Chapter: 3

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I blinked open my eyes. What happened? My head started throbbing, and I suddenly remembered. "Uuuuhhhhgggg!" I moaned as I stood up. I became dizzy, so I leaned on a tree to steady myself. I knew I needed to keep going, so I leaned over to pick up my bundle. I heard rustling and sticks cracking. I whirled around, but I became very lightheaded. Black clouded my vision, and I passed out.
I woke up to see my father standing above me.

"Well, well, well. Look who's awake," he sneered.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I have been waiting for you to wake up so that I can take you back home."

"How did you find me?" I asked while slowly getting up.

"It doesn't matter. Get up and let's go!"

"No! I'm not going back. I would rather die than live another day with you!"

"I'm sure I could make that happen."

"Not if I can stop you first." I said as I quickly looked around for my sword.

"Looking for this?" Asked my father while motioning to the sword in his hand.

"How did you get that?!?"

"I grabbed it while you were still unconscious."


"Now, come with me back home, or....."

"Or what?!?"

"Or die."

"I will never go back with you!!"

"Fine!" My father started toward me with the sword in front of him.

"Stop! Get away from me!!" I backed away but ran into a large rock and could go no further.

"I'll give you one last chance to come with me."

"Never!" I replied through gritted teeth.

"Then you must......" My father broke off as a huge shadow fell across the ground.

"Get away from her!" A menacing voice growled. I felt heat above my head and saw my father drop the sword and jump back just as a ball of fire hit right in front of where he had been standing. He ran as fast as he could and never looked back. I turned around to see who, or what, had saved me. I saw a bronze, scale covered body. I lifted my head to look at the face of my rescuer. I found myself staring into icy blue eyes. Icy blue eyes of a dragon.
Author's note: Hey guys!! Sorry I haven't updated in a long, long time! So, how did you like it? She met the dragon! Please comment and vote.


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