Invisible scars

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Ok this chapter includes some heavy topics and not for anyone under fourteen pretty please :D

Tw: Attempted sexual assault (before anything happens it is stopped), drugging, alcohol, violence, language, vomit.

The Bad Batch was tough. No doubt about it. They were biologically designed (like the other clones) to be soldiers, after all. They were strong, mostly intelligent, and while they may have some flaws, their strengths made up for it.

The one thing they collectively weren't qualified to do was lead.

Hunter was a great squad leader, of course, but in the eyes of the Republic (the Kaminoans may have had some influence here) they needed someone who wasn't a clone. Because apparently, if they didn't have someone to keep them in line, clones wouldn't follow orders, as ridiculous as it sounds.

So that's how they ended up with Cora. She was their official commander.

Unofficially, she let Hunter do most of the leading. He was good at it and he knew the others better than she did. She was a recent addition to the group, but they had been with her long enough to trust her.

She worked well with them and she was pleasant to be around. Cora was polite and pulled her weight, on and off the battlefield.

So when they were given some time off on Coruscant they were excited to hang out with her in a non-deadly area. The Bad Batch took her to a bar that they regularly went to (Not 79's. They felt out of place there.) and she bought them all drinks.

"Drink up!" Cora shouted over the music. "It's on me!"

"Don't have to tell me twice!" Wrecker cheered and chugged his drink down. He elbowed Tech as he did so, causing the goggled clone to give him a disgruntled look.

Tech adjusted his goggles by pushing them up his nose with his index finger. "Please refrain from bumping into me. I do not want to spill my drink."

"You've barely touched it," Crosshair pointed out. "It's still pretty full."

"Come on, Tech," Cora encouraged. "Just drink it."

Tech wrinkled his nose, but downed it all. He coughed as he put the empty glass down on the table. "That burns."

Crosshair snickered and downed his shot in a single mouthful. "Baby."

"I have to go to the 'fresher. Guard my drink, okay?" Cora slipped out of the booth.

Hunter rubbed at his forehead. "Are we almost done? This place is loud."

"I will accompany you," Tech told Hunter. "I have a project to work on and I rather dislike this bar."

"Let's go, then." Hunter stood up and shuffled around Wrecker. Tech followed and they exited the bar, Hunter's shoulders stiff and Tech's lip curled in disgust at a couple grinding on each other.

"I'm gonna get another drink," Crosshair muttered as he went to the bar.

Wrecker was left alone at the booth before he decided he wanted a drink too. He joined Crosshair in fighting for a spot at the bar. 

"You should've waited for me," Cora said as she returned. She pouted at their drinks. "I said the night was on me and I meant it."

Crosshair moved over to make room for her. "We didn't want to wait. You take forever in the 'fresher. Especially when you're showering."

Cora scoffed. "Says the one who moisturizes."

"It makes me feel fresh," Crosshair mumbled, turning his face away.

Cora hummed and picked up her drink from where she left it. "It doesn't look like it's working. What brand do you use?"

Crosshair shrugged. "I just buy whatever's on sale."

"That's the problem. You have to use something that works for you. I'll let you borrow mine," Cora offered.

"It smells like mint. I don't want my face smelling like mint." Crosshair rolled his eyes.

"Mint you don't like, but you're fine with smelling like you rolled out of a bush?" Cora cocked a brow. "I don't understand you."

"Can we go back? I wanna rub it in Tech's face that I drank more than he did." Wrecker grinned.

"I don't think he cares, but sure." Cora got to her feet. "You guys... Uh, you guys go ahead and I'll catch up. I just needa pay the bill."

Crosshair nudged Wrecker. "Let's go."

Cora flagged the waiter down and asked for the bill. He left, and she waited, drumming her fingers on the booth's table. 

She was feeling odd, though. Her brain felt sluggish and she felt like she was moving through water as she shifted in the seat.

"Hey, baby. What's a pretty girl like you doing all alone?" A man slid in next to her and flashed his pearly white smile. He had bright green eyes and black hair that was oiled back out of his face.

"I- I'm not alone. My friends just left... I'll meet them soon." Cora couldn't remember who she was talking to. She must know who he was though, or why else would his hand be on her thigh?

"Why don't we go somewhere private?" he suggested, mouthing at her neck.

Cora shook her head and blinked as everything dipped. "I- No."

Then she was being herded out of the bar, his sweaty hands on her hips. She couldn't think fast enough to keep up with what was happening and just let herself be guided along.

"I- I should let my friends know where I'm going," Cora slurred.

"They're fine." He smiled at her. "Now come on, baby, let's have a fun time. I didn't waste that pill for no reason."

"Is there a problem here?" Crosshair was standing there suddenly with his arms crossed over his chest. 

"Nope. My girlfriend and I were just leaving. Isn't that right, baby." The man gripped her chin harshly so she nodded at Crosshair.

Cora leaned heavily against him as she stared at Crosshair. "My head feels weird."

Crosshair snapped his fingers in front of his face before he sneered at the man, flashing his teeth. "She's been drugged, you bastard."

"Hey-" The man cut himself off as Wrecker stalked forward, glaring at him. "I'll just... go."

Wrecker stepped in front of the door. "I don't think so."

Crosshair grabbed Cora from his grip and pulled out his comm. "Hunter. We're coming back to the ship. Cora's been drugged."

Frantic shouting came from his comm, but he ignored it. 

"I wanna go home," Cora whispered to Crosshair.

"I know." He looked to Wrecker. "Turn him into the police. I'll meet you back at the ship."

Wrecker nodded and dragged the man away. Crosshair slung one of her arms over his shoulders and practically dragged her down the streets.

"What happened?" Hunter demanded as Crosshair pulled her onto the Havoc Marauder.

"I don't know!" Crosshair snapped. "I found some di'kut with her like this!"

Hunter helped her to her assigned bunk and tried to hand her a water canteen. "Cora, what happened?"

She pushed the water away and her head lolled to the side. "Dunno."

"Water will help." Tech pushed the canteen into her face insistingly. "I will check your vitals in a moment."

"This shouldn't have 'appened," Cora muttered to Hunter after a sip of water. "You guys were guarding my drink."

"You meant that literally?" Tech blinked in surprise. "I assumed that to be a joke I didn't understand."

"Why would we need to guard your drink?" Crosshair questioned.

Cora stared at them. "Sometimes I forget how naive you are. Kamino really did shelter you."

Tech flashed a light into her eyes, making her wince. "Dilated. And what do you mean by that? Is this a common occurrence we're unaware of?"

Cora's eyes fluttered shut. "The galaxy isn't a nice place and-"

She leaned over and vomited up the water Tech had made her drink.

"Why don't you sleep it off. We'll talk in the morning." Hunter flicked the lights off as shooed the others outside. He sighed and faced them. "I feel like this is our fault."

"It's not our fault. It's the man who drugged her's fault," Crosshair countered.

"He had a record so they managed to put'im in prison," Wrecker declared as he jogged closer.

"I can't sleep," Cora whispered, standing on the ramp of the ship. Her eyes were glasses over and her knees were trembling. "I- I can't stop thinking about it."

"Come on, vod," Crosshair said as he walked up the ramp to her side. "I'll stay with you."

"This sucks," Wrecker said to Tech. "Why did someone do that?"

Tech shrugged and cast Hunter a look. "She said herself that there are some horrible people in the galaxy. Some of them do things like this."

Hunter let out a heavy sigh. "Things like this can leave bigger scars than battle."

Mando'a translations:

Di'kut~~~~~ Idiot

Vod~~~~~ Brother/sister

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