incorrect quotes #12

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Surge: *has a popsicle in his mouth*

Furno: Hey Surge!

Surge: *looks up and takes the popsicle out, revealing that it was like at least 20 centimetres long* Hi Furno, what's up?

Surge blinks in confusion. Furno's face was redder than his armour. The blue hero looked into the main room. Quadle and Evo were looking away, Stringer sighed with a facepalm, Stormer covered his face and Zib hid his face behind his tablet. The rest were just confused.

Creator: *from her portal* DIRTY MIND!! DIRTY MIND!!!


Pffff- nice Zib

Zib: Can I make you some tea?

Rocka: Uh yeah sure, what kind do we have?

Zib: Well we got, green tea, detox and- .... shamomile.

Rocka: ... What did you call it?

Zib: *looks at packaging* Sh-shamomile.

Rocka: *snorts* It's called chamomile.

Zib: *blushes in embarrasment*


Wolfie: *has teary eyes*

Bulk: What's up with you?

Wolfie: *sniffs* Creator told me about the future.

Bulk: Okay and?

Wolfie: *shakes head* I don't like it.


Surge: So apparently, I have a new friend. *gestures to a Shadow Villain with blue eyes and who was at least a head taller than Stormer behind him* This is Shadow, he used to fight with the villains but I somehow got control over him, he goes by he, they and it. He literally always follows me, sometimes in this form, sometimes in my shadow. But he's really kind.

Creator: *walks in*

Shadow: *takes a stance in front of Surge*

Surge: And a bit overprotective.


Zib: Ah yes, the Alpha-Team. Stormer, Breeze, Evo, Nex Surge, Rocka, Siren, Stringer, Bulk and-

Zib: *looks at smudged hand writing* Furnace.


Wolfie: Zib, are you left or right handed?

Zib: Left handed.

Wolfie: So what do you do when you sprain or break your left hand?

Zib: Simple. I write with my right hand.

(Fun fact: Zib is seen using both hands to write in the show)


Purge: I hate myself.

Nebula: *slides in* What did you say b*tch?


How these two became brothers in a nutshell

Purge: *struggling with moving on from his past*

Nebula: *picks him up* I've only known him for a day, but I love him, he's my brother now and I will kill everyone who dares to hurt him.


The brothers in the car during a storm

Bulk: *driving* We're heading straight into the hurricane!

Rocka: No sh-t Sherlock-!

A lighting strikes the road nearby.

Rocka: *screams*

Bulk: *blinded and lost control over the car*

Surge: *literally trying to steer the car from the passenger seat*


Stormer: *points to the other side of the training room* Try to teleport to there.

Surge: *focuses on the spot and teleports, disappearing from the room*

Stormer: .... Surge?!

Wolfie: *open a portal next to him in a bathing suit* Could it be that you're looking for someone?

Stormer: Yeah, d'you know where Surge is?

Loud cursing in Japanese is heard from behind Wolfie.

Wolfie: Yeah, he teleported into one of the pools.


Purge: *walks in wearing glasses*

Nebula: ... Dude you look so grown up.

Purge: Von, I'm 28.

Nebula: I know, but the glasses make you more mature looking.

Purge: *confused and brings a hand up to his face; notices he's still
wearing his reading glasses* ... Shoot forgot to take them off...


Zib: Can you please be serious for five minutes?

Wolfie: My record is four, but I think I can do it.


Evo: Hey Zib, doesn't it hurt when you talk? The cut in your face isn't fully healed yet, after all.

Zib: *shrugs* Hurts but I know how to hide it. Besides... I kinda like it.


POV: These three ask themselves the same question

Siren, Purge, Rocka: Does anybody like me?!

Stormer: *to Siren* Everybody likes you!

Purge's universe's team: Everybody "liked" you!

Rocka's insecurities: Everybody lied to you!


(Alternate universe)
POV: If you smile, you die

Zib: *gets forced not to smile by Bot*

Purge: *gets yelled at by Nebula to prevent him from smiling with the rest watching*

Surge: *accidently smiles by a joke but is glad of it with the team panicking*


(Slight spoiler)

Thresher: Hey Stormer, did you know that different flowers have different meaning?

Stormer: Really?

Thresher: Yeah. I heard the Aconite means hate while the red tulip means true love.

Stormer: Huh... *looks at the flower pot in his room with an aconite and a red tulip from Von Nebula*

A few months later. Von Nebula died during a major heroes versus villains fight.
Stormer went into his room. He noticed that the aconite has withered away, but the tulip didn't. The tulip will never die.


How do you protect yourself when dragged into a fight? (Question for the not heroes)

Zib: Simple. *takes out a pistol and a pocket knife* With a gun and knife.

Quadle: [Probably fly high up]

Wolfie: Make my opponent stuck in an endless loop of falling through two portals.

Creator: Beat dat boy with a bat.

Raven: ... Rip out their organs.


Wolfie: Would you stab your best friend in the leg for 10 million gold?

Furno: You stab me, and then when my leg gets better, we buy a big-ass house.

Surge: You can stab me too, then we'll have 20 million.

Furno: Good thinking.

Wolfie: *questioning their logic*


Creator: *puts a hand on Purge's shoulder* Hey there bucko.

Purge: *pushes her hand away* Don't touch me.

Creator: Tch, rude much.

Creator's eyes got a black tinge before they returned to normal and she teleported away with a smirk. Purge thought it was his imagination and shrugged it off.


Creator: *gets pinned to the ground by Nebula*


Creator: What?

Nebula: *pulls her up* LOOK AT HIM!!!

Creator looked at Purge. Purge was on his knees, puking up some sort of slimey black goop. It was all over his hands and ran out of his mouth. Black tears came through his eyes. Creator's eyes widened, but internally she was smiling.


Siren: BEHOLD, the field in which I grow my fucks! Lay thine eyes upon it, and thou shalt see that it is barren!


Jetfire, setting down a card: Ace of spades.

Drilldozer, pulling out an Uno card: +4.

Nitroblast, pulling out a Pokémon card: Jolteon, I choose you.

Fire Lord: What are we playing?!


Surge: English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.

Bulk: You need to stop, I already lost enough braincells.


Breez: Do you have other name's other than Creator?

Creator: Hmm... Y'all can also call me Lynn.

Breez: Is Lynn your real na-

Creator: No.


(I know this one is more suitable for Halloween, but I don't care)

Wolfie: *dressed up as a vampire* Do your creppy face Zib!

Zib: *dressed up in Jeff the Killer's outfit with the marks on his face painted black; sighs and pulls his mouth into a broad smile with his pupils dialating*

(Picture for reference)

Wolfie: *snaps a pic* I'm sending this to Jeff.


Grant: *says sh-t about Surge*

Surge: *snaps* ANATA O FAKKU!

Grant: What the- SPEAK ENGLISH!!

Surge: I said FUCK YOU!

Surge flips him off at the same time.

Furno in the back: *proud*

Okay this one was very lazy.
But I don't care.
And I used Zib and Surge way too much.

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