Chapter 13

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Chapter 16 (Ellie's POV)

(Flash back to Ellie and Mavericks Argument in Ellie's POV)

Once we arrived to Mavericks house he looked at me with displeasure and distress all over his handsome features. He then continued to walk away from me and up the stairs to his office and slams the door with a huge bang. I feel grief-stricken the words that I said to Maverick still hanging in the air. "You know what Maverick I am sick and tired of being treated like a child by you, we are not teenagers anymore and if you never left and cheated on me with Georgia then we would never be having this argument in the first place."

I would never say anything to hurt him but I could not help it, Maverick was pushing my limits by treating me like a child in front of Bryson and Georgia. I deserved to be more respected by him I deserve to be treated like a grown person. Mine and Maverick's relationship is already off to a rocky start and to be honest with you it is the most alive I have felt in a long time. Regret starts to take over me, and I start to feel awful about what I said to him. As much as he probably deserved for it to be said to him. If I want to have him back in my life I have to learn to forgive and forget. I start to race up the stairs to the office that Maverick is in thinking about the apology I am going to give him. As I start to knock on the door lightly and whisper if I can come in I see the most horrific scene in front of me.

Maverick's office is trashed, littered with broken bottles and furniture everywhere. He is breathing heavy and now I feel frightened. When I start slowly entering the room, I hear Maverick say something to me.

"Ellie do you think I am going to fucking hurt you" He looks at me with blazing hurt eyes.

"No no Maverick please just calm down we can talk about this" He is intimidating me and I think he knows it.

"WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME WHAT HE DID TO YOU ELLIE I DESERVED TO KNOW, WE SAID NO MORE LYING TO EACHOTHER AND HERE YOU ARE LYING TO ME" He screams back at me. Then I see his face fall and bow to the ground and the whisper that comes out of his mouth destroys anything I had left in me. "Why Ellie why dint you tell me."

I just stare up at him, oh my god his face I can't take looking at his face. I think of all the people I feel like I let down then I think of Bryson. I should just walk away now because I am going to say something that is really going to get him livid and he is really scaring me at this moment. "Why Maverick, because I dint want to make you upset because I dint want you to find out that I was raped I knew you would be hard on yourself, I knew you would start being even more over protective, and when you are mad Maverick you scare me."

But before I can explain to him what I meant by he is already talking. "I fucking scare you Ellie all I wanted to do was protect you, keep you safe so you don't have to go through any of this hurt and pain." I can see him slowly walking back towards the liquor cabinet. He is lifting his hand to find another bottle I want to stop him from drinking it but before I can I see him raise his hand. I start to duck realizing what he is about to do and he throws it right over my head and the bottle comes crashing to the ground, just like I feel our relationship is about to do.

That's when I scream with finality in my voice. "Fuck you Maverick; I never want to see you again." And I run I run as fast as I can down the stairs and out the door but I start to feel my heart speed up and my head getting dizzy and I feel the world turn to black.

(Present Ellie's POV)

I feel something cold touch my head, it's a cloth I think and I am lying down on a couch. I can't remember what just happened all I remember is that Maverick and I were arguing and I felt dizzy. As I open my eyes slowly I see Maverick's face over mine his hand lightly touching my cheek and in my daze I life my hand up to his cheek and lightly caress it.

"Ellie baby you are awake" Worry plastered all over his features.

"Maverick what happened" I say as I pull myself up from the couch.

"I don't know Ellie I just came down to look for you after that argument I knew that I needed to apologize to you. I am truly sorry I can't take what I just did to you I don't want you to think of me as anything like Bryson." He looks like he is in pain; it truly looks like someone has just stuck a knife into the deepest part of his heart.

But I need to be stricter with Maverick, he needs to understand that he cannot treat me that like ever again. "Maverick maybe we should hold back on the relationship and try to be friends first, I feel like we haven't even gotten there yet" I look over at him with timid eyes.

"No Ellie, please angel I will do anything. I can't just be friends with you Ellie you know that I need you angel please." And I think I see a tear starting to come down his beautifully sculptured cheek bone. That's it he had cracked me open wide open and I am going to cave and forgive him.

"Maverick please don't, I can't stand seeing you like this. I want to be with you but of course what I meant is maybe we can start to get to know each other better I feel like I don't know you anymore.

"Anything angel" Maverick says to me as he grabs my hand and starts playing with my fingers in his. That is when I feel his lips on my hand and I lean into him and melt into his body slowly. He takes that as my white flag flying high in the air and grabs on to me and holds me tight. "Ellie how do you feel about going to my moms and having dinner there, I will call her now and tell her that we will visit her tonight."

"I don't know Maverick, I am feeling a little tired can't we do it another time." He looks so hopeful and I know I am breaking his heart. "Please Ellie, I know my mom wants to see you and my sister really misses you."

"Ok Maverick, but I need to get some sleep first please." I say with a loud yawn. Then I feel myself being lifted up into his arms as he carries me to his bedroom. He lays me down and we both fall asleep in each other arms where there is no more drama.

I wake up with a huge stretch and turn over to find Maverick snoring evenly as his head rests right beside mine on the pillow. I take my fingers and lightly slide them through his thick black hair. Then I plant a small kiss on the side of his cheek, he groans and starts to reach for something. He stretches out his hands in front of me and when he finds me he wraps his hands around my stomach and pulls me in towards him. I can feel him pressed up against me and I want him so badly so I start to move my bum into him. He then starts to slowly wake up and realizes what I am doing.

Ellie baby you are going to have to stop moving like that unless you want me to take you hard and fast. We only have an hour before we have to go to my mom's" desire is filled in his eyes and what looks like love but I ignore it for now.

"Fuck me Maverick, please" I say as I start to pull the covers off the bed.

"Oh Ellie angel I am going to make sweet love to you, open your legs baby" He says as he starts to slowly remove my pants and my shirt and places kisses all over my body I grab onto him and groan loudly. I have never wanted someone so badly in my life. Maverick start to slowly put his hands down my panties and rips them out while I cry out his name. He teases my whole body, makes it feel like it's on fire and then when I feel like I can't take it anymore he shoves himself inside me and I scream he groans and we both start moving the most beautiful rhythm. As he starts moving faster my legs start to quiver and his body starts to shiver over mine and we both scream out each other's name in sweet ecstasy.

Maverick stares at me with his beautiful green eyes and puts his hand on my cheek. "Ellie angel please tell me you will never leave me" so I confirm the one thing I thought I never would.

"Never Maverick" I could not think of not having this man in my life now.

Hello my lovely readers, this chapter is a insight to how Ellie was feeling during the argument her and Maverick had, there will be two chapters today cant wait to hear all of the reviews from you guys. Cant believe I have had over 1000 reads on Asher's Damaged Angel. Thank you everyone for the amazing and wonderful comments. Please keep voting and commenting on your favorite parts and any question you have about the story thank you for all the support  

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