Wolffe vs the crying

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Spoilers maybe? Because this is far into Elegant? But as I'm written this one shot I haven't written that far in Elegant yet?

Does that even make sense?

No trigger warnings. Just fluff.

Wolffe was woken in the middle of the night by screaming.

A quick pat of the bed next to him confirmed his fears. It was cold and empty.

He sighed and rubbed at his face before throwing his legs over the side of the bed and throwing on some pants. He didn't bother with a shirt. He didn't have time for that.

Wolffe trudged down the hallway and opened the door to the nursery. He stepped into the room and crossed his arms. "I thought it was my night."

Karina looked up at him with the bags under her eyes that had become a part of her. "I'll just do it tonight."

"That's what you've been saying for a week." Wolffe reached out and took the baby from her arms, lifting it to his chest. He muttered to her in Mando'a and shooed Karina away.

"Are you sure?" Karina's voice wavered at the thought of another night without sleep.

"Go." Wolffe pressed his forehead to hers. "I'll take care of my ad'ika."

Karina nearly cried, but nodded and left him to take care of it.

Wolffe bounced his daughter around the room, gently shushing her. The trick, he had learned, was to always keep her moving. She was a restless spirit, after all, just like her uncle Sinker.

Maker... Sinker. Poor, poor Sinker.

Sinker had been outraged to discover that Rex was the godfather, but Wolffe didn't care. He definitely didn't want Sinker of all people raising his child.

But at the same time, he definitely didn't want Rex's girlfriend raising his child.

"Hush, little one," Wolffe whispered to his daughter. "Your mother needs sleep, and I won't have you keeping her up."

The infant in his arms drooled on him, as if to say, "I WILL KEEP EVERYONE UP AND YOU CANNOT STOP ME, FATHER."

But she didn't actually talk. She was too young for that.

"There you go," Wolffe said in satisfaction as her cries died down. He set her down in her cradle, only for her to immediately start crying.

"YOU CANNOT SILENCE ME, FATHER," her eyes seemed to say.

He frowned at her and resumed rocking her, pacing in the nursery. "I will win, ad'ika. I always do. "

She quieted down again and her eyes fell shut. Her little fists curled up and rested against him.

Wolffe settled on the rocking chair and slowly rocked them both back and forth. His daughter fell asleep, and he followed shortly after.

Karina found them both like that the next morning. She smiled fondly at them as she leaned against the doorframe.

One of Wolffe's eyes opened. "You can't sneak up on me."

She laughed softly and stepped into the room, gently taking the baby from his arms. "I know that. Thanks for taking over last night."

"Hey, she's my kid too." Wolffe kissed her before yawning. "Mind if I go take a nap?"

"Go ahead." Karina stroked his cheek. "I'll be here."

Wolffe smiled before poking his daughter's nose. "Don't bother your mother. You'll regret it one day."

"I told you already; you're not teaching her to fight!" Karina scolded, hiding a laugh.

"She's going to know how to defend herself," Wolffe declared, wrapping his arms around her. "She has plenty of uncles to help. She's going to be able to defend herself from all the di'kuts out there."

"Which is different than her being an assassin," Karina pointed out. "Only the basics."

"And learning how to use blasters," Wolffe negotiated.

"Absolutely not." Karina turned her head to kiss his cheek. "That's where I put my foot down."

Wolffe rolled his eyes. "We'll see."

Karina swatted at his chest. "Go have your nap. And I'll think about the blasters."

Wolffe could work with that.

No translations. I'm too tired. Google it.

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