Oh My Ghost (2015)

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Usually people think of a ghost in a white gown with long black hair only appearing in a deserted house. But the truth is they exist in our daily lives. Right now. Next to us.

I am a ghost. A virgin ghost at that. The ghost with the bitterest grudge out of all ghosts. Imagine how painful it must've been to die as a virgin. – Shin Soon Ae

I'm a pitiful love song, a soul full of regrets. – Shin Soon Ae

What good is it to have top qualifications when your character sucks?

I've gone through the necessary pains so now I'm going to leave. – Na Bong Sun

I don't need you anymore. You should've been there when I did. – Kang Sun Woo

Officer Choi: Get back safely.

Soon Ae: He told me to go back safely. Yes, yes, I will be safe. Oh my, why is the sky so beautiful? The people are beautiful. The flowers are so pretty too. Oh, I think my face is turning red.

The reason why love is sad isn't because two people are amiss. It's because the timing is amiss. And once you miss the timing, you can't turn things back. – Kang Sun Woo

I worry when she's here and worry even when she's not here. – Kang Sun Woo

Even if I'm just a ghost, how can I just stand and watch? – Shin Soon Ae

You flatter me and put me down. Just put me back to my original state. – Kang Sun Woo

My conclusion is that, if possible, forgive. And maybe take a loss. And live happily. The one who forgives can sleep in peace, but not the one who needs to be forgiven. – Shin Soon Ae

People sure are foolish. They regret once everything's passed and it's too late.

Don't go and get hurt on your own... like an idiot. – Cordon/Seo Joon

They say it's darkest under the lamp. He was right under my nose. – Shin Soon Ae

This is just right. You're not going overboard or shrivelling up and saying sorry. A person should have a neutral state like this. – Kang Sun Woo

The world may seem chaotic and lawless, but there are more reasonable people than not. – Seobinggo

You looked like you were in danger, like someone standing at the edge of a cliff. It didn't feel like it was happening to a stranger. I've had several moments like that in my own life. – Officer Choi Sung Jae

No kids turn out well if they don't listen to elders. – Seobinggo

I guess I developed some affection for her while hating on her. – Seobinggo

You really don't care at all, do you? I'm suddenly really annoyed. I'm the only one who does care. – Lee So Hyeong

Usually, I'm the expert in one-sided love. – Shin Soon Ae

In the past, I was happy just to look at him from afar. But I'm greedy for him now. – Na Bong Sun

When you get older, it's all about friends, not men. – Seobinggo

Let's keep going down this path together. – Kang Sun Woo

You'll protect me? You're the most dangerous person. – Kang Sun Woo

What you know isn't everything. – Shin Soon Ae

It's not that you're not curious. You're probably afraid to ask since you already know what I'll say. – Lee So Hyeong

It wasn't a mistake. It wasn't a mistake this time. I know I'm acting strange and I feel like I'm going a little crazy, but I'm being sincere. Don't you get it? Kang Sun Woo... likes you. I don't know when it started. Whether it's from the very beginning or when you suddenly changed and latched onto me. Or it could be yesterday or today... I really don't know. The one thing I know for sure is I keep wanting to see you. And I feel nervous if you're not next to me. – Kang Sun Woo

Let's just go for it. They're my feelings so who's to say anything about it? – Kang Sun Woo

Don't just stand there breathing. If someone like me confesses to you, shouldn't there be a reaction? – Kang Sun Woo

I must be truly bewitched by you. – Kang Sun Woo

Dream of me in your sleep. That's a suggestion, not an order. – Kang Sun Woo

I keep wondering if it's a dream and I worry that it's not a dream too. At least if it's a dream, I can wake up and won't get hurt. – Na Bong Sun

From now on, you stay right by my side. Don't leave even for a moment. – Kang Sun Woo

I want to take things slowly with you like this. No matter how tasty a food is, you'll get indigestion if you eat it too fast. Getting indigestion of the heart is much scarier than indigestion of the body. – Kang Sun Woo

It was an attachment I had for a really long time. I felt relieved once I ended it. So I'm saying, take responsibility for me. You're dead if you abandon me. – Kang Sun Woo

I was afraid of others knowing what I was going through, so I would hide myself and shrink back. That's how I lived. – Na Bong Sun

Regardless of their social status or personality, men are just childish. – Shin Soon Ae

You should do you best to love while you're still alive. Not just others, but yourself as well. – Shin Soon Ae

I can't take a step back from here. – Na Bong Sun

I've liked him so much all this time. And how hard was it to earn his heart? I'm only going to think about me, just this once. I'm going to keep it. I'll do whatever it takes to keep Chef's heart. – Na Bong Sun

Aigoo, this is trouble. You've fallen for me so hard, oh my. Well it is hard to fall out once you've fallen for me. – Kang Sun Woo

You're mine now. You should value your body more. – Kang Sun Woo

You should've known your place. Why did you bother sticking yourself into a situation you don't belong in? You're just a ghost. – Seobinggo

You can show frustration to me every now and then. How can a person always be an angel? But don't get hurt, I don't like it when you get hurt. – Eun Hee

Director: Why are you so upset? Are you two dating or something?

Sun Woo: Yes, we are dating. So, don't treat her so carelessly.

I'll gather up all the power I have. I'll do my best to send you away quickly, so that you don't have to suffer as much. Don't you worry. – Seobinggo

So Hyeong: You were pretty cool today.

Sun Woo: When was I ever not?

Love must change people. – Lee So Hyeong

Sun Woo: You're my number one priority forever. You're touched, right?

Eun Hee: You have someone as your number zero, right?

I'll just turn a blind eye this time. – Na Bong Sun

Mianhae geurigo gomawo. (Sorry and thank you.) – Na Bong Sun

It became a habit to hide on my own and hold it all in. But having someone next to me, that alone was enough to console me. – Kang Sun Woo

If you threw me away and chose him, you should, at least, be happy. – Kyung Mo

You purposely stayed here so I'd come get you, didn't you? – Kang Sun Woo

I'm holding you because my heart told me to. So, I'll just hold you a bit now. I'll stay like this for a moment. – Kang Sun Woo

I thought about it and I'm sure of one thing. Even before, I, long before you were possessed, I watched over you, thought about you, and worried about you. So don't disappear from my sight again. I'm going to go crazy with worry. You got that? – Kang Sun Woo

I have my ways. No matter how much you run, you're in the palm of my hand. – Kang Sun Woo

You reminded me too much of my past self, so I pushed you harder. – Kang Sun Woo

I guess that ghost has good taste in men. – Kang Sun Woo

You're still my favourite body to possess so don't get jealous. – Shin Soon Ae

Now that I hear you breathe, I feel strangely at peace. – Kang Sun Woo

Sun Woo: You're a strong kid.

Eun Hee: I am not. I just pretend to be one.

Choosing to live or die when we want to, humans don't have that kind of right. Live even if you want to die. Since you're not dead, you should live your life. – Choi Sung Jae

Why does one thing keep happening after another? I can't pull myself together. – Kang Sun Woo

It's a relief you're next to me in times like this. – Kang Sun Woo

I wasn't a virgin ghost. I had died so suddenly and couldn't go up. I was just a ghost with a deep, unresolved grudge. – Shin Soon Ae

I guess even dislike turns into fondness over time.

I don't know what's going on, just know that I'll always be on your side. I trust you. You're a good person. – Eun Hee

I did resolve my grudge. It's just that I have lingering attachments. – Shin Soon Ae

I think the fact that you came to me was fate. – Na Bong Sun

I have no more regrets. – Shin Soon Ae

If people knew when death was coming and could say goodbye, how nice would that be? It's just not possible and that's life is this way. That's why you've got to live each day hard like it's precious. – Seobinggo

Once in a while, it's better to act impulsively than cautiously. – Kang Sun Woo

Gosh, you're falling for me again. – Kang Sun Woo

You really are an icon of plot twists. – Kang Sun Woo

If you want to go elsewhere to learn, then I'll be cool and let you go. – Kang Sun Woo

Even though you're in my arms, I'm already starting to miss you. – Kang Sun Woo

What's eternal in this world?

Gosh, I shouldn't have let her go. I shouldn't have acted cool about it. – Kang Sun Woo

I should never have let her go. I shouldn't have. Guys probably are all over her. – Kang Sun Woo

Darn it. He's really not stopping me. Eotteohkaji? Do I have to beg? – Kyung Mo

I was afraid I would want to come back because I wanted to see you too much, because I missed you so much. If I heard your voice, I was afraid I'd want to run back to you. – Na Bong Sun

Bong Sun: Can I kiss you one more time?

Sun Woo: Of course. Of course.

As it always does, seasons change and the days are filled with routines. That summer, because of that girl who came and went like a summer night's dream, we got to know love and realized how precious relationships and people are. Just like she advised me, I continue to love myself fully today. And... I love him, as well. – Na Bong Sun

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