incorrect quotes #21

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Bulk: *jumps into the scene* I got a jar of dirt- Oop!

Bulk jumped a bit too far and rolled off the hill.

Surge and Rocka: *look down the hill* Are you okay?

Bulk: *sits up and gives a thumb's up*


Zib: *working by the dining table at night*

Ghost: *appears*

Zib: *looks up* Who told you to come here?

The ghost doesn't answer.

Zib: Leave.

Ghost: *definite nope*

Zib: *grabs a flipflop* I will send you to Jesus.

No reaction.

Zib: *throws the flipflop at the ghost's head and actually hits it*


Lynn: Surge, I dare you to run around with a bucket.

Surge: A bucket? Sure!

Surge puts a bucket on his head.

Lynn: Wait no that's not what I meant-

Surge: *flips her off and runs off* I don't f*cking care!

Rocka: ... I am worried.


Trying to prevent a sugar rush

Surge goes to the kitchen in the middle of the night to grab something to eat. The cabinet with the sweets is locked.

Zib: *standing by the doorway with a coffee* What are you doing?

Surge: *way too quickly* Nothing!

Zib: ... I knew you were going to get chocolate so I locked the cabinet.

Surge: Mooooom!


Nevermind. Surge has a sugar rush.

Surge is running around in the living room.

Evo: ... Is he okay?

Zib: He's having a sugar rush.

Quadle: [Surge slow down you'll get yourself hurt!]

Surge randomly teleports to the stairs and trips.

Surge: *gets up with his "nose" bleeding* I'm okay!

Evo: *walks off* I'm getting Nex.


Splitface: I fear nothing. But that thing?

Raven: Hoi!

Splitface: It scares me...


Nebula: I slept like a baby last night.

Purge: So you woke up crying every few hours? Same.

Nebula: That is not what I meant bro get therapy.


Times where Elmo was an absolute savage but it's Hero Factory.

Wolfie: *holding a rock* Say hello Rocco.

Rocco: *utter silence*

Wolfie: Yup, Rocco says hello.

Rocka: I didn't hear anything.


Zib: Raise a glass to freedom.

Breez: Raise a glass?

Zib: Raise a glass.

Breez: Glass of what?

Zib: ... Apple juice.

Breez: ... Delicious.


Bulk: Oh, Rocco has tons of things he wants to do.

Rocka: Of course..


Siren: What can we use, instead of blocks?

Stringer: ... What if, we think, outside of the box-?

Siren: Say what now?


Child!Nex: I don't want to play with Zoe anymore! This play date is over! *storms off*

Child!Evo: Wait wait wait where are you going?

Nex: Alaska!

Evo: It's faster if you drive.

Nex: ... Aaahhhhh!


Surge: Onions, garlic, celery. Balsamic vinegar.

Surge: *mutters* That's a big word for me.


Stormer: *pokes his head in* I'm gonna sue!


Furno: I'm a horrible chef...

Zib: But you're trying though.

Furno: Not really.


Bulk: I mean, like, I punched you in the arm and I'm so sorry!

Zib: Oh, I have some sort of delayed reaction so- *clutches his arm* Holy f*cking sh-t, did you break my arm or something?!


Breez: I'm gonna go swim with dolphins.

Surge: What are you going to do then?

Breez: I don't know.


Rocka: *has a fake knife "stabbed" into his hand* Zib's gonna kill us if he finds out this is a prank.

Bulk: I know.

Rocka: *sighs* MOM HELP!!!

Zib runs into the kitchen but slips of the tiles and face plants onto the ground.


Thunder: *walks into the main room*

Some Shadow Villain: *standing by the door frame*

Thunder: *flinches* F*cking god... Purge, control your kids!


When Purge just became a villain

Furno: What? You're gonna kill us now?

Purge: No. I want you alive so I can the looks on your faces when I'm running this town.


Person: *shoves Bulk aside* Moron.

Bulk: ... Behind you.

Person: Huh?

Surge: *shoves them* B*tch!


Lynn: I dare you to song a sing i about Shadowzone.

Zib: ... Seriously?

Lynn: *already recording* Yes.

Zib: *sighs* Twinkle twinkle little b*tch. Just another narcissist. Hate your guts you make me sick. I'm so f*cking over it! Twinkle twinkle little b*tch, I wish you didn't exist. Tried to turn my life into sh-t. I'm so f*cking over it!


Surge: ... Something's under my helmet.

Surge takes his helmet off and shakes out sand corns.

Surge: How did that get in here? *notices Wolfie starring* What?

Wolfie: You put your helmet back on right this instant and do not take it off in front of me ever again you look like you're bald without it.


Lynn no-

Lynn: Cheese of truth! *throws a piece of cheese at Surge's head who has his helmet off*

Lynn: You're bald.

Megalovania playing.


Bulk: One whore.

Rocka: *slides in* Two whores!

Surge: *slides in after Rocka* We are whores! *points to Zib* And I fucking patron!


Stringer: Mooooom you never told us you were part of a radio station!

Zib: What?

Stringer: Yeah! Hero Factory FM! You took part in a lot of podcasts with the galaxy-famous DJ Mak Megahertz! You usually explained different emergency calls.

Zib: ... Where did you read that?

Stringer: Heropedia.

Zib: *sighs* I told them to not put it in there..

Stringer: You also set up fake calls to prank Megahertz.

Zib: Well...

Stringer: And you two always called each other by your first names. Are you two close?

Zib: *blushes a bit* Yeah um, let's not talk about this anymore.

Is this a new ship of mine? Yes, yes it is cuz I have shipping issues.
And I read on Heropedia that Zib has worked in the Hero Factory for only for SEVEN years. Like, boi. Only seven years and already senior mission chief??? And I found out you don't write Quadle but Quadal.


Nebula: But it's good for you! Good for your soul.

Purge: Oh please, I don't have a soul.


Bulk: 'ight good night bro.

Surge: G'night.

The two lay down to sleep.

Bulk: ... Shoot forgot to get my water-

Surge was sitting on his bed starring at Bulk.

Bulk: ... Bro, can you not?

Surge: What?

Bulk: Stop starring at me!

Surge: I'm not starring!

Bulk: Yes you are!


Furno: Call the cops, someone's breaking in.

Rocka: No.

Furno: Wha- what do you mean no???

Rocka: I mean no. Do you wanna hear it in Spanish? *with a Spanish accent* No.


Zib: Have you guys seen the news lately? Apparently we have a werewolf in the city.

Surge: Yeah, Ima get my crucifix ready.

Zib: Crucifixes don't do anything do werewolves.

Surge: Oh, I know. It's pretty heavy though so I thought it would do some decent damage to the head.

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