All the clues were piling up

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Again, I don't care whether you picture this as a reader insert or an OC insert, just keep in mind the MC's name is not said.

Gender neutral MC is used for this.

Tw: Slight sexual content I guess, death.

I looked up from my drink when I felt a light tap on my arm. A brunette with a stylish dress looked down at me with a grin.

"Care to dance?" She asked.

"Leia, right?" I tilted my head at her, recognizing the famous rebellion princess.

"Yes. I'd ask how you know my name, but this is a ball celebrating the victory blowing up the Deathstar. I bet everyone knows who Han, Luke, and I are," Leia commented.

"That's why I'm here," I flashed her a smile. "To meet the princess responsible for playing part in blowing up the Deathstar."

I stood up and followed her to the dance floor. A slow song came on and we danced to it, swaying along to the beat.

"I didn't catch your name," Leia whispered.

I told her my name as the song came to a stop, and excused myself to go on the balcony. I knew that she would follow, and wanted some alone time with her.

"That's a gorgeous name," Leia flirted. "Matches the rest of you."

I smiled coyly, matching her grin with one of my own.

"What's the plan now that the Deathstar is gone?" I asked. "The Empire is still out there, and I doubt Darth Vader is just gonna let us win."

"That's a tricky question," Leia sighed. "To be honest, I don't really know. I've never seen you around though, what's your station?"

"Oh you wouldn't know me," I shook my head and laughed. "I do small little missions, mostly undercover work."

"That must be really dangerous," Leia hummed. "I went undercover one time."

"Oh yeah?" I curiously asked. "How'd that go?"

"I had to get picked up by a friend when I was discovered," Leia smiled fondly at the memory. "What about you? Anything interesting happen?"

"Well, one time I had to hide in a bush," I reminisced.

Leia giggled. "How did that happen?"

I waved my hand dismissively and sighed. "I was stupid and made some dumb decisions. My partner died though because of me."

"I'm so sorry," Leia sympathetically said.

"Worked out for the better," I shrugged. "I figured out I work better alone anyway."

Leia hummed and looked at the landscape, taking in the gorgeous view of the ocean and the rocky shore below us.

"When are you being dispatched next?" Leia questioned with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"I actually am technically on a mission now, but got distracted by your beauty," I smirked at her surprised look.

"Well... since you'll be gone soon..." Leia said. "Do you want to make the best of this time now?"

I nodded and kissed her, pressing her body against the railing. Her hands ran through my hair, and I groaned against her lips.

She lifted herself up onto the railing and I ran my tongue across her lips, smirking when she let my tongue slip into her mouth.

I ran my hands up her thighs, and she whined when I pulled away.

"There's one last thing I forgot to tell you," I playfully said

"Yeah?" Leia licked her lips and stared at mine.

"I work for the Empire," I whispered in her ear, and pushed her, watching her dress billow around her before a sickening crunch was heard.

Everyone rushed onto the balcony when they heard the noise, and I slipped into the crowd, wiping her lipstick off my face with a napkin I grabbed at the buffet table. I hopped onto my ship, and returned to the Empire to get my next assignment.


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