incorrect quotes #13

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Zib: How's the weather up there?

Bot: ... Normal, why?

Zib: *standing on his toes and is still shorter than Bot* I need to know so I can make the journey up to properly talk to you!


Bulk: I love you so much you little miscreant.

Stringer: Aw, you're the fire to my heart you stupid idiot.

Wolfie: *does the Khaby Lame move* Romance.


Evo: *eating biscuits*

Nex: I want a treat.

Evo: Hm?

Nex: But I can bite you too if you want.

Evo: *technical difficulties processing*


Overprotective brother

Nebula: Where's Dark? Has anyone seen Purge? DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE MY BROTHER IS?!!!?

Nebula: *on the balcony, shouting to the forest below* PURGE ARE YOU DOWN THERE?!

Nebula: *running in circles* That big brother adrenaline is kicking in.


Purge: *upstairs wearing his glasses again* I am right here you stupid idiot calm the duck down!


Quadle: [Why is there a black wolf sleeping with a frog on it's head in the main room?]

Wolfie: ... Is the wolf still a pup and does the frog have a leaf over it's head?

Quadle: [Yeah?]

Wolfie: That's my sister in her wolf form with Froggy, don't mind them.


Creator went to a mirror maze with Raven and also dragged Zib out.

Zib: I never agreed to this...

Creator: Oh shush and enjoy it while you can. Now where's my child? *Spots Raven in a different passage* Raven, over here!

Raven: *muffled from the glass* I see you! *runs through the corridor and through the glass wall shattering it; Froggy crawled onto her back before that*

Zib: *jumps back* AHHHHHH!


Capricorn: This is Daniela Capricorn reporting live in front of the Hero Factory. The heroes are having a Meet and Greet with the citizens and-

???: Mommy!!

A littler girl with blonde hair in pigtails and green eyes is seen running up to Capricorn.

Capricorn: Excuse us for a bit, we'll continue in a moment. *turns to the kid and crouches down* Olivia hey! School's already over?

Olivia: Yeah! And you said you'd be here so I wanted to see you!

Cam(era): Is that your kid?

Capricorn: Yep.

Cam: That's cute how old is she?

Capricorn: Oh she's six.

Cam: ... Aren't you 25 Daniela?

Capricorn: Yeah, why?

Cam: And she's not adopted or anything?

Capricorn: Nope.

Cam: Oh wow, you had her when you were pretty young.

Capricorn: *picks the girl up* Yeah, but I don't regret it. Anyways, let's continue.


Hero Factory outtakes

Furno: *runs after Surge* Spiderman! Spiderman..

Take 2

Furno: *runs after Surge* Peterman! Peterman.

Whole entire crew laughs

Furno: That's on me! *Snaps fingers* Uhm, am I fired?

Take 3

Nebula: *facing Stormer* It's time we changed to-

Nebula: *sneezes and laughs* I'm sorry!

Stormer walks off laughing

Take 4

Furno: Look further.

Evo: ... *Sneezes* I'm so sorry!

The rest of the team and the film crew laughing in the back.

Evo: I was trying so hard not to sneeze!

Take 24

Zib: What are you doing here?!

Quadle: [I wanted to tell you that there's a breakout-]

Zib grabbed his bag but tripped on the way.

Take 51

Furno jumped off a girder towards Corroder, just to miss and land on the ground next to him.

Furno: *staggers back up* I'm okay!

Take 79

Stormer: *skids to a stop but still falls over*

Take 80

Stormer: *skids to a stop but trips over his own feet*

Take 102

Furno: *runs against a door*

Take 366

Nex: Let's go heroes! *runs towards the door but hits the wall instead*

Take 400-410

Everyone just randomly cracking up

Take 582

Stringer: My new Lego death star.

Surge: *voice cracks* No way how many pieces-?

Both of them start laughing

Take 739

Breez: *tests out her Anti Gravity thruster rings* Hey this is pretty easy!

Also Breez: *crashes against Furno*

Take 1046

Rocka: *talking to Furno*

Rocka: *doesn't pay attention and falls into the water surrounding the Hero Factory*


Voice acting fails

Furno: I'm Todd Hayseed! The new sheriff of Traphwaters so now you'll eh-... bleeeh. *laughs a bit and looks down on the script* So now you'll answer them... Yeah that's the line.

Furno: *takes a breath* I'm Todd Hayseed! The new sheriff of Traphwaters so now you'll.. eh- eh.. F*ck-!


Bulk: Test one two. Naaaaah-


Surge: Whoever just pulled- bleeeh.. Whoever just-... Hang on...


Rocka: Good job out there fellas! ... What? F*ck you what?! Good? What? Good? ... What the f*ck am I doing?!


Breez: Can I just do one, one noise? I wanna do like a really childish stomping noise but I don't know if it'll fit in. *laughs a bit*

Breez: *stomps up like a child* Ngh Ngh Ngh!


Stringer: Hm. Hm? *Minecraft villager noise* Hng- I'm sor- *cracks up*


Bulk: *laughs* Just a really loud and just jarred "HA HA HA HA"! Psh *laughs again*

Wolfie: *walks in*

Bulk: G-Get the f*ck out of my office!

Wolfie: *walks out* F*ck you!


Nex: This guy's a wild catch in chi- f*ck.


Breez: Yeehaw! *Snorts* I don't think Joy would say "yeehaw". But I'm not the yeehaw type God damnit. *wheezes* I fell like Todd would say yeehaw.


Evo: And don't pull anything funny like menacing yourself to the smoke- bleh- f*ck! Hang on..


Stormer: It's hot... It's stuffy there's a wasp in here!..


Bulk: Cheers! ... *Snorts* Sounds like an announcement of some sort of "Todd knight!"


Zib: And Lloyd was in on this the whole time-?

Creator: Hey Zib!  Yeaaaaa-!

Zib: Shut up! I'm working!


Bulk: Look! I can poke him, and he won't do anything. *pokes Evo* Poke.

Evo: Ehh...

Bulk: *laughs and pokes him again* Poke.

Evo: Ehhhh...


Surge: It's a nicknack store in my old home Foxton! Near my old home in Foxton. Which we call- *looks into his script* Which we call *trails off* F*ck.


Quadle: [Apprehension pre-... Presedure. Presecco.] *laughs*

Zib: Procedure.

Quadle: [That's what I said okay] *laughs again*


Stormer: Do you want for the push-ups like some sort of-

*imitates weird push-up noises*


Furno: Holy haystacks we did it! ... No we didn't. That's not the line..


Surge: It wasn't inte- *chokes on something* f*ck. Flies!


Siren: ... Wait you're gonna poi- poison *cracks up* Poison a retwinus??


Breez: Oh god. Yeehaw. *wheezes* ... I DON'T F*CKING YEEHAW!!


Wolfie: Hero Factory. YEAAAAA-

Mr. Makuro: *in the background* Shut up! We're working!


Surge: There is an old Tradition. A game we all can play. You start by getting liquored up and sharpening your blade! You take a shot of whiskey *grabs a dagger*, grab your knife and pray. Then spread apart your fingers and this is what we say.

Surge: *puts his hand on a table and stabs the dagger between his fingers* Oh I have all my fingers. The knife goes chop chop chop. If I miss the spaces in between my fingers will come off. And if I hit my fingers, blood will soon cone out. But all the same I play this game cuz that's what it's all about.

Surge continues on while his brothers just watch him worried.


Random night out in a club

Guy: Would you like to dance with a cool guy?

Siren: Sure! Where is he?


Girl: I'm Christina hot stuff.

Girl #2: And I'm Katrina.

Furno: *runs past them* And I'm outta here!


Cuss day

Furno: Dang it

Stormer: God!

Surge: Ahhhh-

Rocka: Aw sh-t...

Bulk: Nononononononono no-no-no-no-no

Breez: B*tch!

Quadle: [Sh-t.. no!]


Nex: F*cking god!

Zib: F*CK!! Stupid..

Siren:  God damnit... Come on man!

Purge: F*ck no f*cking god, f*ck no what?

Nebula: Good? Noooo-

Serena : Fuckin- Eh.. whatever. Oh... NO!

Corroder: F*CK! NO!

Meltdown: F*CK Stupid...

Phantom: No, no, no, no

Splitface: AAH! Wha??

Shadow: What the faaa-a-a-a-a-a-a-ah

XPlode: For f*ck's sake!

Rotor: F*cking come on!

Fire Lord: Don't f*cking jump at me piece of sh-t! I'll f*cking stab your parents!!


Purge: Hey wake up!

Bot: Gah- wha-?

Purge: I just murdered your whole entire family!

Bot: But... I live alone?

Purge: Wha-... Then who are those people in your house?!

Bot: There are people inside my house-?!

Purge: Well not anymore! Dumb b*tch. You could've died. You're welcome.

Purge left the house by jumping out of the window

Bot: *confused and scared*


Zib: I'm sorry Cinderella but you can't go to the ball.

Surge: But I love balls!

Furno: ... *Starts wheezing*


Creator: Hey look what I can do! *makes a cute baby slime from Minecraft appear in her hands*

Purge: What pits from hell have you come from?


Siren: I'm in a good mood today!

Furno: That's great Siren!

Siren: *sniffs* I pranked ya.

Furno: ... *hugs her* you got me good.


Zib: Sometimes I just want to put my hands on someone's cheeks.

Zib: And violently jerk their head back and forth until their neck snaps.

Quadle: [... That took a sudden turn]

Mr. Makuro: So did their neck.


Surge chose ARSON

Furno: You can do anything Surge!!

Surge: Anything?

Furno: Anything!

Surge: *smiles and takes out a dagger* Anything?

Furno: Wait no not that-!


Wolfie: Breez! Wanna watch this show with me?

Breez: *sits down next to her* Sure.

After a few minutes

Breez: ... This is kinda violent.

Wolfie: *watching Happy Tree Friends* I know right?


Clingy boi

Shadow: *sitting on the couch hugging Surge who was on his lap*

Surge: Shadow, I love you an' all, but can you please let me go? I need to go train.

Shadow: *gives him a sad face*

Surge: *sighs* Alright, five more minutes.

Shadow nuzzles him happily.


Hero Factory worker: *on his way home at night* Who is this Purge guy I keep hearing about from the H.R.T? I never heard of them.

Purge: *lands on the ground next to him* Hey you called?

Worker: ... Oh f-

The next day

News reporter: A worker from the Hero Factory has been found dead. Cause of death must've have been getting stabbed and bleeding out.

I made another one.

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