math, geography, science, and reading. 

After about 5 hours of studying the basic topics, he got one hour break time. He simply had lunch before moving onto his assassin classes, he was partaking in a 1v1 class today. They were both supposed to kill each other but it was set in an abandoned building. 

The battle lasted a good 25 minutes before he grew tired of the guy running into a nearby building and taking a sniping position. He crept up undetected into the hallway but somehow was detected and the guy dropped his sniper and pulled a Glock 19 out of his leg holster and aimed it down the hall. However, he was already behind the person and the nearly audible gasp as he noticed as slightly satisfying.

His target turned around quickly but not enough as he was side kicked through the air and rolled a couple to times before shooting off frantically. That didn't last long as he threw a knife into the target's firing arm before side bashing him into a wall. The target them proceeded to remove and knife and attempted CQC but he tackled into him and took his firing arm and spun him around before pushing him face-first into the ground. Disarming the target then grabbing a knife and stabbing through the skull. 

"Great job, although you should just take the chance to end the target if you can. I feel as if you are toying around with your targets, do not do that from now on. Do I make myself clear?" His instructor ordered and he bowed respectfully and said "Yes Madam." before walking off to take another shower and onto his aura training. 

My bad, I was trying to type ch3 that I forgot to upload this until a friend reminded me.

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