incorrect quotes #14

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Kiina: So someone told me non-binary people don't exist.

Kiina: *opens a closet* But I found this thing in my closet-

NiGHTS: I like bread.


Basically how it started

Breez: Are we dating?

Stormer: Do you want to?

Breez: Yes! Jesus Christ how is this a question?! Yes I want to date you you dumb, adorable f*cking-!


Welcome to the Anti-Void!

Surge: *teleports in*

Surge: *gasps* Bulk I did it! I teleported on command-

Surge: *notices there's nothing there and everything is white* ... Hello? Great, where did I land this time?

Ink!Sans: Hello friend! Do you need some help-

Surge: Ahhhhhhh what the fuck?!


If Stormer was a cat

Stormer: *sitting on a shelf*

Stormer: *jumps off into a water bucket* I'm cold.

Quadle: [Da cat just talked]


Wolfie: ... So you can have a fully gay threesome. But not a fully straight one.

Siren: Yeah no sh-t Sherlock.


Zib: Surge, what do you have?

Surge: *holding a knife and a chocolate bar* A chocolat bar.


Purge: Do you ever just, want to lay down and never get up?

Purge: *laying on the ground of the villain base* Cuz that's me right now.


Zib: No offense to myself.

Zib: *sitting between some boxes and counting all 3000+ files he has* .... But what the f*ck am I doing?


Computer: Your password is weak.

Furno: So is my memory so please let me keep it.


Wolfie: So we all know that Mr. Makuro is like, 500 something, right?

Zib: Yeah?

Wolfie: That's an old age.

Zib: So?

Wolfie: What if he died? What's going to happen with Hero Factory then?

Zib: ... I'd rather not think about it.


Furno and Rocka arguing in the kitchen.

Evo: Can I have a waffle? Can I please have a waffle?


Surge: *stumbling through the hallway while holding himself up by the wall*

Zib: Surge what's wrong?

Surge: I teleported too many times my head is now all fuzzy everything is spinning I'm seeing rainbows everywhere and I'm slowly getting a headache.


Stringer: *walks out while recording* What are you doing?

Bulk: *standing outside* Looks like it's gonna rain. *makes his way back* Gonna roll up the windows and get ahead of it-

A lightning strikes right behind him.

Bulk: *jumps and trips against Stringer* Sorry...


Jetbug: Hey, I think it'd be really hot if you carved your initials on me.

Fire Lord: Oh yeah? Wait here.

Jetbug: Kay. ... Boi ain't no way boi!!

Fire Lord: *holding a knife* I need to you hold still cuz if I f*ck this up it's gonna be real bad.

Jetbug: I wasn't being f*cking serious!!!!


Purge: I swear you're like the only one I have left right now. I am this close to falling off the deep end.

Purge: *chuckles while his brother is worried* I know I'm smiling right now but the light inside of me is dieing.


Zib: I stay awake at night because I don't even know what my favorite colour is and I'm afraid I don't have a real personality.


Dew: When you said you were magical in bed this was not what I expected.

Grant: That's where you're wrong. *pulls out an ace* Is this your card-?

Dew: Get the f*ck out.


Nex: *literally has a cut across his face that is waaaay too close to his eye* Holy fugging smokes dude my cut is insane.

Nex: *points at Shadow* Shout outs to my barber dawg.


Corroder: And now we're doing angry cuddles.

Serena: *growls*

Corroder: Why you so angry?

Serena: *growls more*

Corroder: I'm not doing nothing! I'm just holding you.

Serena: *growls while she nuzzles him*


Stringer: Daddy!

Bulk: ... Did you just call me daddy?

Stringer: *nods with a snort*

Bulk: *grumbles a bit* You got issues that I like.

Stringer: *wasn't expecting that answer* Uh..


Surge: Hey Rocka, what do you know about dragons?

Rocka: *starts up a PowerPoint presentation on the TV*

Surge: *mentally* What did I get myself into?


Zib: I have the urge to do something stupid.

Thresher: I'm stupid do me.

Whole main room goes silent

Thresher: ... I said that out loud didn't I?


Creator: *holds up a crucifix* Be gone demon!

Purge: *demonic screeching*


Wolfie: Hey, what are you up to?

Siren: Oh, I'm just preforming a sage burning ritual to clear this house from demons.

The demon in the attic: *coughs* F*ck you I have asthma you wh*re!


Bot: *hands Zib a strip of paper* Here, take it.

Zib: Are you giving me your number? But for what?

Bot: In case someone is giving you trouble, just call me. I'll f*cking kill them.


These two before they started dating

Evo: Did you just flirt with me?

Nex: Have been for the past year. But thanks for noticing.

Evo: *flustered mess* WHAAAA-?!


Siren, writing in her diary with a glitter gel pen: I'm losing my sense in humanity. Nothing matters. God is dead. There's blood on my hands.

(I have the quote from Siren's book, only her version was with Serena)


Zib: *doing something on his tablet*

Zib: ... *sneezes like a cat*

Wolfie: *literally melting away*


Stormer: Hey mommy?

Zib and Breez: Yeah?





Lynn, struggling to keep upright in their 1 inch heels: Yeah, I-I don't really think heels are for me

Siren, pointing at them and walking flawlessly in sparkly golden 6 inch heels: WEAK.


Bot, texting Zib: Nathaniel! Help I'm being kidnapped!!!

Zib: Where are you?

Bot: I'm with some strange person. In a car. Help.

Zib: I'll call Creator.

Creator, answering her cell: Y'ello?

Zib: Where's Bot? He texted me that he was being kidnapped.

Creator: Bot? Whaddya mean, he's right next to me-


Creator: I'll call you back. *hangs up*




Zib: *talking about Shadowzone* That dumbf*ck of a hero... Makes me want to punch him in the face...

Bot: Zibby, you did that before.

Zib: And I wanna do it again. And break his nose this time.

Bot: He doesn't have a nose-

Zib: You're missing the point.


Nex: Come on Raven get down from there!

Raven: F*ck off I am one with my kind now!

Wolfie: What are you doing?

Nex: There were birds in the tree and I told Raven to go say hi to her brothers and sisters as a joke. So she flew up the tree to spite me but now she won't come back down.

Raven: I will never come down!

Raven: I'm where I belong!

Raven: Caw caw b*tch!


Stormer: You can't hit people for being stupid.

Furno and Zib: Why not?

Stormer: Because it would give Grant and Shadowzone permanent brain damage.


Surge: Why are people so obsessed with top and bottom? I'd be excited to just have a bunk bed.



Wolfie: I'm gonna tell him.

Evo: Don't you dare.


Evo: I like mene.

Evo: Nem.

Evo: Mem.

Zib: It's okay take your time.

Evo: *points at Nex* BOYS!


Furno: I know that we always had this unspoken rivalry between us.

Rocka: Not a rivalry, you just always annoy me. And it's not unspoken, you talk about it all the time.


Siren: I swing both ways.

Siren: Violently, with a knIFE!


Human AU

Serena: Are you okay?

Thunder: Yeah, why? What's up?

Serena: I thought I heard something fall.

Thunder: That was my shirt.

Serena: ... You're shirt fell and made that noise?

Thunder: ... I was inside of it.


Human AU again

Zib: *walks in wearing shorts and a black crop top*

Wolfie: Aye looking hot Zib!

Zib: ... Wolfie, what the hell?

(Ngl, I imagine Zib having a more feminine body in his human form. I don't know why)


Zib: We all have our problems.

Zib: *pointing at the rest of the household* These are mine.


XPlode: What are you, two?

Corroder: Yeah. Two inches taller than you.



Stormer: 13 year old me would be terrified and in awe at who I am now.

Zib: 13 year old me wouldn't think I'd get this far.

Furno: I would fight a 13 year old me.


Purge: What's the most inspirational thing I've ever said to you?

Thunder: Don't be an idiot. That really changed my life.

Purge: ... Well, great, but I feel like it just turned you into an even bigger idiot.


Rocka: How did you know I'd be here?

B.P: I saw a a lighting dragon fly by and I thought: "If Bolt is here then Daniel can't be far."


Furno: *throwing rocks at a window*

Rocka: You have a phone for a reason dumba**.

Loud thump

Rocka: *opens window* Did you just throw your phone?!


Thunder: Small creatures are more vicious. It's because there's less room to contain their anger.

Drilldozer: That's ridiculous. Name one example of this.

Thunder: Wasps.

Corroder: Spiders.

Rotor: Terriers.

Nebula: Purge.

(Purge, if you don't count in the villain boss, is the shortest out of all of them)


Meltdown: Has anyone wondered why the sky is blue?

Thunder: The sky is blue because the atmosphere is reflecting off the ocean et cetera.

Meltdown: ... Who are you and what did you do to Thunder?


Stringer: *sees someone doing something stupid in the distance* Pfft, what an idiot.

Stringer: *realizes it's Bulk* Wait that's MY idiot!


Breez: Why is Surge crying?

Furno: He thinks he stepped on a ladybug.

Breez: Thinks?

Furno: It was a red M&M.

Surge: *stops crying while the tears left black marks on his face* It was an M&M?!


Purge: Corroder, you are an easily flustered bottom.

Corroder: I am not!

Nebula: Yes you are, you blush like crazy when you just SEE Serena!

Corroder: No I don't-

Serena: *walks in wearing one of her new dresses* What's going on?

Corroder: *face is redder than Furno's armor as he stares* N-n-nothing.

(Credits to Siren for this quote)


Wolfie: *sitting on the couch while holding a tissue on her nose and has a bin in front of her and two tissue boxes*

Surge: What's up with you?

Wolfie: My nose is too sensitive in my allergy season and I've been having nose bleed for the last ten minutes.


Stormer: I promised Zib we won't do anything stupid while he and Quadle are away.

Breez: Why would you lie to our mom like that?


Shadowzone: Anyone under 5'8" can't talk about fighting someone. What are you gonna do? Headbutt someone in the nipples?

Siren: Say goodbye to your kneecaps a**hole.

Zib being the proud grandma of Siren in the back


Bulk: What happens if I press the gas pedal and the break pedal at the same time?

Nex: The car takes a screenshot, try it.

Surge: *in the backseat, literally the only responsible one out of those three* DON'T YOU F*CKING DARE!!!


Creator: Imagine someone handed you a vox full of the items you lost throughout the years!

Rocka: It would be nice to have my sense of purpose back.

Surge: My childhood innocence! Thank you for finding it!

Bulk: I knew I lost that potential somewhere.

Siren: My will to live! I haven't seen it since fifteen years!

Zib: Mental stability, my old friend!


Rocka: There are essentially three ways to handle a difficult situation. The right way, the wrong way and the Furno way.

Surge: Isn't that the wrong way?

Rocka: Yes but faster.


Never leave Furno unsupervised

Furno: *making fried eggs in the kitchen*

Furno: *looks away for one second*

Furno: *looks back; eggs are literally on fire*


Rocka: It never occurred to me that people actually "gradually stir in" their pasta.

Furno: Yeah? What do you do with yours?

Rocka: Dump it all in the pot at once like the spaghetti goblin I am.


Wolfie: *recording and camera pans to Breez* We got a bad b*tch.

Wolfie: *moves the camera to Siren* We got a bad b*tch.

Wolfie: *camera moves to Zib in a dress and is pissed* And we got a "beat the f*ck out of you".

(Picture for reference)


Bulk: What's the problem?

Siren: Math problems...

Bulk: Oh, I can help you! Lemme see.

Bulk: *takes the paper* Alright umm, here's an easy one! What's 6×3?

Siren: ...

Bulk: 6×3

Siren: I don't know-

Bulk: 6×3!

Siren: I DON'T-

Bulk: 6×3!!


Bulk: 6 3!!!

Siren: I DON'T KNOW! What is it?!

Bulk: What is it?! ...

Siren: ...

Bulk: Get your mom.

Siren: What?

Bulk: FURNO!!

Furno: What's the problem?

Bulk: *gives Furno the paper* Homework.

Furno: *looks over it* What's 6×3?

Siren: I don't know.

Furno: 6×3?

Siren: I don't know!

Furno: What's 6+6?

Siren: Oh 12!

Furno: Now add 6!

Siren: I don't know what is it?!

Furno: What is it?!

All: ...

Furno: Get your math teacher.

Siren: Who???

Furno: ZIB!!

Zib: Boom, what?!

Furno: Homework.

Zib: *takes the sheet* I taught you this. What's 6×3?

Siren: I don't know!

Zib: Look, if Johnny has 6 times 3 amounts of dish soap, how much dish soap would he have?

Siren: I don't know, what is it?!

Zib: What is it?!!

All: ...

Zib: You guys aren't serious right now, right?


I actually had more, but I forgot what I wanted to add. Oh well!

(Holy hell 2222 words without this part)

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