Cody of... Nothing?

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Requested by Sun-fl0w3r_ for Cody to gain possession of the Darksaber and (maybe) become Mand'alor.

This chapter isn't gonna be in line with canon.

Tw: Violence, death, language, sexual references?

"Cody!" Obi-wan shouted, getting the commander's attention. "Behind you!"

Cody whipped around, catching sight of the Mandalorian approaching. "Go! Get the rest of them out of here!"

Obi-wan hesitated before ushering the children away, deflecting Death Watch attacks with his lightsaber.

Cody hid behind a piece of rubble, waiting for the Mandalorian to get closer. Then he launched himself at them, opening fire. 

Pre Vizsla simply stood there, letting the bolts hit his chest plate. "Really? That's the best you've got?"

Cody sneered under his helmet. "My worst is your best."

The Death Watch leader took out a blade that shone like the night sky. "Do you know what this is?"

Cody's eyes locked onto it. "The Darksaber." He gazed back up at him. "Only a true Mandalorian can wield that."

Pre Vizsla smirked, leveling it with Cody's chest. "Exactly."

"Why do you have it then?" Cody innocently asked, tilting his head. "You're obviously not worthy."

"You stupid clone!" Pre Vizsla charged, swinging at Cody.

Cody sidestepped, dodging the attack. "It looks like it's weighing you down. Are you sure you're a true Mandalorian?"

Pre Vizsla angrily swung again, slicing Cody's cheek before the Darksaber dragged his arm down again. Cody touched his face, scowling when his fingers returned with blood on them.

"Yeah, that looks pretty heavy," Cody commented, kicking Pre Vizsla's hand, knocking his weapon away. He quickly picked it up, surprised by how light it actually was.

"You-" Pre Vizsla cut himself off with a frustrated slap of his hand against the ground.

Cody tilted his head at the Darksaber. "Who do I give this to?"

Pre Vizsla curled his lip at Cody. "You don't give it to anyone. It's yours now. You earned it in battle. You are now the Mand'alor. Ruler of the Mandalorians."

Cody froze. "Shit."

Obi-wan ran back, robes swishing behind him. "Cody! I have returned... Why do you have a glowing stick?"

"It's a lightsaber, General," Cody explained. "I won it in battle. Also I may or may not have accidentally became ruler of the Mandalorians.

Obi-wan pinched the bridge of his nose. "I left you alone for like, two seconds! Now I know how Rex feels."

"How do I... Get rid of the title?" Cody asked Pre Vizsla, who was slowly picking himself up.

"You let me beat you in combat. Then I will be the Mand'alor again."

Cody scowled. "I'm not making you Mand'alor."

"We could give it to Duchess Satine," Obi-wan suggested before frowning. "Except there's no way she'd beat you in combat for it. She's a pacifist. She might make an exception, though..."

Cody panicked. "So I'm stuck with this? I can't lead the Mandalorians! I- I have no idea what I'm doing!"

It began to grow heavy in his hand.

"So give it to me!" Pre Vizsla begged. "I'll take it off your hands."

Cody recoiled. "No. I already said no."

"Why don't we get rid of him, then we can figure out what to do about this whole 'ruling the Mandalorians' thing," Obi-wan said.

"Good idea." Cody nodded. He gestured with the saber for Pre Vizsla to follow them as they led him to Duchess Satine.

She was seated in her throne, deep in discussion with what appeared to be one of her advisors. They fell into silence, however, when they saw what Cody was holding.

"The Darksaber!" The advisor gasped.

Satine narrowed her eyes. "Master Obi-wan. What did you do?"

Obi-wan bowed with a flourish of his hands. "Duchess Satine. You look as lovely as ever."

Cody rolled his eyes.

Satine smiled slightly. "Guards, take care of the Death watch leader. I'll visit him later in his cell after I decide what to do with him."

The guards swiftly did as she said, dragging him away. Cody and Obi-wan patiently waited for Satine to finish whispering with her advisor before finally walking down the steps.

"Oh, you got hurt," Satine observed, gently touching Cody's cheek. "Do you want someone to look at it?"

"I'm fine, ma'am," Cody said.

Satine hummed, turning her attention to the Darksaber. "I suppose you won that in battle?"

"Indeed." Obi-wan stroked his beard, deep in thought. "We were wondering how we would deal with this."

Satine pursed her lips. "He doesn't want to rule?"

"No," Cody firmly said. "Absolutely not."

"Well, we could either have you beaten in combat, or we could just pretend this never happened and I continue to rule." Satine examined the weapon momentarily.

"The first one," Cody decided. "Ruling isn't really my thing. I belong in battle with my brothers."

"Very noble of you," Satine said, smiling softly. "Who do you want to lose the saber to?"

"You. You'll continue to lead," Cody held it out. "Just don't hurt me too badly, please. I'm going to 79's with Rex soon and I intend to leave with somebody who's not Rex."

Obi-wan chuckled. "I'm sure that can be arranged. The, uh, not being hurt one, not the... You get it."

Satine looked to be filled with disdain for a minute, before she slapped it out of Cody's hand. It fell with a clatter, and she picked it up. She shuddered. "I hate violence, but this was worth it."

Cody let out a sigh of relief.

He didn't have to learn how to use a lightsaber. He probably would've stabbed himself.

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