answering questions #3

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(This is from Siren's friend Spencer btw)

Can the heroes be hacked?

Zib: Hm... It is possible to hack the heroes I suppose, though I've never heard of a case before, but for one it is not possible to hack the heroes from another device, and two, you'd have to knock them out and reprogram them completely. Reprogram the emotion chip, memory storage and so on. Simple modifications can be hacked to like, control the body, but to hack the heroes' hardware will be trickier. Unless... It's some sort of substance, like Meltdown's radiations, that is filled with nanobots, which attack the core and the hardware. (I think you know what I'm talking about.) But, since we discovered the cure for THAT at least, that one should be an easy case to solve. Other cases? Not so sure, if I'm honest.

Thoughts on Siren:

Stormer: Briefly, she's my child and both me and Virus are going to murder anyone who hurts her.

(Quadle: [That ain't no joke y'all]

Furno: Yeah I like her! Stormer and I officially adopted her now. And one point Stormer didn't mention, we're trying to give her a life she never had before and try to give her as much happy memories as possible.

Bulk: She's scary when she's pissed. I mean, it's fun to mess with her, but the consequences aren't so fun. But I still see her as a very good friend.

Stringer: One thing I like about her is that we both love music. Somehow we never managed to talk music, but it's great to chat with her about other things too.

Breez: Oh, I love spending time with her, especially outside in the nature. And I also like teasing Stormer with her.

Surge: Oof, how should I put it? Siren has helped me through a few of my problems, she even managed to help me get a somewhat decent sleep schedule. In my personal opinion, and I think I'm stating everyone's thought, I don't know how life would be without her anymore.

Rocka: What I can say is, I enjoy talking talking to her about dragons, but generally anything actually. She does her best of trying to fit in, although if On honest, she doesn't have to try. She may have her flaws, but every... Uh.. living being has their flaws, no one can be expected to be perfect.

Evo: ... That question has made me realize that I'm possibly, the person who spends the least time with her. It's my own fault, really, since I spent almost all my time meditating... But from what I did experience and saw, Siren tends to put other people in front of herself, wether it's safety, health or anything else. That can be both good, and bad. She's caring, but therefore she often neglects her own needs.

Nex: I dare say, Siren often helps me with medical things and possesses enough medical knowledge to be like a secondary medic of the team. But, like Nathan said, she neglects her own health on the other hand. But generally speaking, Siren's a great friend and member, both family and team wise.

Zib: Despite her making me feel old (unintentionally) by calling me grandma, I still love her as my granddaughter.

Quadle: [Dang, what else is there to say? Also, Evo, correction, I'M the one who spends the least time with Siren! But yeah, Siren is very caring, she likes to help others and uhm... And she's a part of the family]

(It's just a summary of the different reactions, since I still didn't manage to plan out a plot for it. Yes, even MONTHS after this comment was made.)

The two victims will be Shadowzone and XPlode. And how he still has his job? Don't ask, we all don't know. But don't worry, karma will get him.

The heroes and XPlode: For one XPlode will be VERY confused and pissed, once he understands that he's with the heroes now. And because if his streak of criminality, the heroes don't trust him. But they technically can't arrest him either, since he works with them now. So, two possible outcomes. One, nothing happens, the heroes do their thing and XPlode is sitting somewhere sulking.
Or two, XPlode just dips and runs away (as long as Lynn or Wolfie don't appear to stop him) and the heroes just let him be (for the day).

The Villains and Shadowzone: Uhhhhh one thing I think we can all agree on is that EVERYONE is pissed. We have two female members of the villains (not counting in the villains who work solo), Serena (Siren's OC) and Samara. Serena, already being a cannibal who sometimes can't control her hunger, might need to be restrained. And Samara, despite still being a baby from age, is already smart enough to comprehend that Shadowzone ain't a good person. And she's already learning some abilities, so she's always messing with him. Even if the female members weren't a part of the gang, literally EVERYONE is a feminist and wouldn't stand it if some random guy talks sh-t about the female sex. So uhm, basically Shadowzone is on a constant verge of being murdered by idk how many villains until the day is over. Pretty sh-tty for both Shadowzone and the gang, if you ask me.

Honestly, with the evaluations, XPlode pulled the lucky card.

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