incorrect quotes #2

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(before Bulk and Stringer started dating)

Bulk: I just want someone to take me out.

Surge: Like, on a date or with a sniper gun?

Bulk: Surprise me.



Villain!Surge: So then I said-

Villain!Surge: *stretches out his arm holding a dagger* KNIFE to meet you!

Villain!Surge: *pulls back his arm* It was a funny little pun.

Surge: *his eyes are purple* YOU STABBED FURNO!!!

Furno: *on the ground* Don't worry, I'm in STABle condition

Surge: ....why am I dating you again?


Creator: *opens a cup of pudding* ........Did I forget the damn spoon?


(TwistedRoles!AU: Stormer, Furno, Rocka and a few others disappeared and Surge is currently the Alpha-leader)

*Breez and Nex are having difficulties in training*

Nex: Hey Surge, do you wanna help us?

Surge, being the tired Alpha-leader substitute: Oh, I would... but I dont want to.


Rocka: Why don't we just call it, "M.C. Donald's?"

Siren: Because it just sounds like a stupid rapper's name.

Furno: It'd just be like- "Eyo, it's ya boy, M.C. Donald!"


(based off of a roleplay)

*Surge's sitting on the island, drinking coffee, while Furno leans against the kitchen counter, talking to him*

Siren: *enters* Hey Momma, guess what?

Furno: What?

Siren: *snickers* SURGE WANTS YO A$$ MOMMA!!! *runs out laughing*

Surge: *chokes and spills his coffee*

Furno.exe stopped working


Wolfie: Ooh, somebody has a crush

Furno: Pfft, I don't have a crush on Surge I just think he's cool, it's not like I stay up at night thinking about them.

*Later that night*

Furno, very much awake: Uh oh.


Bulk: Guys, Stringer is missing.

Stormer: Good.


Stormer: Did you say missing?

Bulk: yes.

Stormer: F***ING H3LL!!!


Siren: *on the couch playing a game*

Wolfie: *enters and walks towards the exit* Jingle Bells, Peter smells, Evan's really hot! Wolfstar's lit and Snape's a git, let's go do some shots! *leaves the room*

Siren: what the actual funk???

(I don't claim the text. I got it from Google)


POV: Wolfie pissed off Zib

Wolfie: .. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- [translation: IM SORRY]

Zib: What's that?

Wolfie: Remorse code.

Zib: I'm even angrier now.


Zib: They... well, I wouldn't call it inheritance. What do you call it when you kill someone and get their stuff?

Creator: Um, murder???

Wolfie: Adventuring!

Siren: Tuesday.


*out grocery shopping*

Rocka: *takes a free sample twice*

Rocka: Robbery and Fraud. I am a Rebel.


Stringer: I only get 9 hours of sleep.

Rocka: 9 hours? I only get 7!

Zib: 7? I get 4!

Siren, Surge and Stormer: You guys are getting sleep?


(Y/N): Listen, I can explain...

Wolfie: Youre making $500,000 and youre only gonna pay me $30,000?

Zib: Youre getting 30 grand? Im getting $1,000!

Literally every hero: You guys are getting paid?


Evo: Capitalization is the difference between "I had to help my uncle Jack off a horse.." and "I had to help my uncle jack off a horse.."


(human versions)

Furno: Dumbest scar stories, go!

Evo: I burned my tongue once drinking tea.

Breez: I dropped a hair dryer on my leg once and burned it.

Bulk: I have a piece of graphite in my leg for accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil in the first grade.

Rocka: I was taking a cup of noodles out of the microwave and spilled it on my hand and I got a really bad burn.


Stormer: I have emotional scars.


Rocka: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?

Evo: Several traffic violations.

Bulk: Three counts of resisting arrest.

Nex: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks.

Stringer: Also, thats not our car.

(Stormer has left the chat)


(based off RP again)

Surge: *drinking his 3rd cup of coffee* Insomnia overall sucks, but if you live with it long enough, you get used to it.


*the squad on Discord*

Bulk: 6 easy ways, to make yourself taller.

(Zib had entered the chat)

(Zib has left the chat)

*Furno, Bulk and Surge dieing of laughter*


Evo: Hey, what time is it?

Creator: Dunno, lemme check. *plays the kazoo*

Surge: *from the living room* WHO THE F*** PLAYS THE KAZOO AT 2 AM?!?!?

Creator: Good news, we know the time. Bad news-

Evo: -we woke up Surge...

(Basically, Surge for once managed to fall asleep, even if it's on the couch.)

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