Unsure and unaware

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Requested by -fyxx-

Tw: Injury, a bit of angst.

"I don't like this," Crosshair grumbled, flicking a toothpick out of his mouth, onto the floor.

"Which you have said. Repeatedly." Tech wrinkled his nose at the toothpick. "And please refrain from doing that. Not only are you dirtying our ship and home, you are also spreading bacteria."

"She's inexperienced and is going to slow us down, or kill us!" Crosshair exclaimed, ignoring Tech. 

Hunter swivelled in his chair to face Crosshair. "We're done dangerous stuff before. What makes this different?"

"Do you all not see how stupid it is to let some rookie Jedi tell us what to do?" Crosshair narrowed his eyes at them. His fingers dug into his own chair. "You're all di'kuts if you think this'll work out."

"It always works out," Wrecker pointed out. "We haven't died yet!"

"Yet," Tech pushed his goggles up his nose with his index finger, "is the key word. There is a likely chance we will perish at any moment."

"And why's that?" Hunter asked in amusement.

"You're flying," Tech said without his facial expression changing. "Out of all of us, except Wrecker, you have the highest chance of making a mistake and killing us all."

"Thanks for the confidence," Hunter muttered, flipping a switch. "Why aren't you flying, anyways?"

"I have more important matters to attend to. Namely, researching the Jedi that will be working with us for this mission." Tech held up his datapad. 

Crosshair crossed his arms and slumped in his seat. "So you're stalking her?"

"I wouldn't say that. It makes it seem as if I'm partaking in illicit activities." Tech buried his nose in his screen again. "I am simply doing research and- Oh."

"Did that ad pop up again?" Hunter pinched the bridge of his nose. "Because we told you that there are not any 'hot singles' in your area. We're in the middle of space."

"No." Tech tapped the screen and cocked his head. "Fascinating."

"What is it?" Hunter blew out a heavy sigh.

Tech shrugged slightly. "She's dead." 

"Wait..." Wrecker frowned. "How're supposed to work with'er then?"

"Unknown," Tech simply said before letting his eyes slide shut. "I'll get some rest before we arrive."

Crosshair rolled his eyes. "This'll go well."

And so they had a young Padawan nervously fiddling with her lightsaber aboard their ship. Her name was Natalie, and it was her master that had been killed in battle. She now had to finish the mission without her.

Crosshair was furious. 

They had to do a mission with a literal child, now. She looked no older than sixteen and wore brown Jedi robes that engulfed her form. How could the others not see how incompetent she would be?

"I was thinking we could approach the base from the north," Natalie said to Hunter, looking up at him.

Hunter grimaced. "No offence, sir, but that's not how we do things. We're going to approach from the south."

Natalie faltered. "But... that's where the most amount of battle droids are."

"Exactly." Hunter felt pity for her. She must feel completely out of her element without her master. "The sooner we take out the droids, the sooner we can blow up the base. This mission needs to be completed quickly."

"That's very dangerous, though," Natalie pointed out. "Wouldn't you rather be safe, even if it takes longer?"

"Listen, kid." Hunter smiled softly to make her feel at ease. "I've been doing this a while. I know what I'm doing."

"Neither of your strategies will matter," Tech interrupted. "We have been given new criteria."

Hunter quirked a brow. "What is it?"

"We have to get a holodisk inside the base before we blow it up. That is all we have been told." Tech frowned at the datapad. "How are we supposed to do that? We cannot disguise ourselves as droids."

Natalie grinned. "I know how to sneak us inside."

Crosshair crossed his arms. "Of course you do."

Natalie's smile faded slightly. "Hello... Crosshair, was it?"

Crosshair rolled his eyes. "It's awfully convenient that we got new orders, and you just happened to know a way to do them."

"Are you accusing me of changing our mission perimeters just so I could be in charge?" Natalie lifted her chin and glared at him. 


"I'm sure he doesn't mean it like that." Hunter held his arms out between the two of them. "Right, Crosshair?"

"Oh, I meant it how it sounded." Crosshair sneered at her. "You don't even know how to wield your little stick, do you? You're too young and inexperienced. You're lost without your master."

Natalie blinked and ducked her head. "Excuse me."

She scurried away, leaving Hunter and Crosshair glowering at each other.

"Really, Crosshair?" Hunter scowled. "That's was a low blow."

"I don't take it back." Crosshair refused to break eye contact. "She's going to get us all killed."

Hunter's lips thinned. "We'll see."

"This is the dumbest idea ever," Crosshair hissed.

"I like it!" Wrecker let out a booming laugh. "It's fun!"

"Quiet!" Hunter snapped. "We can't afford to be caught!"

Crosshair huffed, but didn't say anything further. He lifted the bushes he was carrying that disguised him.

"I believe this may work," Tech whispered. "It's simple, but I don't think the droids have been programmed to see this coming."

Natalie grinned at Crosshair's bush, pulling hers closer around herself. "See?"

"What did I say about being quiet?" Hunter snapped.

Tech shuffled his bush over to the control panel next to the door, reaching out to slice-

"I'm glad the patrol's done. My battery's almost out."

They all stilled, waiting for the droids to pass. They could see the droids walk closer, going straight for the door.

One of them pressed the code in and they both entered. Tech stuck his foot out and prevented the door from closing.

"We're in!" Wrecker excitedly said.

They all pushed their way out of the leafy disguises and entered the Separatist base. Wrecker chuckled darkly and pulled out an explosive, but Hunter held out a hand.

"The holodisk," Hunter reminded him. "We need to get it. We'll split up. Half will set the charges, half will find the disk."

"I'll find the holodisk," Natalie volunteered.

"I'll come with you. I don't trust you won't screw it up." Crosshair's helmet dipped as he glared at her.

Hunter sighed. "I'll go too. Tech and Wrecker, set the charges around the base."

Tech and Wrecker both nodded before jogging away. Crosshair, Hunter, and Natalie all set out to find the control room, and the holodisk.

They eventually found it, and Natalie sliced the droids in half. Crosshair pushed past her to search, and she sent Hunter a disgruntled look.

"Found it." Crosshair held it up before slipping it into a pouch at his waist.

"Let's get out of here," Hunter said, moving to the door. When his comm beeped, he answered it, raising it to his helmet. "Hunter here."

"Wrecker made a mistake." Tech's panicked voice met their ears. "We have two minutes before the explosives... explode."

Natalie's eyes widened and she gave Hunter a worried glance. "What do we do?"

"We run." Crosshair pushed her along. "Move!"

They started sprinting along, but Natalie wasn't as fast as them. She was sixteen. There's no way she could've kept up with them.

That's why she made her decision.

It was either they all die, or they made it out.

"It's been a pleasure, gentlemen." Natalie came to a stop, taking a deep breath.

"What are you doing?" Crosshair demanded, his voice taking on a hint of concern. "We have to move!"

Natalie smiled gently. "It's okay, Crosshair. You said it yourself that I'm lost without my master. The Force will rejoin us soon."

Then she shot out her hand, using the Force to push them faster than they could've ran. Crosshair and Hunter were thrown out of the base, and Natalie was not.

Crosshair and Hunter were safe, and Natalie was not.

"It's okay. You're okay."

Natalie blinked slowly, feeling the pain sink into her body. Everything hurt. "I-"

"Don't talk. Just listen. Stay focused on my voice."

Who was talking to her?

"We pulled you from the wreckage. You barely survived. You're currently stable, but I'm treating your burns. They're severe and could lead to death due to blood loss, or infection."

Natalie held out a hand. "Master?"

She could hear whispering, before Crosshair's raspy voice spoke.

"Your master is dead. Remember? You're with us. Tech's treating you."

Natalie blinked again. "I can't see."

"It's okay, kid. It'll be okay," Hunter said. "Thanks for... Thanks for saving us."

Natalie whimpered as her wounds stung with bacta spray. "It- It's what any good leader would do, even is she's not wanted."

"You know," Crosshair drawled, "we don't have a Jedi."

"Are you asking me to join?" Natalie's heart was warmed by his touching words.

"No." Crosshair paused. "But if you wanted to... I'm sure Hunter wouldn't mind sharing the leadership role."

"I'd be honoured." Natalie grinned, ignoring the pain.

Mando'a translations:

Di'kut~~~~~ Idiot

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