Mrs. Cop (2015)

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A secret to a successful business is a quick eye.

Why do you bother to make promises you can't even keep? – Choi Nam Jin

This isn't based on a feeling. It's based on years of my know-how. – Choi Young Jin

Let's not bring up family when we're talking about business. – Yeom Sang Min

Oh, look at that pout of yours. I just love it when a woman is tough like this. – Park Jong Ho

Why are you poking at my Achilles' heel? – Park Jong Ho

You sure make life hard. – Park Jong Ho

Kids these days grow up too sheltered and have nothing to fear. – Hong Ban Jang

I think I've been crazy all this time. I'm going to get it together now. – Choi Young Jin

I'm a mom before I'm a cop. – Choi Young Jin

He's taunting you to try and catch him. – Park Jong Ho

You feel like you've left a child on the shores of the ocean and just can't walk away, right? – Park Jong Ho

I thought I wouldn't be able to leave but I feel so free now that I'm out. – Choi Young Jin

I really wanted to go to the end with you. – Choi Young Jin

A man should not hit a woman. – Kang Tae Yoo

Take a good look. It's your police identification. Without this, you're just a troublemaker lady without plans. – Park Jong Ho

When people see injustice, they just ignore it. Why? That's the way to live comfortably. – Park Jong Ho

Don't bother apologizing when you don't even mean it. – Yeom Sang Min

Why didn't you just stay put when I was throwing myself at you? – Park Jong Ho

You know very well that I'm crazy. – Choi Young Jin

They'll let you off the hook if you say the right things. – Park Jong Ho

Don't cry, eomma. I'll give you a hundred kisses. – Ha Eun

Your judgment's always correct, isn't it? You're always so sure of your opinion, aren't you? That's your problem. You don't even consider other people's thoughts. You think all cops who aren't you are all blind. So, you look down on them. And when things don't go your way, you throw a fit like this! I'm getting tired of dealing with your fits too now. – Park Jong Ho

If someone has killed, it's a cop's job to catch and apprehend that person. It doesn't matter who that person is! – Choi Young Jin

I know she is very talented, but she doesn't take orders well. – Yeom Sang Min

I felt like she was too much like me, so I hated her for it. – Mi Kyung's Mom

Se Won: Captain, you're looking much better these days.

Young Jin: Why won't you just say I'm pretty?

Be alert and discern wisely. – Choi Young Jin

Do you know what one thing you can't trust in this world is? It's people. – Kang Tae Yoo

Overbearing moms will only harm the child. – Hong Ban Jang

If you sincerely beg for forgiveness, I am ready to forgive you now. – Choi Young Jin

I didn't go to the Police University to get promoted and go to the top faster. I became a cop to catch criminals. – Min Do Young

Do you know what's worse than dying for a detective? It's losing a criminal that they just caught. – Han Jin Woo

If you try to help cheaters hide what they're doing, bigger problems arise later. – Choi Young Jin

You were just trying to do well, so don't feel too down. No one is good right off the bat. – Han Jin Woo

Are you just reckless or really brave? – Min Do Young

Being sorry isn't the issue now. – Han Jin Woo

Do you think any of them will believe your tears? – Min Do Young

Young Jin: A man should know when to pretend he didn't see something or hear something. He ought to be more tolerant. That way a woman will want to be held in his arms and so on.

Jong Ho: Do you want to be held by me? Are you dying of loneliness?

Young Jin: Is there any room to be held on that small, bird chest of yours?

Jong Ho: You'll die once I hold you.

If you keep insisting you didn't do it, it only harms you. – Min Do Young

The world did change quite a bit. But, between how I was then and how I am now, not much has changed. – Choi Young Jin

No matter how busy I am, I'll make sure to keep an eye on how you're living. So you'd better get your act together and live properly. If you go awry even a tiny bit, I'll destroy you without showing a speck of mercy. – Choi Young Jin

While working together, you'll have misunderstandings and issues. You'll fight and have conflicts. If you're going to fight at all, don't lose out to the men. – Choi Young Jin

Is this how the world is? You're thrown away when not needed, and taken care of only when needed. – Jang Eun Young

You are annoying, but I envy you. – Jang Eun Young

Do you know how bad it makes nerds feel when you call them a nerd? – Min Do Young

If you're having a hard time, you should lean on someone. Don't try so hard to do it on your own. – Park Jong Ho

If it doesn't work out, then it doesn't work out. That's just how life is. – Park Jong Ho

No matter how busy I am, you always come first to me. – Choi Nam Jin

You can't let your feelings control you. You need to be more objective. – Yeom Sang Min

Capturing the killer is important. But more than anything, we, as police, need to ensure the safety of the citizens. - Superintendent

You have to know to play hard in order to work hard. – Hong Ban Jang

It's my fault for expecting something more. – Choi Nam Jin

All I can remember is that I cried my eyes out that day. – Choi Nam Jin

After losing my dad like that, my sister raised me like she was my mom and dad. – Choi Nam Jin

If you're going to be thankful, don't be sarcastic and do it properly. – Min Do Young

You were so weak and frail, that is why you were eaten up. – Kang Tae Yoo

You shouldn't live life letting your emotions drive you. You have to use your brain. – Kang Tae Yoo

Revenge is something stupid people do. – Kang Tae Yoo

The day for me to beg for forgiveness has come. – Park Dong Il

You'll have me behind you to support you. – Park Jong Ho

I've been a detective for five years. You can't fool me with that fake expression. – Han Jin Woo

Do you always see the world as a dichotomy? Just because I don't like you, does that mean I hate you? – Min Do Young

How many people get to really live their lives doing what they planned? – Park Jong Ho

I thought you were a bear, but you can be a fox too. – Choi Young Jin

Stop telling me about issues and tell me how to fix them. – Kang Tae Yoo

Get the whole story before you start getting angry. – Park Jong Ho

It's always people who have done something wrong that talk about warrants. Then when I bring a warrant, they beg for forgiveness. But by then, it's beyond too late. – Han Jin Woo

He used his fists but he had a soft heart.

Since you are my partner, I'll protect you as if you're my own body. And since you're my partner, I'm going to be open and honest with you about everything. – Han Jin Woo

My husband and children are everything. – Hong Ban Jang

He may be ruthless but his son is his greatest weakness. – Choi Young Jin

Days don't matter. I can starve for months. Just bring my son back to life. – Kang Tae Yoo

Some things in this world can never be forgiven. – Kang Tae Yoo

I know you're having a hard time. You are my partner and work wife. – Han Jin Woo

One of the rocks we had anchored ourselves to wasn't as strong as we thought. We were both hanging on. We couldn't last any longer. In the end, she cut the rope to save me and fell to her death. – Han Jin Woo

Do Young: I always thought that really bad people were better off dead. Now that I've killed one, I don't know why I feel so troubled.

Jin Woo: Because even though he deserves a beating, he's still a human being.

Even though they will be suspected and possible tossed from the game, do you know why a baseball pitcher still chooses to bean hitters? When you take the opposing team down a notch, they can lose the game. And even if you get caught, you can insist that it was a mistake. – Kang Tae Yoo

I wish I had a dad too... Sometimes when I see kids on top of their dad's shoulders, I get so envious. – Ha Eun

Your dad is watching from up in heaven to see that you're growing up well. – Choi Young Jin

Goodness, you're lucky I held onto you as much as I did. – Choi Young Jin

We hit back in a careless way. They may get angry and come back harder. – Kang Tae Yoo

What's with you? Is she your girlfriend or something?

Jin Woo: That's right. She's my wife, you scumbag.

Jin Woo: I'm scared of you.

Do Young: Why me?

Jin Woo: You have no fear.

Do you know how I've kept this position for this long? I've learned not to be greedy. I only lay down on places I belong. – Yeom Sang Min

I don't plan on living long as a coward. – Kang Tae Yoo

Gosh, the rumor mill is at LTE speed. – Choi Young Jin

You did it to help me out, so I can't stand and watch you leave. – Choi Young Jin

I worry for the guy who would marry you someday. – Han Jin Woo

There is a line that you just cannot cross! – Yeom Sang Min

If you're human, you should have at least a tiny bit of conscience. – Hong Ban Jang

He must have powerful people protecting him, so he's fearless. – Hong Ban Jang

I want to give you the opportunity to retire with dignity. – Choi Young Jin

Do you want to hear my excuse? – Yeom Sang Min

She isn't some lady we should look down on. – Kang Tae Yoo

Dead people do not talk. – Kang Tae Yoo

Don't hold it in if you're angry. – Ha Eun

Gosh, you're the reason I live. – Choi Nam Jin

A scared mutt always barks loudly by itself. – Kang Tae Yoo

I just thought to myself that I am sorry and then I let it go. – Min Do Young

Did you think you'd be able to sleep comfortably after betraying me like that? – Kang Tae Yoo

Don't get hung up on dead people. – Secretary Yoon

I always knew you were very smart. But I did forget for a moment just how smart you really are. – Kang Tae Yoo

If you wanted to live, you shouldn't have betrayed me. – Kang Tae Yoo

I made you who you are and you dare betray me? – Kang Tae Yoo

Do you know what the worst feeling in the world is? It's getting betrayed by the person you trusted the most. – Kang Tae Yoo

Our fate keeps bringing us back together. – Kang Tae Yoo

If you really want something, that dream will come true someday. Shooting you who caused my fall was something I had wished for. My dream is coming true today. – Kang Tae Yoo

You sure are a relentless lady. – Kang Tae Yoo

I told you that I'd kill you. – Choi Young Jin

I'm a woman with no fear. – Choi Young Jin

She's so persistent she'd die and then come back to life. – Hong Ban Jang

I said I'd live my life thinking only of you forever. Please get up, Mom. You too, Mom, you said you'd live your life thinking only of me too. – Ha Eun

You touch one hair on her, you'll all be dead. – Han Jin Woo

You don't like seeing me in pain and getting hurt, do you? I don't like it when you're in pain or get hurt either. – Han Jin Woo

Gosh, I worry about the guy you'll end up with someday. – Han Jin Woo

Jong Ho: Goodness, I told you not to speak in a pretty manner.

Young Jin: It's enough that my face is pretty. If I talk pretty on top of that, who would take responsibility of me?

Young Jin: You're still unmarried because you're so bad at knowing how women feel. If a woman says she's feeling sick, it's a good opportunity to seduce her. When a woman is either pregnant or feeling sick, they really want to be treated well. So, do better.

Jong Ho: Honestly, are you open to being seduced?

Young Jin: Gosh, you are so dense.

Congratulations, and also, thank you. Captain, you turned me into a real person. I'll work hard. – Han Jin Woo

Wow, you're ideal husband material. – Min Do Young

Jin Woo: *kisses Do Young*

Do Young: This is you acting, right?

Jin Woo: What do you think it is?

Do Young: It doesn't seem like an act.

Jin Woo: I guess you're a cop after all. You figured it out correctly.

Author's Note: I'll definitely watch Mrs. Cop Season 2, so look forward to it. :)

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