My Secret Romance (2017)

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Episode 1. The One Night Relationship

Why doesn't anything go my way? – Lee Yoo Mi

Is it your hobby to look distressed? – Cha Jin Wook

I never go back on my word when I make a promise. – Cha Jin Wook

I'm not hitting on you, so don't get excited. – Cha Jin Wook

Even if a hundred bad things happen, when one good thing happens that day is a lucky day. – Lee Yoo Mi

You were the first to ask me if I'm okay. It's not even a big deal, but those words strangely comforted me. – Lee Yoo Mi

You're the first woman I find pretty when she cries. – Cha Jin Wook

Episode 2. You've Deeply Insulted Me

It's a businessman's virtue to make a crisis into an opportunity. – Cha Jin Wook

Episode 3. My Insides Flip Like Buchimgae

You haven't changed one bit from head to toe. I've become more attractive. – Cha Jin Wook

Let's see how long you can play dumb. – Cha Jin Wook

Let's see each other every single day forward. – Cha Jin Wook

This isn't romance. This is a nightmare. – Lee Yoo Mi

You can't be trusted. I can't trust your words or your cooking. – Cha Jin Wook

Do you always run away like this when you can't handle something? By stabbing someone in the back? – Cha Jin Wook

I depend on my beauty, not on my intellect. – Joo Hye Ri

I only eat the food that she makes, because she's my personal nutritionist. So no one can tell her what to do except me. – Cha Jin Wook

Episode 4. The Secret of the Jewelry Box

I guess you get the wrong idea and delude yourself pretty often. – Cha Jin Wook

I won't make it easy for you to escape my evil influence. This is only the beginning. – Cha Jin Wook

She has a cure side that doesn't even suit her. – Cha Jin Wook

I can't play hard to get. No, I don't do that. I'm completely into you 100%, so don't think about telling me what to do. – Joo Hye Ri

Wow. You're scary. Did you have fun? Did you have fun toying with me? – Cha Jin Wook

Episode 5. Playing With My Heart

Tell that guy that you have a boyfriend if he bugs you again. I can be that for you. – Jung Hyun Tae

Those habitual hiccups of yours, I think I know what they mean. Those hiccups are only for me, right? – Cha Jin Wook

Whenever I see you, I'm reminded of past memories that I want to forget. – Lee Yoo Mi

How much longer do I have to try to be understanding? – Lee Yoo Mi

She shows up out of the blue and just screws everything up. – Lee Yoo Mi

I'm not your man. I'm mine. – Cha Jin Wook

If you cry, it looks like you have feelings for that jerk. – Lee Yoo Mi

Episode 6. Let's Go to Work

I think you're a force to be reckoned with. – Cha Jin Wook

There's no such thing as a friendship between a man and a woman. – Cha Jin Wook

The female lead is someone else. – Cha Jin Wook

If you're sorry, eat with me. – Cha Jin Wook

He sure knows how to make anyone feel bad with anything he says. – Lee Yoo Mi

I wanted to do what I could to be with you. I don't want to eat by myself. – Cha Jin Wook

Episode 7. This Is How Business Is Done

Even couples in love break up, so how could I live with a woman I don't even love? – Cha Jin Wook

I completely detest men like you. – Lee Yoo Mi

I like that you haven't changed. – Cha Jin Wook

I can't take my eyes off of you for a single moment. – Cha Jin Wook

Episode 8. You're My Paderella

Sometimes... No, I thought about you quite often. – Cha Jin Wook

Every other man likes me, but the person I like has no interest in me. It's a pretty lonely feeling. – Joo Hye Ri

Hyun Tae: You're a coward. You shouldn't say you did that for anyone else. Those are excuses. We do it because we want to. It's not for anyone else and it's not because we thought of that person. It's when we want to do something for the person we like.

Hye Ri: What makes you think you're so much better? You can't even be honest with the girl you like. To be honest, I think you're more of a coward than me.

I don't regret it because I was being true to my feelings. I wish you didn't regret it and think of it as an embarrassing memory. – Cha Jin Wook

I don't regret that night either. It was a very special day for me. I'm glad it was with you. – Lee Yoo Mi

I'll go wherever my heart takes me. Let's see how far it takes us. – Cha Jin Wook

I hate it when you're with another man. – Cha Jin Wook

I need to pull out the roots before it sprouts. – Cha Dae Bok

Episode 9. Tell Me The Truth

Because you disappeared without a word, I couldn't date anyone. And I couldn't eat nor sleep properly. I just worked to the bone until I couldn't work anymore. I didn't forget about you for a single moment. – Cha Jin Wook

I was scared. I didn't want to look easy. – Lee Yoo Mi

I've never done anything like that or felt like this with anyone but you. – Lee Yoo Mi

I've already decided that you're no longer alone. – Cha Jin Wook

I never thought the idea of a family suited me, but if it's the two of them I'd be willing to give it a try. – Cha Jin Wook

You're not a woman who's easy. I've never thought that way about you, not even once. I've never had a more difficult woman in my life. That's why you can let loose now. – Cha Jin Wook

To me, there's only one man like you. – Lee Yoo Mi

I'm going to follow my heart for now. – Lee Yoo Mi

For now, I'll like you with all my heart. – Lee Yoo Mi

It feels like a dream, and I don't know when I'll wake up. – Lee Yoo Mi

Episode 10. A Tender Farewell

It's been 10 years. So much can change in that period of time, but why haven't you changed? Why aren't you accepting my feelings for you? Do my 10 years mean nothing to you? – Joo Hye Ri

That one night completely changed my life. She means that much to me. – Cha Jin Wook

Don't you dare lay a finger on that woman. I'm not a child anymore. I won't just sit back and watch like I did when my mother left. – Cha Jin Wook

Does she hate the sight of me now? – Cha Jin Wook

Are you planning to ruin everything for this girl? – Cha Dae Bok

If you try to hold on to her, she might run away. – Secretary Jang

You were right all along. He and I live in completely different worlds. If I continue to like him, it will become more difficult for me. – Lee Yoo Mi

A vacation is like dating. The way your heart races with excitement before a vacation, the fun you have while learning about a new place, the sadness you feel when the vacation ends and you go back home, in these ways it's quite similar to dating. – Jung Hyun Tae

Don't you think you're old enough for true love, rather than a crush? – Jung Hyun Tae

Think about it carefully. When she's with you, do you think there will be more days when she's smiling or more days when she's crying? – Cha Dae Bok

Jin Wook: I know it's really hard for you, but this isn't right. You can't leave. I won't let you.

Yoo Mi: I have no intention in getting your permission.

In the end, are we fated to brush past one another? – Cha Jin Wook

If you subtract 1 from 2, it should be 1. But if you're gone, I can't be one. And I know 1+1 should be 2, but if we're together we can't become 2. It's a matter of time until I have to be one. But after letting you go, I'm unable to find my rightful place. I am unable to sense my existence. Even if I repeat the words that send chills down my spine, I still can't be one. I'm praying to go back in time. Even if 2-1 must be 1, Me minus You cannot be one. ­– Cha Jin Wook

I don't think I can look back. If I look back, I feel like I'll really go back. I won't look back because I might regret it. Ever since I left, no matter what reasons I hold up, I know I can't explain myself. The reason why I couldn't tell you I'm sorry, the reason why I couldn't tell you I love you, was because of my conscience. The words inside my heart are probably more than 1000 words, but in the end I couldn't say a single word. No matter how much I miss it, the old memories won't come back. Those precious moments won't be happy to see me again. In the future, in the distant future, I will regret it. I will look back when that time comes. – Lee Yoo Mi

Episode 11. I'm the Only One Who Can't Date

Did you know? I only recently found out. I like you. I don't know when it started, but I found out too late. I could have won you over, but I was a little too late. – Jung Hyun Tae

I just wanted you to know. I felt wronged trying to get over my feelings on my own. – Jung Hyun Tae

Go get her. Are you going to let her get away? – Secretary Jang

I want to remember it by only one name. I'm sure I'll feel a lot of pain.

And even if that pain drives me crazy, even until that moment, I want to remember it by only one name.

Just one, I want to be remembered by only one name. Even if I can't see you ever again, our memories will be left as a feeling of longing that doesn't leave, and it will take root in our hearts. So when it rains and when the wind blows, I want to be remembered by only one name.

I know you're leaving now, but please leave a slice of your heart with me, that one slice that you cherished dearly. Instead of a promise that you'll return, please take a slice of my heart. It's a small slice that wants to be remembered forever. It was a love that I waited a long time for and it will be my only love for the rest of my life. So I will keep that one slice of memory for the rest of my life. It wasn't a meaningless love, so if you continue to live your life and I become forgotten, I will send you off with a smile, not with tears. But still, I will shed a tear for myself because I can love you wholeheartedly and for you who planted that love inside me. I am just thankful to you.

Episode 12. It's Time to Wake Up From This Dream

You don't think about anyone but yourself. You don't think about my hardships or my feelings. You don't think about me at all. – Lee Yoo Mi

Hold onto her. If you make her cry again, I'll really beat you up. – Jung Hyun Tae

If I knew it would hurt this much, I wouldn't have even started this. I was the one who ran away, so why am I hurting more? It hasn't been very long. I shouldn't be missing him already. – Lee Yoo Mi

I'm going to erase our memories one by one. – Lee Yoo Mi

To me, you are not just a dream. – Cha Jin Wook

I'm thankful that my first love and my last love is you. – Lee Yoo Mi

I know it's useless now, but let's pray to be like a coin. You're the front side, I'm the back side. When one side is missing, the coin is thrown away. Let's pray to be a coin. Even if we can't see each other, we're always together. Even if we can't check on each other, we're always together.

Episode 13. You're My World, Tonight

Everything feels like a dream. You and I, a dream that only we can dream. I only had embarrassing memories to live with, but now I have good memories too. It's all thanks to you. – Lee Yoo Mi

I think it's time to wake up from here. Let's end this. – Lee Yoo Mi

I can do it. Whether it's 3 years or 30 years, I won't go anywhere and wait for you. I'll wait for you, so come back when you're ready. – Cha Jin Wook

I said I wanted to end it, but my heart aches so much. – Lee Yoo Mi

I won't give up. I will never let you go. – Cha Jin Wook

We never know how or when something will begin. – Jo Mi Hee

Is there a rule saying that love has to start in a certain way? – Jo Mi Hee

Don't be scared of getting hurt, and don't hesitate because of what other people might think. Just do it. – Jo Mi Hee

If you love him, go get him. – Jo Mi Hee

I'll feel really wronged if we end like this. We haven't even started yet. – Lee Yoo Mi

I'm going to be by your side and only eat the food you make me, for the rest of my life. – Cha Jin Wook

Author's Thoughts:
Very cliché!!! But Sung Hoon's acting saved this drama for me. He can cry really well and is a damn good kisser (lol)! Thank you, My Secret Romance, I found a new oppa in Sung Hoon. HAHAHA

I must say, not that bad for OCN's first romance themed drama series. ;)

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