Chapter 4:Raid

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"Unit 1 in position."

"Unit 2 All clear"

"Unit 3 ready"

"Unit 4 standing by"

All the unit leaders sounded off as Mother commanded, I was with her and some of the top instructors in Unit 0. While each unit had their own tasks, ours was just to get to Lysandre and secure him.

As soon as she gave the signal Pokeballs popped open to reveal Greninja, Ninjask, Accelgor, Zoroark, and Weavile. They began infiltration of this underground base they had set up under the Ruins of their old base, what happened here had been a big part of history but our main focus was to stop their world from coming true. No matter how slight the chance that they would do it we had to stop them because we needed Xerneas and Yveltal for our own goals.

As we dashed through the dimly lit halls and steel air ducts I couldn't help but notice that it was a very poorly constructed base. That was to be expected as they had no assets anymore but still, It was not very structurally sound. After 8 minutes they found their way to the MCR (Main Control Room) and found Lysandre there. Well he was covered in some armor but his trademark fiery red hair stood out, then the alarm sounded and we just got annoyed but sped it up otherwise.

In a matter of seconds, everyone sprang into action. Gunfire started and blood splatter followed. I saw Lysandre escaping and went after him only to be blocked by his Pyroar, I quickly maneuvered around it, but got scratched by its slash attack. I finally had Lysandre in my sights and threw and poison darts I had to incapacitate him. He fell with an audible *thud* and I dragged him back to the MCR to present to mother.

"Well done, there were more grunts than we anticipated. Now let's get out of here after we treat some of the wounded." She announced before she tended to the scratch wound that I had gotten.

The only reason our people had gotten injured was that the bullet ricochet from all the metal walls and things had managed to graze and rarely wound some of us. We quickly did some first aid before we all dispersed back to our own bases.

Once I got back I was checked out by our doctor before going for a shower and then going to mother for a report. However, she had something else in store for me.

"Mother I am here for my report" I announced as I knocked on the door

"Come in." and so I did, stepping in I found something unusual was on her desk. A Pokéball.

"Mother, I don't mean to pry but who is that for?" I asked politely not to affront her.

"I was planning on giving you one sooner or later but seeing as your performance was exceptional today this can be your reward" She replied and I felt a twinge of excitement.

She handed me the Pokeball and I threw it, revealing the very cute Eevee inside. It stared curiously at its surroundings before bounding over to my arms.

"Thank you very much, Mother!" I excitedly nearly yelled before running out with my new pokemon. 

I immediately took Eevee to my room only to find a package there on my table, I opened it to find a full kit of things for Eevee, from food to grooming. 

It curled up on his lap as he started reading about how to care for such a pokemon since he was not trained in such things. He read a short and simple article that sufficed enough to get him started and looked down at the creature who had started napping. He carefully held Eevee and placed her down in the small bed that had been put in his room for her.

After getting all of the necessities unpacked and set up a bowl full of water and another with Pokéfood, and placing it in front of the bed. Then he went back to reading one of his favorite books at the moment, "The Giver." it was about a boy in a Utopian society that made perfected society in an away. However, he was only in chapter 9 and didn't know much about what they had and didn't have. 

As he read on to ch12 he found out about the boy's assignment to become the Receiver and subsequently the next Giver. He found out that society couldn't see color, could completely control the climate and terrain, spouses were perfectly matched, and that jobs were given at 12.

It was all very interesting that everyone seemed blissfully unaware, but he couldn't blame them. You couldn't miss what you never had or experienced. 

After the 12th chapter, he was drawn back to reality by Eevee's cute yawn as it awoke slightly confused before recognizing the food and water in front of it and munching away happily.

Then as she spoke and could actually hear a faint feminine voice in his head

"Thank you for the food!"

He was pretty shocked and thought he was hallucinating but her body language and smile said otherwise. 

"You're welcome Eevee, would you like a name?" He asked and this time it was her time to be surprised

"You can understand me?!?!" She yelled and since he couldn't hear at full volume it just sounded like a really shocked tone more than a yell to him but he nodded.

"I suppose I would like an actual name" She replied and he decided on,

"Angel, that will be your name" He assigned before picking Angel up and setting her down on his lap and grabbing a grooming brush. He slowly combed through Angel's silky fur and mane, she sort of purred in pleasure as he slowly made strokes up and down. After he was done he gave her a slight tickle before grabbing some toys and playing with Angel. 

Turns out she was pretty good at catching, being able to catch the Pokeball mid-air and return it to him. So he changed into a different game he put a treat on a stick and waved it around, this time he had an advantage because of his reflexes. However, Angel got clever and playfully tackled him. He gave a slightly pathetic *oof* before falling back into the bed while looking at the triumphant Eevee.

"I did it! Haha!" She giddily announced as she munched on the Vanilla flavored treat while sitting on him.

I hope you enjoyed that stint at the end, had plenty of fun writing it. Tell me what Eevee should evolve into if it should even evolve. What other pokemon should he receive? I have 3 open slots for pokemon recommendations that might change at any given times so get busy in the comments! Chapters should come out every 3 days sorry for the 4-day gap, school work got me. Ja ne!

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