Mace, part one

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Imperial Crosshair time.

Again, gender neutral OC or Reader.

Tw: violence, and just general angst.

ES-01, ES-02, ES-03, and ES-04 all stood with their back straight in front of their commander CT-9904, who had someone unknown to them standing next to him.

"Who's that?" ES-01 whispered to ES-04.

"What was that?" Commander CT-9904 hissed, overhearing their whispering.

"Nothing commander," ES-01 immediately straightened. "We were just wondering who that is."

"I bet you were," Commander CT-9904 sneered at his replacements.

"Sir?" The new person next to CT-9904 questioned.

CT-9904 huffed and glared at them for interrupting him. "This is STI-05."

"STI?" ES-03 snickered.

STI-05 wilted, used to being made fun of for their... unusual designation. All their life, they had been teased for it.

People were cruel.

"It stands for special trooper inquisitor," CT-9904. "And can you guess what that means?"

"No sir," ES-03 responded.

"It means that they're sensitive to the force, and that they could be an inquisitor, but the Kaminoans don't want to scratch up their finest addition to the empire," CT-9904 sneered at his squad, proud that a clone was better than them, even if it wasn't him.

"But if the Kaminoans don't want them to get hurt, why are they with us?" ES-02 questioned.

"Because the emperor doesn't want them to go to waste, so after they get some battle experience, he'll be training them," CT-9904 explained it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Interesting," ES-01 muttered.

CT-9904 ignored him and turned to ST-05. "Stand in line trooper."

STI-05 hurried to their new squadron's side, standing on the end. CT-9904 sighed before putting his helmet on and leading them to the lift.

"Let's see what you can do," ES-01 stared at STI-05 with interest.

The lift began to move, and they were put into the training simulator.


I immediately pulled my baton out from behind my back as my new squad pulled their blasters out. The commander led the charge against the droids, and it was interesting to see how precise his shots were.

But I was better.

The force came in handy with aiming, and there was only so much his enhanced skills could do that the force couldn't.

Not that I'd tell him that, or that he'd ever know. I use batons, since they were selected for me since I came out of the tube. I'd taken to shooting when I was young though, but I was pushed into wielding the batons.

I charged and struck one of the droids down, whirling around to hit another one. One snuck up from behind me, but it was taken care of by a well aimed shot by Commander CT-9904.

I would've thanked him, but he had already turned to his next task.

"STI-05! ES-01! Take the tower!" CT-9904 instructed.

I nodded and ran toward the tower with my counterpart at my side. He blasted a droid off the top of the tower, and I used the force to lift him into the air.

He landed on the tower and won the round for us.

I smiled to myself, knowing Nala Se would be satisfied with my performance today. Perhaps I'd even be able to have a day off from chores.

"Good job STI-05," Commander CT-9904 quietly congratulated me. "You completed your first squad training simulator."

"Thank you sir," I hesitantly said. "Commander CT-9904, may I go to the refresher now? I forgot to go before I met with you for the simulator."

"Crosshair," He said, glaring at the rest of the squad walked by to go to the bunks. "MY name is Crosshair."

"Alright then Crosshair. Can I go to the refresher now?" I asked again.

"Sure," He huffed.

"Bye then!" I waved and started to walk away before hearing him start toward me.

"Can I... walk you there? I wouldn't want you to get lost," Crosshair caught up to me with his long legs.

"I won't get lost! I've been navigating these hallways since I came out of the tube!" I proudly boasted.

Crosshair frowned and scratched at his wrist. "Then can I just walk with you? It's nice being able to talk with another clone for once who isn't so heavily influenced by the chip."

"Sure!" I enthusiastically said, hoping that he'd be my first friend since Omega left with those wayward clones.

We walked in silence for a bit before reaching the refresher where he waited outside for me to do my business. Then we rejoined and he guided me to the dorms.

"So what's your name?" Crosshair asked.

"STI-05," I told him, even though I thought he'd known it.

"That's not what I meant," Crosshair scowled. "That's your designation. What's your name?"

"Oh my nickname!" I realized. "I don't have one."

"I'm not calling you STI-05," Crosshair stubbornly insisted. "Think of an actual name."

"How about BANG!" I shouted, making him flinch.


"Then I'm out of ideas," I sighed.

Crosshair looked thoughtful for a moment before speaking, "Mace."

"Huh?" I wrinkled my forehead at him.

"Name. You use batons, and a mace is another word for baton," Crosshair suggested. "But if you don't like it we can think of something else."

"No I love it!" I reassured him. "Now we have to think of names for the rest of the squad!"

"No we don't," Crosshair's face went back to scowling.

"Why don't you like them?" I questioned.

"They're our replacements!" Crosshair hissed. "Don't you see?"

I frowned, not sure if I knew what he was getting at.

"Never mind," Crosshair huffed and put a toothpick in his mouth. "Let's just go eat."

"Oh I love the cafeteria!" I cheered.

"Of course you do," Crosshair muttered.

Part two, coming soon to theatres near you...

Jk. It'll be here byyyyyyyyy next week at the latest.

We'll see.

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