incorrect quotes #35

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Surge is making ice cream sandwich

Surge: The recipe says that we need two cups of ice cream. Full fat. Not the healthy kind but who cares? What are you trying to do? Live longer?


Thunder: *about to pick up something from Meltdown's desk* What's this?

Meltdown: Wait don't touch that!!

Thunder: Why?

Meltdown: Those are radioactive minerals.

Thunder: Why do you have these on your table?!

Meltdown, a villain who's obsessed with radioactive sh-t:

Meltdown: *gestures to his person* You're really asking me?


Surge: *holding a tray* Damn, we made a lot of brownies, who's going to eat all of this?

Surge: That would be my fat a**.


Furno: Hey, I haven't seen Surge eat a single sweet thing today.

Nex: Yeah, same. I think he even started drinking less coffee.

Both: *look at Surge who was on his phone*

Surge: *looks up* Huh?

Both: Who are you and what did you do to Surge?

Surge: Hehh???


Core Hunter: Why does Purge look so worried?

Nebula: He went mom mode again.

CH: Why?

Nebula: Because Vortex is sick.


CH: He went mom mode because of Vortex?

Nebula: Yup.

CH: Since when was Vortex his kid-


Zib: *pushes himself through the crowd towards Bot* Samuel, what's going on? What's with the commotion and all the yelling?

Bot: Okay, just don't blame me for it, just because I'm the leader of the VSU team. Someone got into the Hero Factory's security system and deactivated ALL security measures, leading to another mass breakout and all the villains escaped! Later on security was reactivated but the villains have all escaped! Only very few out of hundreds, who were still in Makuhero City, were able to be recaptured.

Bot motioned to all the empty cells, except the ten or eleven cells that had villains recontained.


Ginger: *rolled up on the couch sleeping*

Purge: *sits down next to her*

Ginger immediately woke up and let out her fox laughs, as she snuggled against Purge who petted her.

Purge: *snorts* Hey girl.


Zib: *at work; phone rings*

Zib: *picks up* What's up Furno?

Furno: Can I go outside?


Furno: I'm just making sure I can.


Nebula, Purge, Core Hunter: *fighting each other for no reason*

V.Boss: *walks in*

The three: *immediately stop*

Purge: Something just happened.

Nebula: *can't stay serious and starts wheezing*


Fortiss: Why is it so hot in here?

Zib: Because you're hot.



Fortiss: What?

Zib: What?


Future events in a nutshell

Bulk: *dead*

Corroder: Hm. Well that's not my problem, I did everything I could.

Surge: *standing in front of him*

Corroder: Also how are you here? You're suppose to be dead.

Surge: *makes multiple swords appear that flew at Corroder*

Corroder: Oh shi-


Surge meets his far into the future self

Surge: Oh my god, you're me from the future right? There are some things I gotta know like, when do you get a chance like this?

Surge: I got a question, am I doing the right thing in the team? Helping them as much as possible, protecting them at any cost?

Future!Surge: You're going to love them till the day you die.

Surge: ... Maybe I don't need to know more than that...


Zib: Someone forgot to close the garage door and now, snow came into the garage and the car is frozen in place. There's ice on the streets, and I don't want to risk myself slipping, I already broke my back because of that before. So I either wait until the car is defrosted and show up late, or switch to working from home.


G: Describe Demon Slayer but horribly wrong and right at the same time.

Surge: Demon Slayer is the only anime in which a boy with asthma learns how to breath and goes on a quest with sleep walking Pikachu and edgy Peppa Pig to go kill Micheal Jackson.


wElCoMe To GeRmAnY

Me: *throws out trash but accidently in the wrong bin*

Person: No, that's the wrong it. This goes to the green bin, on this yogurt cup you seperate the paper wrapping from it-

Me: ... You make me un POCO LOCO!


Furno, during a mission: *sees a lightning strike nearby* Is a storm coming?

Surge: *appears next to him with another lightning strike* Well yes, but actually no.


Savage planet

Stormer: Don't follow him!

Furno: *does the peace sign and disappears*


Evo: *blind folded*

Furno: *attacks him from behind*

Evo: *proceeds to send Furno flying to the other side of the training room*


Surge: *playing the violin*

That one note: *awfully squeaky*

Surge: *cringes at the sound*

(Out of my own experience. It's awful)


Someone: *insults Bulk*

Surge: *from two miles away* So you've chosen death-


The planned story plot in a nutshell

Hero Factory: *has eleven or so episodes*

Hero Factory with my story plot: *about a hundred episodes, not including multiple seasons while some characters go through entire character arcs, people dieing left and right, someone just lost their mind and is about to commit a felony, this guy turned into a chicken, sh-t gets to a high point and just starts going down dramatically, oop, the chicken turned to dust, some guy died, the chicken is back and is now immortal, timeskip to a billion years later, immortal chicken leaves the universe*


Doom Box

The whole team minus Surge: *knocked out*

Core Hunter: Come with me, you'll be the general of my army, my kingdom!


Surge: *kills him* No.


Zenitsu for no reason



This duo


Surge and Furno: *screaming*


Nebula: It's Von Nebula.

Stormer: Von Nutcase.


Me: Basically Nobula... Nobula, bruh.

My friend: *snorts* Von Nobula.

Me: Poor guy. He already has to deal with Stormer calling him Von Nutcase.

Friend: *laughs*

Me: It's canon.

Friend: Wait it's canon?!

Me: Yes.

Friend: *laughter worsens*


Zib: *comes home early*

Rocka: *Sleeping with papers around him*

Furno: *set the kitchen on fire again*

Surge: *on a sugar rush and teleported against the wall*

Nex: *floating underneath the ceiling*

Stormer: *trying to catch Zita*

Bulk: *standing on the table to stay away from Websy who broke out*

Evo: *sitting in a corner*

Stringer: *somehow disappeared*

Breez: *trying to find Stringer*

Quadle: *probably in Zib's office having a mental breakdown*



Ordeal of Fire

Evo: *meditates*

Drilldozer: Waz the matter with dizz guy?

Nitroblast: Maybe his battery is running low.

Evo: *pulls out his gun*

The Fire Villains: *it was at this moment that they knew. They f-cked up*


Me: *wants to make a video or draw some digital art*

Video and art block: HmMmM nah.


Stringer and Nex, when they weren't even introduced in Invasion from Below and didn't appear in the episode before that: Baby I'm not even here, I'm just a hallucination.


Purge: *pops his head out of a shadow*

Literally anyone: F-cking hell-


Average human life span: 72 years

Average lifespan in Makuhero City: around 100-120 years.

Mr. Makuro with his 524 years: I am, indeed, surperior.


In kindness there's evil: Surge

In evil there's kindness: Purge

Of course we have the balance: Zib

Then there's pure cinnamon role: Nex

And then this motherfu-: Shadowzone


Highschool AU

Surge: *sleeps through almost all of his classes, has a part time job cuz he lives alone while his dad is on a business trip, pulls all nighters, is still in the top ten of the class*

Furno: *pays attention in class, forgets sh-t too easily, is in the middle with his grade*

Stormer: *best grades of the entire school, passes his exams with ease, still hates school*


Time traveller: *moves a chair in the timeline*

Surge: *not constantly drinking coffee and eating sweets*

Thunder: *smart for once*

Purge: *isn't overusing his powers*

Zib: *not overworking himself and laughs every now and then*

Evo: *doesn't get panic attacks*

Breez: *not a yandere*

Shadowzone: *isn't being a sexist*

Everyone else: *wondering if they went insane because the mentioned people are acting like every average person*


Highschool AU
What he would write in the year book

Stormer: The Office, season 7, episode 19, minute 14:55


Highschool AU (again)

Furno and Stormer: *hand in their test sheet at the same time*

Teacher: Why do you two have the same answer?

Stormer: We had the same questions.


Purge: *squatting in front of Bot's window*

Bot: *walks in and opens the window* Why do I feel like this shouldn't be a normal thing?

Purge: *jumps in and shrugs*


Bot: There's this guy who keeps breaking into my house and at this point we literally became friends.

Zib: What the fu-



G: *wokes up, gets up, goes into the hall, inhales* IT'S CHRISTMAS MATHA FACKAAAAS!!!


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