incorrect quotes #20

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Savage Aria

Shadowzone: *puts out a hand* Ryan Shadowzone. Hero of the Stella-Team.

Aria just looks him up and down.

Shadowzone: *grabs her hand* You shake hands with a hero, out of respect.

Aria: *pulls her hand away* When the hero has earned my respect, then I'll shake their hand. Bitch.

Shadowzone: I'm sorry?

Aria: Apology accepted.

Zib: *in the back* Go bad b*tch!


Purge: ... I kinda want a pet, not gonna lie.

Nebula: Well lucky you cuz I just found this little guy!

Nebula shows Purge a baby fox that had a few bandages around it's legs and body.

Purge: *takes the fox* ... Where did you find it?

Nebula: It was injured on one of the highways and I took it here to heal it.

Purge: *holds up the fox* ... You're name is now Ginger.


Fortis, not you too...

Fortis: ... Hey Rocka, isn't that your mother?

Fortis points at Zib who was wearing a crop top instead of his usual blue shirt and lab coat.

Rocka: Yup. That's Zib.

Fortis: Huh, didn't know he's a crossdresser.

Rocka: Well, he is.

Fortis: ... *mutters* Sh-t I think I'm gay.

Rocka: Good luck with winning him over cause you got three rivals.


Getting injured as a child

Nex: *falls off a tree*

Nex: *gets up* I'm okay!

Getting injured as an adult

Thresher: *trips and falls*

Thresher: *has a bandage around his head, one on his "nose" and a sprained hand* Motherf*cker...


Getting over a fear be like.

Surge: *walks in* ... What are you doing?

Lynn: *standing in her room with the lights off and curtains down* I'm trying to get over my dear of the dark. Wolfie, close the door.

Wolfie closes the door. Lynn runs back out.

Lynn: Nope nope nope nope nope not today.


Wolfie: Hey you dropped this.

Rocka: Uh, sorry but that's not my phone, mine is right here.

Wolfie: Oh. Then who's phone is this?

Rocka: I don't know stop grabbing random phones you see on tables.

Wolfie: Well, it was right next to you!

Rocka: Okay, not everything close to me is mine dude!

Wolfie: ... What?

Rocka: Not everything close to me is mine. That's pretty obvious.

Wolfie: ... Oh my god why didn't you tell me man?!

Rocka: Tell you?! This is basic common sense!

Wolfie: Ugh, then what do I do with this?

Rocka: ... Is that a goddamn Xbox?!?

Wolfie: Yeah, what I thought was your Xbox.

Rocka: ... Since when have I ever carried out an Xbox out to lunch with me?!

Wolfie: Ugh dude I don't understand why you never told me!

Rocka: Tell you what?! That not everything around me is mine?

Wolfie: *shows him Olivia* Then who's this?

Rocka: Wha- is that a whole child?!

Wolfie: Yeah, your whole child.

Rocka: Since when did I ever have children?!

Wolfie: I dunno you get around here.

Rocka: That kid is not mine!

Olivia: ... I want my mom.


Daniela: We are out here in Lititz. (pronounced: le tits)

Camera: *snorts* Daniela, it's Lititz. (Pronounced: Liditz)

Daniela: That's what I meant okay-

The two start laughing.

Daniela: *wheezing* We'll be back after a short break!


Bulk: *at the beach; facetiming his brothers* Hey baby bros!

Surge: *snorts* Hi Bulk. How are you?

Bulk: All good!

Rocka: ... Ya sure? Looks like there's a storm coming up behind ya.

Bulk: I know, I'm going to leave soon anyways.

Rocka: Oh, okay. But please hurry up, you're awfully close to the wa- RUN!!

Bulk: *turns around* Huh-?

A large wave crashes over Bulk, staging him with it and making him drop his phone which landed in the sand. Inaudible cursing is heard in the distance.

Surge: ... That brother gone.


Bot: *sees a severely injured villain* ... God that's a lot of blood.

Worker: Are you okay sir? You don't look too hot.

Bot passes out.

Worker: Oh dear-


Storm going on outside

Zib: If this continues the power is going to go out.

Power goes out.

Zib: Oh dang.


Raven: Zib, how do you pronounce this? *holds up a chamomile tea bag*

Zib: ... *mentally* F*ck I forgot.

Zib: Uhhh tshamomila? No, shomamile. No! Crud uhhh...

Wolfie: *wheezing in the back* It's called chamomile!


Breez is not a morning person.

Breez: I feel like sh-t. Maybe I'll feel better after I take a shower.

After the shower.

Breez: ... Nope.


Purge: *takes his reading glasses and puts them on*

That one part of the glasses: *stabs him in the eye*

Purge: *drops them* SON OF CU-


XPlode: Why do I also feel so burnt out all the time, when I also feel like I'm doing absolutely, f*cking NOTHING with my life?!


Alternate Universe

Thresher: Nathaniel please I swear I didn't want to kiss her!

Zib: I am not falling for that Thresher I've seen you kiss her multiple times by now! Out of free will! I was wondering when you'll finally tell me but instead you keep on lying. If you were poly or didn't love me anymore you could have just told me.

Thresher: Okay, okay, you're right! But do you really want a divorce just because of that?

Zib: Oh, I've got a list of ten things I hate about you.

Zib: Ten, you're selfish. Nine, you're jaded. Eight, the dumbest guy I've dated. Seven, talking big until you're naked. Only six seconds and I has to fake it!

Zib: *a tear runs down the side of his face* Five, you're toxic! Four, can't trust you! Three, you've still got daddy issues! Two, talking bullsh-t I can't undo. One, I hate the fact that I ever loved you...


Teen: *looking through their phone and almost bump into Stormer*

Stormer: *dodges them* Geez, people are really only looking on their screens nowadays...

Stormer: *gets a message and check his phone*

Stormer: *runs into a lamppost*


Daniela: Hey Liz, how are you?

Liz: *a female robot with orange hair and silvery whitish eyes* Oh I'm good, what about you-

Woman: Why are you greeting that wh*re?

Liz: Wh*re? ... It's good manners.

Woman: You don't need good manners when talking to a b*tch like her.

Liz: Then I won't need manners talking to you then.


If Shadow was a cat

Shadow: *looks at Surge*

Surge: What's between those ears? Is it a brain?

Shadow: *just blankly stares at him*

Surge: No, just floof. Not brain.


Turn on the shower and see how your partner reacts

Stringer: *turns on the shower and waits*

Bulk: *pokes his head in* Hey, where's my invite?

Stringer: *snorts* What?

Bulk: *walks in* You know the deal. You shower, I shower.


Overprotective son

Splitface starts a conversation with Surge, which slowly moves to flirting without Surge knowing.

Shadow: *appears behind Surge*

Surge: Hm? Shadow, what's wrong?

Shadow hugs Surge from behind and rests his head on his shoulder despite the height difference. He looks at Splitface and growls quietly.

Splitface: ;-;"


The plan for today was to work on a comic for DeviantArt and instead I spend more time on this.
Damn it....

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