Whisper (2017)

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Episode 1.

A judge shouldn't live life easily. I get clothes and money from the country to punish those who attempt to live an easy life. – Lee Dong Joon

Everyone changes their mind, that's why the world never changes. – Lee Dong Joon

There's no tree that grows itself. – Choi Il Hwan

If you follow my instructions, you'll have the world at your feet. – Choi Il Hwan

I didn't study law to become a thief. – Lee Dong Joon

I don't need a good husband. Just don't bother me. – Choi Soo Yeon

He followed the law and this is where he ended up. – Shin Young Joo

In order to prove his innocence, I must take desperate measures even if they're illegal in this world. Did I make this world? What do I do? All the bad guys have the power and influence. – Shin Young Joo

Evil never sleeps. – Choi Il Hwan

Do you think you can buy my ruling? – Lee Dong Joon

Did you expect only happiness in life? I thought you would cry with me. – Shin Young Joo

We've been friends for five years. Then we were lovers for five. Don't you think "I'm sorry" is a little too casual? – Shin Young Joo

Episode 2.

I trusted you based on the life you pursued. – Shin Young Joo

I wasn't aware that I still had a future to look forward to. – Shin Young Joo

Setting boundaries is acceptable, but I refuse to be offended. – Lee Dong Joon

When I was crying following the law, you were probably laughing breaking the law. – Shin Young Joo

I'm really curious if you ever felt sorry for what you have done. – Shin Young Joo

If I could pay for what I did with words, I would have said it, that I am sorry. – Lee Dong Joon

You can keep her around if you need her. You need someone who can take your side. – Lee Ho Beom

The questions you should ask are what kind of person you are and how far you can go. – Lee Ho Beom

What should you throw away and what should you save, it's your call. – Lee Ho Beom

I never thought I could give up being a police officer, but you are harder to give up on. – Park Hyun Soo

Episode 3.

I plan to join sides with whoever's willing to help me. – Baek Sang Gu

Who is this shadow that's following after you? – Choi Soo Yeon

You just abandoned powerless justice and chose justiceless power. – Choi Il Hwan

You are a doctor's son who was abandoned inside his mother's belly and I am a peasant's son who was deprived of everything by his landowner. Why don't we work together to be landowner? – Choi Il Hwan

You will have to pull the last trigger. – Choi Il Hwan

I couldn't be ruined. – Lee Dong Joon

He should survive and so should I. – Lee Dong Joon

It's not a matter of proving my innocence. It's a matter of catching those jerks who murdered Sung Sik. – Shin Chang Ho

They are wasting their time to earn titles in this short life. Even if I die from this, I will finish my life doing the job I was supposed to do. – Shin Chang Ho

Don't live like me. – Shin Chang Ho

What did you sell? Your conscience? Your principles? – Shin Young Joo

I can live without my conscience and I will see tomorrow without my principles. But what can you do? You only live once. – Lee Dong Joon

He's a jerk, but we need him. – Shin Young Joo

Episode 4.

I don't have anything left to give up. – Lee Dong Joon

I thought you crossed the bridge already, but you're still in the middle. – Lee Ho Beom

Walking down the same road once doesn't make us friends. – Shin Young Joo

Even when the truth is revealed, the world will remain dirty. Darn it. – Shin Young Joo

I will give your lover back and I want my secretary back. – Lee Dong Joon

Episode 5.

I'm just returning a gift. I don't think I deserve it. – Lee Dong Joon

You don't have regrets nor do you reflect on your wrongdoings. – Shin Young Joo

You've nothing but a turncoat. – Shin Young Joo

I won't be able to stick with my beliefs, so there's no use having any. – Lee Dong Joon

Those hands were covered in blood because of me, so I will wipe that off. – Choi Soo Yeon

Did you even shed a tear after killing a man? I'll make you shed tears in an interrogation room soon. – Shin Young Joo

Apparently, you and I want the same thing: the truth. – Kang Jung Il

You'd look good with handcuffs. You are stylish. I bet you'd look good in a prisoner's uniform. – Shin Young Joo

You should survive so I can survive. – Song Tae Gon

Taebaek had existed before you came, and it will exist after you leave. – Kang Jung Il

It's your call: a just world in which every truth is revealed or a just world because everyone's secret is kept hidden. – Lee Dong Joon

I want to live. – Shin Chang Ho

It's better to live as a weed than to die as a flower. – Kang Jung Il

I'm a jerk. I'm a scumbag who sold his ruling to save his neck. I wanted to save my neck, but I have to save your father too. – Lee Dong Joon

Episode 6.

He saves everything he needs. – Choi Soo Yeon

I know you. You do not make the same mistake twice. – No Ki Yong

Where do you think you're going without me? You can't go. I won't let go of you. – Kim Sook Hee

I thought they're enemies, but I guess old friendship kicks in at times like this. – Choi Soo Yeon

Please stop me from becoming a man like Choi Il Hwan. – Lee Dong Joon

I feel miserable right now, more miserable than the night I entered your room. – Shin Young Joo

Episode 7.

It was always you who didn't keep your promises. – Choi Il Hwan

I kneeled down because I was afraid. – Lee Dong Joon

Do not try so hard to change the world. Live well in this world which you are in. – Shin Chang Ho

Because it'll be hard to endure, I'll fight back. – Lee Dond Joon

I was going to shut my ears, but I hear whispers. – Lee Dong Joon

If chances repeat themselves, it must be destiny. – Jang Hyun Gook

I am throwing away power without justice and choosing justice without power. – Lee Dong Joon

When the question is wrong, you can't get the right answer. You should ask the question right. – Choi Il Hwan

Trees with deep roots don't dry up so easily. I should've given money to my servant. I gave him some of my farmland, and now my servant is setting fire on my storeroom and irrigating only his farm. I have no choice. I have to take my land back. – Kang Yu Taek

They've always won, but sometimes the truth wins. – Lee Dong Joon

I couldn't live by the law, so I learned the law of life. – Lee Dong Joon

You shouldn't trust a woman. Make the woman trust you. – Kang Yu Taek

Since when did everything begin to fall apart? – Choi Soo Yeon

Things are so much easier when the law is on your side. – Shin Young Joo

To triumph over evil, I never slept. – Lee Dong Joon

I'll live getting my hopes up from today. – Lee Dong Joon

Episode 8.

I trust you, but I don't trust the people whom you trust. – Jo Kyung Ho

Let's protect the only thing we have, our lives. – Jo Kyung Ho

He's more afraid to dies as a murderer than of death itself. – Shin Young Joo

This time, the winner will be the one who is more desperate. – Lee Dong Joon

The law is not about judging, but about compromise. We are not judging. Sinners are there to come to a compromise. – Kang Jung Il

The people who put us to the test will be put to the test now. They will see how fearful it is to see what they believe collapse. – Shin Young Joo

This proves we've lived different lives. You expect the best while I prepare for the worst. – Shin Young Joo

When a friend reaches out his hand out to you, you should hold his hand. – Kang Yu Taek

The war has just begun. – Shin Young Joo

You have a choice. Do you want to fight at my side or do you want to fight against me? – Shin Young Joo

Episode 9.

Young Joo: You won't fight a battle you could lose. Are you wise or just scared?

Dong Joon: Then do you want to fight a battle you'll surely lose? Are you naive or reckless?

I will keep her by my side. If you lay your hands on her, I will be the one to release my sentencing. – Lee Dong Joon

What should fall will fall. That way, we can start over. – Lee Dong Joon

You will receive as much as you endure. – Choi Il Hwan

Episode 10.

If you hate someone, you will become like him. – Kang Yu Taek

Among criminal motives, revenge is the most common. – Choi Il Hwan

I must not side with a monster to catch the devil. – Lee Dong Joon

If something goes wrong, I should be the only one going down for it. – Shin Young Joo

Episode 11.

I regret that I disregarded that small voice of Shin Chang Ho. – Lee Dong Joon

I regret that I wasn't on your side sooner. – Lee Dong Joon

How could we catch a big fish with a half bait? – Kang Jung Il

I should fight using law. He may try to buy out the prosecution and the judges, but I'm sure there is someone who is willing to rise up from the ashes. – Shin Young Joo

A lie cannot silence the truth. – Shin Young Joo

To win against a lie, let us lie too. – Lee Dong Joon

I'm relieved I still have something to throw away. – Lee Dong Joon

Soo Yeon: The times I spend with you in this room are coming to an end. It must've been a nightmare for you. I was for me. Is it time to wake up from our sleep?

Dong Joon: No, the nightmare will begin now.

We've come a long way. There is no going back. – Choi Il Hwan

We've become lawyers to help people. Let's help Shin Chang Ho make up his mind. – Kang Jung Il

Appa, you go ahead first. I'll catch up with you in 30... no, in 50 years after taking care of the things you left me. Have fun there with Sung Sik doing what you love. – Shin Young Joo

Episode 12.

He said we should love our enemies, but I can't comply with His word. He said I'm never to take revenge and leave room for the wrath of God. I can't comply with that either. I will use every talent He has given me as a tool to help the righteous man's revenge. – Lee Dong Joon

Find a wrong decision and get it right. – Lee Dong Joon

I will take back what my father gave you. – Shin Young Joo

That's the way CEO Choi handles people. He takes everything away then offers his hand. – Kang Jung Il

I guess we make a pretty good team. – Shin Young Joo

I can't go down trying to save you. – Choi Il Hwan

A man of humble birth can't stand an abject failure. – Choi Il Hwan

Episode 13.

It's hard to drag people to whom the law doesn't apply into the influence of law. – Shin Young Joo

The strongest defense is always rooted in truth. – Lee Dong Joon

I crawled out of the trap. – Choi Soo Yeon

Episode 14.

I am honest only to those who are honest. – Lee Dong Joon

You don't regret with words. You prove it with how you spend your time afterwards. You don't repeat the same decision. – Lee Dong Joon

What you want is Taebaek Law Firm. Soo Yeon was just a stepping stone and your father was a ladder to you. Maybe you shed tears at your father's funeral because you were sad that you lost your ladder. – Lee Dong Joon

Mr. Shin couldn't keep his promise to you. Let me do it for you. – Lee Dong Joon

Let's not think about what we failed to do, but focus on what we've done. – Lee Dong Joon

We have taken a step forward together. Let's take the next step together forward too. – Lee Dong Joon

I'm thankful to my dad for leaving you with me. – Shin Young Joo

Maybe you think you can shake my heart around like the old times. My heart used to flutter when I heard your breath in your sleep. I have no feelings left for you. Don't expect anything from me. Nothing you wish will come true. – Choi Soo Yeon

Make sure you protect me well, so that I don't get hurt. – Choi Soo Yeon

The person who's hurt the most will scream for their life. – Kang Jung Il

If I follow the stream up, I will end up finding out where the water is flowing down from. – Shin Young Joo

Young Joo: How does it feel to be divorced?

Dong Joon: How does it feel to be dating a man who just got divorced?

I'm not good at receiving gifts. When I receive one, I want to give one too. – Shin Young Joo

Young Joo: It was a bit expensive for a salary of a police officer. You have to wear it for the next 10 years.

Dong Joon: I will ask you to check it every day for 10 years.

Young Joo: You're a player. You sound like an expert.

Dong Joon: Every player belongs to his or her club. You are the owner of the club.

If you use your power, you will pay for that. – Kang Jung Il

I promised Mr. Shin and I promised you, but I need to take the next step first. – Lee Dong Joon

Episode 15.

Even if he can get away with it, I'll set up a trap that he can never escape from. – Kang Jung Il

When a person dies, it takes 49 days until their next life is chosen. If you have lived well, you'll be blessed and you'll be born to a great family. – Shin Young Joo

I'm ready to be punished for what I have done. – Lee Dong Joon

You have a right to an attorney... Darn it, how can scumbags like you have so many rights? – Shin Young Joo

All four of us are pointing swords at each other. Why don't we put the swords down all together? – Kang Jung Il

I used to be excited seeing you with wet hair after a shower. I don't feel anything now. – Kang Jung Il

If Taebaek falls apart, there will be nothing left in my life. Save me. – Choi Il Hwan

Why did I try to win your heart when I could've just held your weakness against you? – Kang Jung Il

Episode 16.

I think I've developed claustrophobia too. I want to get out of Taebaek. I want Taebaek to fall apart as soon as possible. – Choi Soo Yeon

He's a man who pays back twice as much. If he gets jabbed, he'll deliver a hook. – Song Tae Gon

I'm sitting here crying. She can't sit around smiling. – Kang Jung Il

You've traded law for money. Everything you've done will be revealed to the world. You will be stripped naked. If you want to get a towel to cover yourself, answer the summons. – Lee Dong Joon

The road you didn't take, the road my father gave up on, I'll take that road. I'll get punished for what I've done and start over. – Lee Dong Joon

I am proud of you. I'm so thankful that you get a new start because you got to regret your decision early in your life. – Dong Joon's Mother

Thank you for everything. Without you, I would've lived for that seat. – Lee Dong Joon

Episode 17.

To catch him, we must use his ways. – Lee Dong Joon

Out of all the paths you walked on, there wasn't a single moment I wanted to follow your footsteps. – Lee Dong Joon

I hope you won't regret the path you chose or look back. – Lee Ho Beom

If you continue to eat my mom's cooking, food from any restaurant in this world tastes delicious. – Lee Dong Joon

There are some people who endured that inescapable circumstance. – Lee Dong Joon

I think I can wait for 5 years. – Shin Young Joo

Never listen to the corrupt world. Instead, listen to the truths ringing inside of you, the sounds resonating within your heart. – Attorney General

Wouldn't it be so wonderful if you can live twice? The first time, we lived in a sewer. The second one, we should live in a clear pond. – Attorney General

I was a judge, but I didn't live as a decent one. I insulted a reporter's life who led a decent life as a reporter. I even pursued a comfortable life by doing so. I will say no more. Please punish me severely and show that nobody is free from the law and let the people who are watching this trial know that the time of justice has begun. – Lee Dong Joon

Author's Thoughts:
I am sooo glad I watched this one! Missed seeing Lee Bo Young in the small screen and this definitely did not disappoint. Every episode also made me think, "Who will betray who next?"

It also reminded me of the first KDrama I streamed (My Daughter Seoyoung) in which Lee Bo Young and Lee Sang Yoon were the protagonists. Will definitely be watching Lee Bo Young's next project on tvN,  "Mother". She plays the mother role really well. I suggest you watch God's Gift - 14 Days too. Hehe ;)

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