Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo (2016)

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Have you ever wanted to sleep for a hundred or thousand years? Everything keeps going wrong and you don't see any hope of it getting better. You tell yourself, "I'm sure things will get better," then another thing goes wrong. – Go Ha Jin

I thought that if I didn't change, the people I trusted and liked wouldn't change either. I was wrong though. – Go Ha Jin

Your life can't change just because you want it to. Maybe if you died and came back to life again. – Choi Ji Mong

I want to do what I can to survive and live. I want to live. – Go Ha Jin

If I do not have your whole heart, I do not need it. – Queen Yoo

I suppose I felt I could trust him too. – Hae Soo


The higher up you are, the more you should care about justice. – Hae Soo

Forget me. Erase it all. – Wang So

You have to be well-off to be treated well even in this time. It's the same as now. What a crappy world. – Hae Soo

Merely running into her makes the color of the day feel different. – Queen Hwangbo


She (Hae Soo) is a source of happiness. – Wang Wook

When people come to me, they are always speaking of hardships. They want so much from me. But Hae Soo is not like that. She steps up to say she will do everything on her own. – Wang Wook

Is it a crime to want to live? – Hae Soo

I protected my family with my own hands. I was happy. I was proud. If a prince can't even do that, then what good is he? – Wang Wook

You can't forget it, so how can you be comfortable with it? – Hae Soo

You lost your memory. Now it's been replaced by a lot of false courage. – Wang Wook

Once a sister, always a sister. – Baek Ah

She (Hae Soo) holds nothing back. She says things that no one thinks of. She is very free. She enjoys fun things. She hates to lose and gets angry. – Myung Hee

I liked the feeling of someone becoming special, thanks to me. The feeling that I was needed. It was a delusional thought that I could make someone happy. – Hae Soo

Honestly, my heart is wavering. I keep telling myself that I shouldn't, but I'm being shaken. – Hae Soo

You have lived off of the queen. You must die for the queen. – Wang So


You are my shame, disgrace, and flaw. – Queen Yoo

Today is the day you will remember you threw me away, Mother. However, I will not leave. From now on, you will have to look only at me. – Wang So

I'm going to find someone perfect and be with her for 100 years. – Wang Eun

She (Hae Soo) belongs to me. – Wang So

You said she belongs to you. I came to let you know because you might be mistaken. Nothing here belongs to you. – Wang Wook

I promise you this. No one will ever be able to treat you in such a manner again. Trust me. – Wang Wook

Soo: I'm a person, not an item or an animal. How can you say I belong to you or anyone else?

So: Then should I call you "my person"?

Your life will be like my own life. Even if I have to die, I will save your life. – Wang Jung

I thought I had lost you. I thought I wouldn't be able to see you again. I was scared. – Wang Wook

If you didn't know about it, do you hold no responsibility? – Wang So

Don't you know you hold more responsibility the higher up you are? – Wang So

I'm most scared of myself. Even though they're my feelings, I can't figure out where they're headed. No matter how much I try to change direction, it's not working. – Hae Soo

His handwriting is as handsome as he is. – Hae Soo

You steal glances at each other. When you happen to brush hands, you will ponder on it repeatedly for days. "What kind of food does he like? What will make him smile?" These probably never leaves your mind. Everything you look at makes you think of him. – Baek Ah

If you hurt her (Myung Hee), I won't stand by and let it happen. – Baek Ah

I knew that a person's feelings could be dangerous. I pretended not to notice and assumed it would resolve itself. – Hae Soo

When I am with you, I am always crying. – Hae Soo

I'm not looking for a great man. I am looking for a man who will cherish me, someone who will treasure me. – Yeon Hwa

He must know your value in order to treasure you. – Wang Yo

Rather than a woman of high value, I want one who will treasure me, someone who would not be concerned about this ugly face of mine. – Wang So

I want him to remember me looking beautiful. – Myung Hee

I was able to love you more. That was enough. – Myung Hee


Why couldn't I say it? I knew she wanted so badly to hear it. I couldn't tell her I loved her. I didn't think I did, but those feelings were love. I thought I was just grateful, but it was love. I thought she was just comforting, it was love... I received all of her love. Why did I realize just now? – Wang Wook

It's not because I like you. I just don't want to see you live a life controlled by others. It's really not worth living like that. – Wang So

I have to go. That's the only way no one will get hurt. – Hae Soo

Just follow your heart and live. Do everything you want to do and live however you want. – Hae Soo

I only want to be free. – Baek Ah

No matter how I live, I'm going to have the right to choose. – Hae Soo

I don't regret it. I protected what I wanted. – Hae Soo

I prayed to my dead wife. If you were returned to me, I would pay her back by giving you the affection I could never give her. I asked her for forgiveness and to give you to me. I begged her. If you had become the king's woman, I would never have forgiven myself. – Wang Wook

I thought I would never see you again. I never got to say goodbye to you. I didn't think it was right to part that way. – Hae Soo

I lost you once. I won't let that happen again. – Wang Wook

No one can save me but myself. – Hae Soo

Soo: What kind of place is the palace?

So: It's a place that is hard to enter, and even harder to leave. You'll die if you trust anyone. You'll live if you remain alert and wary of those closest to you. Everyone here is alone. That is one thing I know for certain.

No matter how many times you die and are reborn, you will eventually have to pay for what you've done. – Park Soo Kyung

Don't think about running. Stay faithful to what you've decided to do. – Wang So

Even hearing the word "wait" can make me happy. I like that person. If I were with him, I think I would be okay being Hae Soo instead of Go Ha Jin.

I don't give up what is mine in order to gain a girl. – Wang Yo

If you're giving me that warning, show me a better option. – Yeon Hwa

If I find a place without loneliness, come with me to that place.

That look in your eyes, I hate it like crazy. – Wang So


It is really true that a person's feelings are the most complicated. I can't figure out my feelings either. – Wang So

Always look straight at me, no matter what. – Wang So

The person who missed the other more had to come first. – Queen Yoo

I wasn't born like this because I wanted to be. I'm the one who determines how I'll live. – Hae Soo

No one in this world has an easy life. You just don't notice them. – Hae Soo

You are young yet you pretend to know the world. – Wang So

I can only lay down the pieces. I cannot force you to do this. – Choi Ji Mong

Is it really alright for me to trust you like this? I was always curious and doubtful. – Wang So

If it is you, I can put myself in your hands. – Wang So

Do whatever you want. Now, I am yours. – Wang So


If someone tries to take what is yours, you must tear his throat out to protect it if you must! – Queen Yoo

The moment humans realize heaven's will, that is called fate. – Choi Ji Mong

If you are willing to wait, I can wait. – Hae Soo

If you cannot give him your whole heart, you need to make that clear. – Court Lady Oh

What if I can change that person's life? Should I still turn my back on him? – Hae Soo

Liar. Even if I had asked you to be my first wife, you would have said no. – Wang Eun

I knew from the beginning. You would never become mine. – Wang Eun

Keep your eyes on me. Watch and see where my place ends up. – Wang Yo

King? That seat that everyone wants so much, what if I happened to take it? – Wang So

Not you too! Don't push me away. Don't tell me to leave. Don't tell me that I bring misfortune and that I'm an animal. At the very least, you can't do that to me. You are my person. You belong to me. You are mine! Without my permission, you cannot leave me. You cannot die either. You are completely my person. – Wang So


You saw me for who I was. There was no need for explanations or excuses. – Wang So

You are the only person on my side. – Wang So

I was only trying to help you. I never asked for your heart. – Hae Soo

The small act of kindness has moved his heart in a big way. – Court Lady Oh

You must take every step as if you are walking on a very thin ice. That is how you will live. – Court Lady Oh

People who have no clear target like you are easier to sway. – Wang Yo

You don't know how much I worried thinking that I might lose you again. I do not want to make the same mistake again. – Wang Wook

He won't change. He won't hurt me. I can be happy with him. – Hae Soo

The palace is a place that makes people turn their backs on all kinds of promises. – Court Lady Oh

Soo: Most people, when someone helps them through hard times, they hold the person very dear. They believe that person is the only person on their side. That person is called a friend. Whether it is friendship or love, all affection is affection, but it is different. I believe you are mistaken about that difference, so I am worried.

So: I'm worried about you, actually. I don't have all those different types of affection. Whether it's friendship or love, it's all the same to me. It's all one thing. You seem to be trying to push me away. That kind of method is not going to work on me.

I have a new goal now. I will no longer be a daughter or sister of a king. I will be like a god above the king. – Yeon Hwa

Try to understand him a little bit. You grew up with a lot of love, he didn't. – Hae Soo

I miss the past very much, when we all get along. – Wang Jung

You were at your prettiest when you lived your days smiling at Wook. – Wang Jung

You (Baek Ah) and Soo are all I have in this entire world. – Wang So

You must cut the sprouts before it grows any larger. – King Taejo

This is how the palace is. It only works if everyone's eating up each other's tails. – Queen Yoo

I am drinking poison that you've poured me. – Wang So

No matter who gets in between us with sly words, it is my wish that our friendship will never change. – Wang So


This is a palace where one wrong word can determine if you live or die. – Yeon Hwa

If you act so stubborn, do you think my feelings will change? – Hae Soo

What am I that you would put your life on the line for me? If you do this, it becomes harder for me to turn away from you. – Hae Soo

From this point on, you are no longer my sister. You are a debtor. You to me and me to you, we are indebted to each other. – Wang Wook

I am trying to protect this country. I am using one small life to save a big life. – King Taejo

King Taejo: I thought you were a well-forged sword. I was wrong about you.

So: The owner must be just in order to wield the sword properly.

The reason men in the royal family become cowards is always the same. – Court Lady Oh

Someday, you will come to regret how cowardly you were today. The one time you turned your back on her will haunt your conscience forever. – Court Lady Oh

Are you going to look the other way this time too? – Court Lady Oh

You are finally throwing me away? – King Taejo

You should not live like me. – Court Lady Oh

You have already turned your back on her. It isn't like you can't do it twice. – Yeon Hwa

What good is it to be born with a golden spoon in your mouth as a prince? He should know who the owner of that table is. – Queen Yoo

Dying first is losing. – Queen Yoo

It's enough for me if one person remembers me. – Court Lady Oh

If I had known someone would die because of me, I would not have been so greedy to live again. – Hae Soo

I wish this were all a dream. I wish I could wake up and not remember any of this. – Hae Soo


She is not someone I can throw away. – Wang So

The more difficult things are, the better it is to work hard to forget. – Wang So

Please learn to differentiate between friendship and love. If you give all your affection to one person, it will make things harder for you. – Hae Soo

I become afraid every time we meet. I know that I had feelings for another, so why is it that I can't let you go and ignore you? – Hae Soo

I know how to find weakness in people. You can recognize darkness immediately. Don't you see that we are a match made in heaven? – Wang Yo

A traitor who kills a traitor becomes a hero. – Wang Wook

Wook: Are you upset with me? Do you hate me?

Soo: I missed you.

Wook: I could not promise you anything, that is why I could not come. It's because I have become useless, because I could not do anything for you.

Soo: Still, I missed you... Did you miss me? Even once? Did you ever miss me?

Wook: Everyday, I longed for you every moment.

Soo: That is all I need then. That is enough.

There are times you know yourself better than the heavens know you. – King Taejo

Just as always, you are beautiful. – Wang So

I was determined to come back and see you. – Wang So

So: I will watch over you just like when you helped me. I will help you forget it all even without living this hard life.

Soo: Even if the person I want to avoid most is you? When I meet you, I recall everything I want to forget. My heart starts to pound with anxiety because I worry something might happen. I get scared and nervous when I'm with you, and yet you want me to come with you?

Please live in peace. Do not hate or hold grudge. Forget everything. Then no one will get hurt. – Hae Soo

I can only conclude that you suddenly became a different person. Who are you? – King Taejo

Close your eyes to the things you cannot control. – King Taejo

Do not get so hung up on the future that you lose what you have now. – King Taejo

When you went through a hard time, I'm sorry I wasn't there with you. – Baek Ah

I want them to see me once and never be able to forget me. – Woo Hee

I want to be with you in peace, with nothing getting in our way. If that can't happen, being king or whatever else has no meaning to me. – Wang So

Stop pretending that you care about her and turn your back on her like you've been doing. – Wang So


Life is short and fleeting. – King Taejo

My war is over. Now, your battle is starting. – King Taejo

In order to protect those I love inside this palace, I realized that I need to become the most powerful. – Wang Wook

If I become king, will the heart I so desire become mine? – Wang So

For your sake, I will become king. – Wang Wook

I do not want to become king with people calling me a traitor. I do not want anyone to pick at my weaknesses. I do not want any flaws. – Wang Wook

I cannot make a single mistake on my path to the throne. – Wang Wook

If the situation will not change, then I will change. – Wang Wook

If the 8th prince would be injured, I would be scarred forever. – Hae Soo

Forget that you are a woman and remember that you are a mother. – Queen Hwangbo

We were never on the same side, so it is not betrayal. – Wang Wook

Soo: You did it on purpose, right? You were testing me.

Wook: And you went to him in the end.

You have changed. You are not the person I once knew. – Hae Soo

You said you were doing this for me. You are fooling yourself. – Hae Soo

I will make you come back to me. – Wang Wook

If I came to you, I didn't think you would forgive me. But I thought you would understand. – Wang So


All this time, I have been thinking of you. I have been hoping that the wound you got from me wouldn't have healed yet. That way, you wouldn't have forgotten me. – Woo Hee

Do you want me to give up on you or do you want me to look only at you? – Wang So

Whenever I come to you, all my problems seem to become lighter. So, how can I live without you? – Wang So

If you're not going to come to me, don't give me hope either. For me, it is torture. – Wang So

I was thinking what it must be like to turn away from something you like. It is also a relief that you don't have to do that anymore. – Hae Soo

I am sick and tired of having to turn my back on the things that I like. – Wang So

So: How can I cut this leash and be free?

Ji Mong: Most people would bite their owners and become dogs that take over the house.

So: You can hate me and resent me. It is all my fault.

Soo: Why would I hate and resent you? It's not as if you made a promise to me.

So: Everything I said is a promise. I ended up being unable to keep them.

Soo: Are you not even going to give me an excuse?

So: I already caused a problem and you've been hurt. Whatever reason I give, I broke your trust and that doesn't change.

I plan on sharing my burden with a brother. – Wang Moo

I hope there are no girls crying over losing such a good man. – Wang Wook

There's so much I don't know about him. I was mistaken in thinking that I knew everything. – Hae Soo

I came to sit by the water. However, the clouds had come.

I may lose once, but never twice. – Wang Yo

Jung: If we end up splitting apart and fighting, whose side will you take?

Soo: Why would I take sides? Perhaps, I will be the referee.

I do not want anyone to get hurt. I will make sure no one does. – Hae Soo

No matter how bad and awful it is, you and I both want the truth. – Wang So

Soo: On the day we went on the boat, you had something important to tell me. You never did forget, did you? What was it?

So: I love you.

Soo: Next time, don't forget it.

It's the smart ones who turn out to be scary. – Wang Yo

Wolves are known to follow one female wolf until death. – Wang Yo


Who cares if my life is not long? It is more important who I spend my last days with. – Wang Moo

It's very amusing to tame him. – Wang Yo

A person who manipulates people and uses their weaknesses has become king. The future is bleak. – Baek Ah

We are both struggling to survive. This is the fate of a prince who does not become a king. In order to protect, you must submit. – Wang Wook

The only thing I wanted so badly was Hae Soo. I lost her. – Wang Wook

I tried to protect my family and my heart, what's so wrong with that? Mother, you told me to live right and I lived my life that way. So why am I still lonely? – Wang Wook

I have already started down this path. I will live this way and achieve what I want. I won't be foolish and lose what I want. – Wang Wook

Unless you experienced something bad yourself, shouldn't you trust the people you like? – Park Soon Deok

Can you imagine what it is like for me to know and not get involved? – Choi Ji Mong

He's taking everything. No matter what I do, everything will become his. – Wang Wook

Someday, I wanted her to sing for only me. – Wang Jung

If you truly like someone, you will never be confused about it. Do not be worried about it and go for it. – Park Soon Deok

You must believe there is no better way to control a woman than marriage. I am disappointed in you. – Yeon Hwa

Without Soo, I would not even have a future. I am nothing without her. – Wang So

Even flowers from a pumpkin are flowers. – Park Soon Deok

He is happy because of me. He makes me feel valued and that is why I want to marry. If he remains steadfast, there is no reason for me to change. I will not leave him first. – Hae Soo

Now I know why I always hated you. For you, feelings and marriage are just silly games. They aren't life and death like they are for me. – Yeon Hwa

I promise you, I will make you regret this. – Yeon Hwa

What can I do? I am her awesome person now. I'm all she has. – Wang Eun


The roots of treason must be pulled out in order to keep the nation peaceful. – Wang Yo

I cannot let her (Soon Deok) go alone. – Wang Eun

I suppose she still would have married him even if she knew this would happen. – Park Soo Kyung

She is true to herself and does not know how to change. – Park Soo Kyung

It seems I must be a dog that kills, a dog that bites its owner and takes over its owner's home. I will become a rabid wolf dog. – Wang So

I, Wang So, will become king of Goryeo.

Now, I must look like a monster in your eyes too. – Wang So

I trusted you. It took some time, but I did come to trust you. – Hae Soo

Soo: I realized that my feelings for you are enough to trust you no matter what.

So: Now, I don't feel that way. When I look at you, I will only remember what happened because of the lack of trust you had in me. In order to protect you, I became the king's dog and my feelings for you remained unchanged. Now they have changed. Let's stop now.

Soo: Lies. You are lying.

So: We promised not to lie to each other.

If I have to be forced to kill because of a seat, I will become the owner of that seat and put a stop to it. – Wang So

You must not see me as a son, but a boar to sacrifice to get the throne. – Wang Yo

When the water has run dry, sit and watch the rising clouds.

*Hugs So* It's not over for me yet. Just bear with me since you left on your own without my consent. I deserve at least this much. – Hae Soo

Why did you break our deal? What's the point for me to keep serving as your eyes and ears? – Woo Hee

You still haven't forgotten me, have you? You said you no longer like me. You were lying, weren't you? – Hae Soo

Soo: Do you still love me?

So: *kisses Soo*

The reason that you left me, is it the throne? – Hae Soo

When I was building the castle, I realized that the world can change if the king changes. – Wang So


You will become king. I know it. – Hae Soo

Now I think I understand So. I can relate to how he feels. – Wang Yo

I knew what I forgot to teach you. If you want to own the palace, you must sacrifice something. – Queen Hwangbo

You must decide now. You can have the world and lose love. You can have love and live in a very small world. – Queen Hwangbo

What did I do so wrong? I was afraid that I would be thrown away, as well. I thought I would be cast off. – Wang Yo

I was only trying to survive. – Wang Yo

Gwangjong. He is the 4th King of Goryeo. Now, you will no longer be remembered in history as a bloody monarch. – Hae Soo

The further you go astray, the more you will suffer. – Queen Hwangbo

I need you more than ever. I do not understand why you insist on leaving. – Wang So

For the sake of this nation and its people, become a good and wise king. – Park Soo Kyung

I am right here. I will not leave you. – Hae Soo

I feel like a doll waiting all day for her owner to come. – Hae Soo

Kill them all. Don't leave behind a single person who will cast doubt on the succession of the throne, not a single person. – Wang So

You ended up going to him. You said that I was being greedy for wanting both the throne and love. Now you are the king's woman. How am I to accept that? – Wang Wook

I want to be with him a little longer. – Hae Soo

You want to cut off both wings of a king. If you thought this kind of pressure would work, you are mistaken. – Wang So

If you do not want to lose your wings, how about your heart? – Wang Wook

You are sitting on a seat that is hard to get and even harder to protect. – Wang Wook


If I cannot do it, who can protect him? – Yeon Hwa

Wook: Which one do you want to give up? Is it the throne or her?

So: I will not give up either. Others may give up something, but I rose to the throne in order to acquire everything.

I decide who I marry. – Wang So

Ji Mong: The king will be stubborn. Let go of him first.

Hae Soo: I do not want to. I've gone through a lot and waited a long time. I only did so because I believed I would be happy one day. If I were going to give up like this, I would have given up long ago. If the king is going to remain steadfast, why would I do that? I'm going to hold on.

In order to stop another tragedy, the throne must become stronger. – Choi Ji Mong

So: When I first met you, you should have run away.

Soo: I ran away but you caught me.

So: I will not give up on you over that scar. No one can force me to.

Soo: I won't give up either. I will continue to stay with you.

Even if I can't marry you, you can't leave me. I won't let you go. You have to be mine. You can't go anywhere. I will not allow it. – Wang So

You are my only queen. – Wang So

Why don't you just come to me then? I would be good to you? – Wang Jung

Focus on being the queen. Do not cross the line again. – Wang So

This is my revenge for being thrown away by you, Mother. – Wang So

She was trying to stay by your side to keep us apart. She was waiting for a moment to harm you. – Wang So

How much of it was a lie? – Hae Soo

I wanted to admit everything to you. I don't have the chance to do that anymore. – Chae Ryung

I am just a person who couldn't stop loving once I started. I'm a foolish person like that. – Chae Ryung

Whether there is value in doing something or not, that is only something you can answer yourself. – Chae Ryung

I don't know how to escape this misery. – Hae Soo


You're going to trust her over me? – Wang So

Do you think I'll let you go? You can never leave me. – Wang So

We should not waste away our relationship over a small fight. – Wang So

You can never trust him and let your guard down with him. – Wang Won

It only takes moments for accusations to become truths. – Wang Wook

You are my eternal companion. – Baek Ah

With all my heart, I am your eternal companion. – Woo Hee

Turn around. If you see, you won't ever forget. – Woo Hee

I thought I could ignore it and live my life. I was going to deny my parents, but I can't turn my back on my people who look to me as a mother. I don't think I can live like that. – Woo Hee

I will pay for their sins with my life. Perhaps this is the reason I was born. – Woo Hee

I love you. You alone are my one and only companion. – Woo Hee

I knew her painful background. I felt proud of myself for loving her. I was being narcissistic. I didn't look back to see how she truly felt. Why was she sad and what made her unhappy? Why are her smiles so brief? I never asked her. It was a shallow love. – Baek Ah

I wanted to save you. It was like grabbing onto a rotting rope. – Wang So

It is hard being by your side. – Baek Ah

I do not want you to be remembered as a bloody monarch. – Hae Soo

When we were apart, we always longed for one another. My heart got torn up just thinking about you. – Hae Soo

It's not like you have any feelings left for me. – Wang Wook

Get over this now, both the throne and the person. You must give up first. – Hae Soo

She was my person. – Wang Wook

Just lie to me instead, then we can go back to the way it was before. – Wang So

It was enough to throw her away once. – Choi Ji Mong

If you send her away like this, you will lose yourself as well. – Choi Ji Mong

I didn't throw her away; she threw me away. – Wang So

Since you are intent on leaving, cut things off cleanly. Forget everything that has passed. Think only of the future. – Wang Wook

Forget us. Forget everything. This life is over. – Wang Wook

If I had not met him, I would not yearn for him. If I did not know him, I would not think of him so much. If we had not been together, I would not have to disappear. If I did not treasure him so much, I would not have so many memories. If I did not love him, we would not have to throw each other away. If we would not have been face-to-face, we would never have been together. Perhaps, if I had not met you at all. – Hae Soo


If there are good times, there are bad times too. All of those days have passed as well. – Hae Soo

Now I can forget about truths and lies, misunderstandings and jealousy, and the precarious fight for the throne and deaths, and just devote my time on loving you. – Hae Soo

Jung: In your next life, you'll remember me, won't you?

Soo: I will forget you. I will forget everything. Even in my dreams, all of you.

Life is like a dream. Right and wrong, love and hate, they all get buried with the passing of time and leave quietly with no trace. Do you still think that you don't have my whole heart and resent me? I'm always worried that I may have left you with hatred instead of love, not allowing you to rest in peace. I still love you. When you gave up everything and stood by me in the rain, when you threw your body in the way of a flying arrow to protect me, you became someone I could never forget in my life. I came to realize that the opposite of loving is not hating but leaving. I'm afraid you may think that I left you and that you left me. I yearn for you so much, but I can't be near you. I hope and wait to see you again inside these fences. I'll be waiting for you, everyday. – Hae Soo

She may be dead, but she's my person. – Wang So

I am curious to see what kind of king he will become. – Wang Wook

Lately, there are faces I can't stop thinking about. – Wang Wook

I was always giving my heart, but I was always making mistakes. I only realized that now. – Wang Wook

If you long for a person you cannot reach, you will end up like me. – Choi Ji Mong

There is no such thing as coincidence. Things only return to their original place. – Choi Ji Mong

I'm sorry for leaving you alone. – Go Ha Jin

King Taejo's last words were that life is fleeting. It is all short and in vain, but I think he is wrong. You and I are together like this, so how could it be in vain? – Wang So

If we had met in another world and at another time, I was thinking how great that would have been. If only that could be, I wouldn't fear anything. Truly, I could freely love you all I wanted. – Hae Soo

If we are not from the same world, I will find you, my Soo. – Wang So

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