Hello Monster/I Remember You (2015)

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Episode 1. Every Child's Story Begins with their Parents

In every story, there is a start and an end. How would my story be? A story that has started but has not ended and is paused in place, but there is someone who is starting to tell me the story again. And I'm about to reply to this unknown person's request. And so, my story which was paused in place begins again. – Lee Hyun

I have waited crazily for so long. Finally, this man is in front of me. – Cha Ji An

It's been 20 years since I met this guy. No, it's been 20 years since I stalked this guy. But he does not only not remember me, he does not even know I exist. – Cha Ji An

Either you didn't have anything special enough for me to remember or there was no reason for me to remember you, am I wrong? – Lee Hyun

This is a part of my memory I buried. – Lee Hyun

The things I do well, the things I remember, the place of my decisive times and where my soul was made, here my story begins. – Lee Hyun

I don't know what you're expecting, but I don't have much of a story to tell. – Lee Jun Young

Why do people hurt others? But then again, why can't people hurt others? – Lee Jun Young

Evil is hidden inside normal people. The cruelest people can wear the face of an angel. – Lee Jung Min

Will he become a monster like him?

As I was observing him, he too was observing me. He learned of my fear and planted doubts in it. – Lee Jung Min

I think my son is like a monster. – Lee Jung Min

I have to protect you from the world and protect the world from you. – Lee Jung Min

There are those who are monsters since birth. People see them as monsters, call them monsters, so they became monsters. – Lee Jun Young

Episode 2. Hello, Monster

What kind of child was I, what did I do for my father to call me a monster? – Lee Hyun

Maybe the person that restarted the story that has already ended was not him, but me. – Lee Hyun

Episode 3. Thou Shall Not Kill, But...

If I can, I want to get rid of him myself. – Cha Ji An

When you're facing political power, you always face adversity and hardship. In other words, the road in front of us is full of thorns. However, the truth is the same as oil so it will eventually float up. – Kang Eun Hyuk

You have to pay the price for every decision you make. – Lee Hyun

The wrong choices you make will eventually have a price you need to pay. – Cha Ji An

Episode 4. Suspect Lee Hyun

A woman who has been hurt should not be bothered. – Cha Ji An

You are my past memory. I am your past stalker. Now, I like EXO. – Cha Ji An

I realized it again, how much I loved investigation and the crime scenes. – Cha Ji An

Please forgive me. Even I can't do anything about myself. – Park Dae Young

I don't kill if I can help myself, because normal children rebel against their parents. – Lee Hyun

Instead of a person who acts differently in front of me or behind me, I like a person who acts transparent in all circumstances. – Kang Eun Hyuk

Episode 5. Borne Back Ceaselessly into the Past

Cases are like constellations. Each dot seemingly has no meanings and connections, but if you connect them carefully you can make a picture. – Lee Hyun

I don't believe in coincidences. There are no happenings without a reason. All creation has its cause and that is why it is fate. – Jung Sun Ho

We took our oars to fight the current to go upstream, but we were always swept down to the past.

Episode 6. Murderer's Blood

I have a very tidy personality so I don't like unfinished business. – Lee Hyun

I don't trust that guy, but I am slightly hurting for him. – Cha Ji An

Why am I always last? – Cha Ji An

Do you think he isn't the culprit or are you wishing that he isn't? – Cha Ji An

You doubt me. You think that I'm the same monster as Lee Jun Young and that I am on his side. – Lee Hyun

Episode 7. Shall we be partners?

I sympathized with him thinking we had similar circumstances. So even though he told me to get lost numerous times, I told myself to embrace him. – Cha Ji An

You are rude, weird, annoying, and you're such a brat, but I don't think you're a monster. – Cha Ji An

I don't think of you as a monster, so don't think that way of yourself. If you do think that way, then you're wrong. – Cha Ji An

If a man digs a pit, he will fall into it; if a man rolls a stone, it will roll back on him. (Proverbs 26:27)

Episode 8. Remember Me

Don't be so sure. Until you see him in front of your eyes, until that moment came to you, you don't know what choice you'll make yourself. – Park Dae Young

Episode 9. StalkerS

Hyun: Serial murders, I like it.

Ji An: Please don't say psychopathic things.

I am running away from useless thoughts. – Lee Hyun

Episode 10. Please Find Me

The tenth symphony is either unfinished or never existed. – Lee Hyun

That's why you raised me. It was out of guilt. – Lee Hyun

Why did no one ever look for me? - Jung Sun Ho

I couldn't protect you, sorry for that. – Kang Eun Hyuk

In conclusion, in that short moment, I had a lot of thoughts. But a scarier thing was not being able to see you again. – Cha Ji An

Episode 11. Birth of a Monster

Precisely what being left behind is, what being not remembered and forgotten is, what feeling like yourself is vanishing is, I want to let my brother know how I, who was abandoned, came to be. – Jung Sun Ho

No matter who anyone is, he is someone who craves understanding from at least one person. – Lee Joon Ho

Episode 12. If I had to Kill Somebody

In his head, he is killing me over and over. – Lee Hyun

I'm too late. I'm sorry, Min. – Lee Hyun

Hyun: You don't have to break yourself for people like that.

Min: What if I'm already broken?

If I became broken at the time you abandoned me, what will you do? – Jung Sun Ho/Lee Min

Hyung, you betrayed me. – Jung Sun Ho

There is no one in this world who has the right to decide who lives or dies, nor has the right to kill. – Cha Ji An

Episode 13. What Choice Would You Make?

I don't know whether I can do anything for you, but I will do anything that I can. – Kang Eun Hyuk

I'm asking you for a favor not to ask me a favor. – Na Bong Sung

Did my brother really abandon me? – Jung Sun Ho

If I were to kill someone for the last time, it will be you Uncle. – Jung Sun Ho

Since I didn't ask you to do it for me, I don't feel the need to express my gratitude. – Lee Hyun

This is your last opportunity to do what is right. – Lee Hyun

You say those times were hell to you? Then, continue to live in hell. – Lee Hyun

Min: I just stay home alone.

Hyun: I too was like that.

Min: It's past tense, because you have someone next to you.

Hyun: It's the same for you, because you have me now.

I didn't know then that it would be the last time, so I couldn't remember. – Cha Ji An

Episode 14. Lee Joon Young's Room

She wanted closure. I only gave her a present she wanted. Was it wrong? – Lee Joon Ho

The fact that I was afraid that everything would fall apart so I tried to close my eyes and act like nothing's happening is true. – Hyun Ji Soo

I did not raise you only with a sense of guilt. You were my son. – Hyun Ji Soo

I will change you little by little. – Lee Hyun

He is repeatedly saving his younger self. – Jung Sun Ho

Once before I capture you, I want to try to understand you. – Lee Hyun

Episode 15. Is a Happy Ending Possible?

You don't seem to be afraid of getting hurt or completely disappearing from the world. – Jung Sun Ho

Don't try to remember. Just know one thing. I think I was originally born like this. No, I was born like this. – Jung Sun Ho

In the future of you two, is a happy ending really possible? – Lee Joon Ho

Episode 16. I Remember You

Is he the only important person to you? Aren't we? I thought you and I were family, but are we not for you? – Min Seung Joo

A person harming another person, whatever the situation might be, it's wrong. – Cha Ji An

The thing that you did wrong, you have to realize it and reflect on it. You must be responsible for what you did. – Cha Ji An

Stop putting on the shameless act. It's disgusting. – Cha Ji An

Everyone looks at me only as a monster. – Lee Joon Ho

I liked you. Because I was able to like you, it was good for me. – Kang Eun Hyuk

It was not your fault that I became like this. – Jung Sun Ho

I told you, the last one will be you. Consider it the price for separating me from my brother for 20 years and for making me hate him. – Jung Sun Ho

For 20 years, I hated you, I missed you, I waited for you, and watched over you, hyung. That was the entirety of my 20 years. You were my everything. – Jung Sun Ho

Words that I wanted to hear from someone. Everyone treated me with contempt and feared me, but for the first time, I thought I was being understood. – Lee Joon Ho

If I had been understood earlier, perhaps would I have lived like you? – Lee Joon Ho

There are days when the familiar places feel unfamiliar. On those days, when I am lonely, I think of you, Lee Hyun. – Cha Ji An

Now that I think back, even in the worst of circumstances, there were good things that happened since we got to meet each other. – Cha Ji An

Joon Young: Now, I am going to disappear. Then, chase me. Don't give up and find me.

Hyun: Don't worry, wherever you hide, I will most certainly find you.

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