Chapter: 2

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I started to plan out my escape.

I'll have to wait until he falls asleep. Then I will sneak into the living room and grab my fathers sword. I then will go into the kitchen and see if there is any food I can take. I'll steal the neighbor's horse and ride it until I get to the woods. Then I'll leave the horse and run in the woods.

I packed a small bundle that contained one extra dress and my drawing pad and pencil that my mother had given me. I heard footsteps heading towards my father's room, and a door shut.

This is my chance! I have to go now!

I grabbed my bundle and slowly opened my door. I walked over to my fathers chair, picked up the sword that was laying next to it, and slid it securely through the the sash tied around my waist. I headed to the kitchen and quickly checked all the cupboards. All I could find were two tiny onions.

It'll have to do.

I slipped them into my bundle. I set my bundle down, grabbed my green cloak from the rack, and put it on. I then picked up my bundle and headed out the door.

As I stepped outside I was hit with cold wind and drizzling rain.

Great. It has to be raining!

I ran over to my neighbor's house, untied the horse from the fence, and climbed on. I urged the horse into a steady gallop and rode straight towards the woods. The wind whipped at my cloak chilling me to the bone. I tried to pull my cloak tighter around me, but I only seceded in making it worse. I willed the horse to go faster but knew I couldn't push it too hard. Stealing a hoses is a very big crime, and killing a horse was a huge crime. Horses are very valuable because Ashenveil is a farming country. All the surrounding land is mostly fields. We all catch rides in carts or on horses in the mornings. It took a long time to get to the fields, so you always had to start early. I looked up and saw the woods about two-hundred feet ahead of me.

When I arrived at the edge of the trees I slowly dismounted from the horse. My muscles screamed in protest. I tied the horse to a tree on the edge so that the people would be able to see it when they came to work in the fields. I stretched for a bit to warm up my body. Then I picked up my bundle and headed into the woods.

I jogged through the woods looking for a place to stay. It would have to have protection from the wind and rain. It was starting to rain harder and the raindrops were getting bigger.

I need to find a place soon, but I need to be far enough away from the fields.

I picked up my pace and started running. I looked all around me trying to find a good place. Suddenly my foot got caught on a root. I went flying forward, my head hit something hard, and everything went black.

Author's note: Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is kind of short. It's hard to make them long when there is no dialogue. Anyway, how are you liking it? Please comment and vote!


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