incorrect quotes #22

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Bulk and Furno are fighting in the training room.
The lights suddenly switch off.

Furno: What in the?

Zib stood in the doorway, one hand on the light switch.

Zib: It's three in the morning you two. Go to sleep.


It's raining heavily and very windy outside.

Shadow: Mom, where's Rocka?

Surge: He should be here in five seconds.

Rocka walks in, soaking wet and water dripping down from him.

Rocka: *shakes off the water* It's a little bit wet outside.


Evo eating lunch

Evo: ... The soup is cold, and the salad is hot. How is that even possible???


Furno: I'm cold.

Wolfie: *slides in* Cause you're hot and you're cold!

Surge: *slides in on his knees* You're yes then you're no!

Siren: *slides in* You're in then you're out!

Stormer: *joins in cuz f-ck it* You're up and way down!



No one:

Not a single atom in the world:

Me: *creates up to 20 AUs of Surge cuz I have a f-cking obsession with him*


Lynn: Can I marry your brother?

Rocka: ... What?

Lynn: Can I marry Surge?

Rocka: The fu- no!

Lynn: Pleaaaaase?

Rocka: One, you're a minor, two, No and that's it.

Later that day.

Rocka comes back home. Upon walking in through the front door, he saw Lynn kneeling on the ground in front of Surge.

Surge: Brother, help.

Rocka: *sighs and pinches his nose bridge* Oh for the love of god...


When Zib is out during a storm.

Zib: *trying to fight against the wind* Wish I took the car today...

A branch of a tree next to him cracks and falls down.
Zib jumps back before it could hit him, as it landed on the ground where he originally stood.

Zib: *sitting on the ground* ... Well that just happened.


Furno is in the city with his bike.

Furno: *drives across a green light*

Car: *suddenly comes from the side despite having a red light*

Furno swerved to the side to avoid colliding against it. The wheels of his bike slip and he falls, skidding a metre or so on his side before coming to a stop.

Furno: *pushes himself up* Ow..


Bulk: Are you okay man?

Surge: My forehead hurts like, a lot and I don't know why.


Purge: *trips and hits his forehead on the table edge*


How unlucky can you be in a day? Yes.

Zib: So... My tablet broke, my monitors keep crashing, my laptop is dead and won't charge no matter what and I can't find my pen, clipboard and bag. I apparently lost the keys to the files room and I didn't get any shifts assigned today in the Hero Factory.

Quadle: [Might as well take a few days off]

Zib: Do I look like someone who takes breaks?


Zib: Exactly. Oh well, might as well get the groceries done.


Zib: *sitting on a cot with a bandage around his head, multiple bandaids and his left arm wrapped up and in a sling*

Zib: Now how the f*ck did I end up in a hospital?


Based off a real event.

Stormer, Bulk and Stringer are playing pool.
Bulk aims and hits the white ball with such force, it bounced off the table and onto the floor.

Stringer: *picks it up* Never knew these balls would be so loud on the floor.


The team is training in the training room. Rocka is fighting against Furno, although he's close to losing.
Everything suddenly went black around Rocka.

Rocka: *looks around* What the, what happened?

???: Weak.

Rocka looked up. A dark silhouette stood in front of him. His eyes widened when he realized it looked like him.

The silhouette: You're one of the best heroes, you have special training from the Recon Team, and yet you're losing? How useless can you get? That's the reason no one looks up to you. You're pathetic. You're weak. It would have been better if you were never created.

Rocka gritted his teeth as tears came into his eyes.

Rocka: Shut up... SHUT UP!!

Rocka hitted the silhouette in the face, making it stumble back and fall on the ground. The colours started to reappear.
He breathed heavily, until he noticed his surroundings. Furno was sitting on the ground in front of him, with a large scratch like from a claw across his face, just merely missing his eyes. He starred up at Rocka.
Rocka starred back.

Rocka: What?...

Rocka looked at the hand he used to hit the silhouette, only, it wasn't a hand anymore. His hand has shifted into the claws he used on Quatros. There was blood on it. His whole entire body shifted into his lion form.

Furno: Rocka... How did you?

Rocka didn't reply. He just starred at his hand.

Furno: *gets up and puts a hand on his shoulder* Rocka! Say something!

Rocka: *shoves him away and backs up* Stay back! Stay away from me...

Furno reached out again. Rocka pushed him back and stormed out of the room.

Furno: Rocka!

Stormer: Kid!

Surge and Bulk: Brother!!

Rocka was already gone.

Surge: What... Happened to him?...


Ah yes. Chickens.

Zib took (child) Breez out for a walk by the lake.

Breez: *sees a few ducks* Look at all those chickens!

Zib: *snorts*


Flash flood. How did that even happen?

Stormer: Guuuuys there's water coming into the living room through the front door!!

Bulk: ... Some people are missing.

Furno bursts in causing more water to flood in.

Furno: Mom, Quadle and Rocka are still at the Hero Factory!


Zib, Quadle and Rocka are stuck at the Hero Factory.

Rocka: Somebody happen to have a raft or boat or something?

The other two: Nope.

Rocka: Dang it.


Hero Factory breakout fails.

Speaker: Lego Hero Factory is filmed location. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty.

Hero Factory - processing center 8:56pm

Camera moves to Furno and Jawblade

Furno: This guy's no problem uh, you know, we had an altercation with him a few years back. You know he's a good guy these, y'know, cons they get out and they make a lot of mistakes but you know deep down, a lot of them are ready decent guys y'know.

Jawblade makes a run for it.

Furno: Ah geez! He's running.

Jawblade: *disappears* Goodbye!

Furno: Ah that's what I thought...

Hero Factory Assembly Tower 6:14pm

Rocka: Sir, power down that spider and step away from the ledge. *activates his shield*

Black Phantom: One step closer and I'll throw myself into the main reactor and destroy the entire Hero Factory!

Rocka: *deactivates his shield* I'm not sure where you're head was at while devising this "master plan", but that's the trash chute.

Evo throws away a garbage bag in the back.

Rocka: The reactor's over there.

Black Phantom: Cursed! Perhaps.

Rocka: ... I probably shouldn't have said that.

Rocka gets knocked off the edge by Phantom's mace.

Black Phantom: All shall tremble in the wake of Black Phantom!  HAHAHA-

Phantom gets electrocuted by Rocka who was behind him hiding onto the ledge.

Rocka: Maybe so. *gets up* But not today.

Gemini Astroid belt 4:35am

Surge: Okay guys, what is it this time?

Splitface (Red): He can't keep dragging me around the galaxy doing all these horrible things for Black Phantom! I'm an artist I have to create things-

Splitface (Grey): *hits Red's side of the face* SILENCE for one minute!

Red: Ow hey!

Surge: Whoa whoa whoa hey that's enough!

Surge puts the cuffs on them and talks to Red.

Surge: Sir, you know this is going to keep happening unless you press charges.

Red: Oh my mummy never loved me...

Grey: Oh the constant whining!

Surge: Alright, come on, we're gonna go downtown and sort this out- whoa ahhhh!

Grey: You're the reason we always get caught!

Grey lifted his hands up and accidentally knocks Surge away.

Surge: *floating around in space* Yup. That just happened.

Hero Factory Brig 3:47pm

Rocka: Ya keep walking palooka.

Phantom's spider comes and gets rid off the cuffs, before Rocka could shoot it down. Phantom knocks Rocka over and puts a foot on his belly.

Black Phantom: Your system of Justice is broken!

Rocka: Get off my belly sir...

Rocka yells as he turns into his XL lion form.

Black Phantom: You're just a bunch of talk in the bad aren't ya-

Rocka grabs Phantom by the head and throws him aside, who screamed.

Furno: *moves in while there's a fight behind him* Alright uh, there's nothing to see here, alright? The show is over just, go on and roll the credits.


One of my favorite scenes.

Surge: *scratches a brain bug that was on his shoulder* Aren't you cute?

The brain lashes itself onto his face.



Stormer: I think we're heroes, not rockstars.




Rocka was dangling from a cliff, with Surge holding him by the wrist.

Rocka: Brother... I don't want to die!

Surge: You won't, I'll pull you up.

Surge was about to pull Rocka up, when a sword went right through his chest and core. Surge froze, blood spilling from his mouth and core.

Rocka: S-Surge?..

Surge slumps and because Rocka was still holding on to him, they both fell off the cliff into the depths.

Rocka shot up with a scream. He looked around. He was still in his room, on his bed.

Surge: *walks in* Rocka, what happened? Why did you scream?

Rocka: *looks at him as tears fell from his eyes* Surge...

Rocka got out of bed and hugged him.

Rocka: Promise that you'll never, ever, leave me!

Surge: *figured what was going on and hugs him back* I won't, I promise.


Nebula: All the Shadow Villains are you're kids?

Purge: Yes.

Nebula: What about the one that joined the heroes and is now a Shadow Hero?

Purge: ... He may have left, buuut he's still my kid. I may be their so called "master", but they have their own lives as well. Can't control that forever. It's up to Shadow to decide if he's a hero or a villain.

Nebula: ... Wow, that was a really meaningful speech.

Purge: It's not a speech and that's common sense of which some people unfortunately lack.


Wolfie: *walks in* Lynn, are you drinking beer?!

Lynn: First off, it's called Radler which is similar to beer, to be honest. Second, it's non-alcoholic. It's pretty much the only thing that is closest to beer that I'll ever like.


Quadle: [Zib are you smoking?!]

Zib: *takes a lollipop out of his mouth* How does this look like a cigarette to you?!

Quadle: [... I thought you don't like sweet things?]

Zib: I don't.

Quadle: [But a lollipop is literally pure sugar!]

Zib: Ironic, isn't it?


Breez: Rockaaaa I might need your help.

Rocka: *dozed off but shot up awake again* W-what is it?

Breez: Sooo you're an expert with dragons, right?

Rocka: I wouldn't say expert but I know some things about them, yes.

Breez: Okay good because uhhh... *shows him a small dragon that is in a silver grey colour with emerald green eyes* I found this on my walk in the forest today.

Rocka: ... Breez, how do you know the parent isn't nearby?

Breez: Well, it looked really skinny and was barely at consciousness so I thought it might have been there for a while. I tried talking to it, but I don't understand a thing because it sounds like a baby blabbering.

Rocka: *takes the dragon* ... Well, if I'm not mistaking, considering how rough the scales are and by the colour, it's a rock dragon. Rock dragons live in rocky, mountainous regions which means it's definitely in the wrong place if it's in the forest of Makuhero City. And by the current size of it, I'm guessing it's only a week old. ... And it's a male.

Breez: Sooo what are we going to do with him? Do you happen to know any dragon keepers?

Rocka: No, because dragons are hard to find and tame and they're suppose to live in the wild. I'm pretty sure there aren't any dragon keepers here or in the nearby cities.

Breez: Dang. ... Heeeey you could take care of him!

Rocka: W-what?!

Breez: I mean, you're basically raising Bolt and and you have the most knowledge of dragons that I know sooo?

Rocka looked at the baby dragon who snuggled into his arms.

Rocka: ... I guess I could.


Teacher and Student AU

Zib: F-ck I'm late for school! Wait, I'm 43.

Zib lays back down.

Zib: *gets out of bed and falls on the floor* I'M A TEACHER!


Daniela: *looking through her phone gallery and smiles when she finds a picture of her and another guy*

Woman: *sees the picture* I can take your man if I want to.

Daniela: Sorry?

Woman: Just saying, I can take your man if I want to.

Daniela: "I cAn TaKe YoUr MaN iF i WaNt To". Hunny, my man is dead.

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