Chapter 3

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As he walked out of the shower towards his aura he couldn't help but notice that for the first time in his life he was actually looking forward to something. He couldn't wait until his next assassination/mission, then he remembered what his mother had said. 

"If you have any feelings take these pills, it will help with them. As an assassin you are to be calm and collected at all times, emotions only cloud logic."

So he quickly took the 2 pills that he had taken out his pill bottle and went to an empty training room to train with his aura.

He locked the room and sat down to meditate, he could feel the power flowing through him. The energy that he could control, he messed around a bit, controlling the flow in some way to see what the full extent was before getting serious.

He directed the flow to his fists and once he opened his eyes there were these lines on his hands and halfway up his forearms, then he directed the rest to his legs and the same phenomena happened. He brought up a metal wall using the rooms controls and punched as hard as he could, as he punched he could feel the power build and then release onto the steel. The wall was about 4 inches of solid steel and he had made a 2-inch hole. Then he tried jumping as high as he could, the usual was about 3.5 feet in the air but with aura, it had doubled to 7 feet. However, it wasn't the most silent thing and shockwave of energy released could surely be felt by even a random civilian.

After testing out those abilities a couple of times, -mainly trying to reduce the shockwave from his jump- he moved on to enhance his durability. He spawned 5 robots and tried to either block, parry, or completely tank the hit from the robots. These robots were extra strong, each having the strength of a baby gorilla, but their speed was comparable to an assassin. So he did have a fairly hard time parrying the hits, but well-timed blocks were fairly easy, while the unexpected tanking was very difficult. It looked like the lack of preparation for the hit had weakened his aura response, it was exactly the same as not being able to react as you are perfectly snuck upon and taken out.

So he went about with that for about 10 minutes before moving on to what he considered the hardest thing to do, weapon materialization. He was quite aware that this was the most powerful thing that he could do, but also the hardest. With him still never being able to pull it off successfully, he had gotten close but there was simply no books or study material on this matter so he was just relying on his own senses. 

He sat down again to refocus himself and then directed his aura to his hands again, except instead to gather it in his hands he coated his hands with it. Then he released some into the air that he could mold with his mind and body, conceptualizing the weapon and shaping the general structure with his hands to get ahold of the weapon. He did find that making a weapon that he had already held was much easier than one that he had never used or held. So he was just trying to make his main gun which was Submachine gun Heckler — Koch HK MP7. It was not designed as an assault weapon but as a PDW (Personal Defense Weapon).  

It was light, the ammo was only 4.6mm and was as such also very light. It could be equipped with night sight, silencers, and an extended magazine, it was also very small which offered great maneuverability compared to a rifle or a P90 SMG. Perfect for CQC and offered 100% penetration to vests with 1.6mm titanium plate plus 20 layers of Kevlar fabric at a range of up to 200 meters. The ammo could also be modified with tracer, subsonic, and training rounds. 

He imagined the outside of the look of the gun and put his hands in the position that he usually used. His could feel the aura pour out from his palms into the air and slowly the front handle & magazine formed, however before he could form the entire top body an intense pain flared throughout his body and he pushed through the beginning of it before it became too much and he was forced to stop. He had managed to made the front handle, magazine, buttstock, and 1/6 of the body. This was good but he remembered that he had only made an empty shell, not a fully functional gun. 

 He took a 5-minute break before moving onto easier objects like a knife or sword or even a grenade. Knives and Swords he could easily form because of their basic structure, even bows and arrows were not that hard, but grenades were difficult, however after looking at a book on the insides of grenades and a VR class on a 3-D model he could do with more ease. 

After this, he completed his route with dinner and some stretching before he was going to sleep, however, he was called into his mother's chambers. 

"Good to see that you are doing well son, let me cut straight to the point, we are all going to raid Flare's Main HQ. Then destroy every last thing there before the killing of Lysandre.d We leave in 2 days at 12:00 midnight, Dismissed." His mother explained and he promptly went back to sleep before the next morning in which he would prepare for the raid that was coming. After all, he had never seen a raid as big as this, and why they were taking out a team that had already been repressed was beyond him but he never questioned these things and it looks like Arceus had answered his prayers for another mission.

I know that we Team Flare was disbanded, but Lysandre was never caught and no one knows where he is, that and no one caught Yveltal (unless you count the games) plus this is going to introduce an interesting twist so bear with the lack of pokemon, please. :). I need help, tell me if I should attempt to write out a little more of his childhood? Need a lot of responses to work on the next chapters! 

UPD: Stressing that I need some responses to work on more and plan out the next few chapters.

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