Incorrect quotes #44

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Rotor: Awe, you're built like a small baked bean.

Evo: A ba- a baked bean?! .... *Takes out his trident* Say goodbye to your kneecaps you burnt rotisserie chicken-


When you're melee skilled is ranked max

Zib: *throws his mug backwards*

Stormer: *dodged every other attack, gets hit on the head by the mug and falls off the platform*

Zib: Stormer, are you okay?


Sign: Caution, danger.

Meltdown: *standing next to a nuclear power plant* Ah well, thank you for notifying me.


Purge: *holding up a kunai* Did you get this from Wilbur?

Thunder: No.

Purge: Then where did you get it?

Thunder: From Wilbur.


Rocka: I don't know what an HD is, but my doctor said I had eighty of them.


Zib about his bad luck at times

Zib: My bad luck? Eh, it's not that bad. Everyone gets hit by a car or snaps a bone every now and then.


Zib: ... Right?


Shadowzone: That prick thinks he's so much better than everyone else, being the Alpha Mission Chief and having a apparent "Hero like" fighting style.

Zib: *walks past him* For your information, I do not think I'm better than everyone else.

Zib: *pauses and turns around* But I do think I'm better than you.


Why CH wears a mask

CH (past): *about to kill a hero*

Person: Damn bro, you look like a softie.

CH: *w a s t e d*

(Based off of Urokodaki from KNY)


Demon Slayer AU

Yushiro (using him cuz I got no fitting character): *points at Surge* Also, you know your brother is a demon, right? Not much to look at, really.

Bulk: *mentally* Not much to look at? Doesn't that mean... Ugly? But who? *Realizes* ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? Who would look at Mark and think he's ugly?!

Surge: *clueless on what's going on* Hmm mhmm?


Purge: Von, you almost crushed yourself with your power. You could have died!

Nebula: Doc said that my bleedings were internal. And that's were the blood is supposed to be.


Fortiss to Zib: So I'm not leaving until you laugh.

Fortiss to Rocka: Oi, panini head are you listening to me?


Person: You're such a hard worker. What's motivating you?

Zib: Daddy issues.


When a bag gets stuck in the vending machine

Tries to get the bag by sticking their hand into the vending machine: Nex, Stormer, Bulk

Shakes the machine: Surge, Evo, Stringer

Punches/kicks the glass: Furno, Rocka

Asks someone for help: Breez, Quadle

All of the above, in that exact order: Zib


Canon Surge: Short tempered, thinks he'll become a villain one day, proven to be able to use electrical powers without weapons when mad (Doom Book comic)

My Surge: half innocent cat boy, husband material, f-cking god /j


Demon Slayer AU

Breez: *attacks Surge and tries to behead him*

Surge: *shrinks himself and starts running*

Breez: Eh-


Zib: *gets insulted* Okay.

Zib: *something about his dad is mentioned* Okay.

Zib: *anything happens to the team; Shadowzone existing* OKAY LISTEN HERE YOU MOTHERFU-


Zib is the walking definition of running away from his problems.
Change my mind.

(Okay, but why does he look kinda good with black hair?)


Greeting the Uber driver after a night out with the homies

Rocka: *Aggro drunk friend OR the half sick drunk friend*

Bulk: *the drunk babysitter*

Surge: *the passed out lightweight*


Ink: Let me guess... You're the most powerful version of yourself! I mean, you have full control over your god level powers. Double element on top of that!

Purge: *glances over to Creator!Surge* AHEM-


Mr. Makuro: *holds up a photograph with a young man with black hair in a ponytail* Hey Zib look, I found a photo of you when you first started working here.

Furno: *spawns next to Zib and looks between him and the photo* This you?? When did you have black hair? And where are your facial markings???

Zib: *almost suffered a heart attack from Furno spawning*


The four in command (under the V. Boss) in their free time

Purge: *on the roof* I'm gonna jump!

Nebula: NO DON'T!

Serena: DO A FLIP!

Core Hunter: *watching an eagle in the background* What kind of bird is that?


Core Hunter: *knocks everyone from Alpha-Team out*

Surge: And I took that personally.


The villains with little explanation

V. Boss: wine addict

Purge: Cat mom

Nebula: housewife

Core Hunter: OCPD

Serena: undead cannibal with smut obsession (I'm sorry Siren, I had to)

Witch Doctor: Disappointed in everything and everyone

XPlode: Boom boom

Rotor: Helicopter

Thunder: IQ of a rock

Meltdown: deranged radioactive stuff addict

Vortex: clueless sadist

Nebula, Purge, CH: The villains' version of the bro trio.

Serena, Thunder, Meltdown, K, Corroder: Family of outcasts and mental instability

All: Someone get them therapy please-


Rotor: D

Samara: D

Rotor: A

Samara: A

Rotor: D

Samara: D

Rotor: A

Samara: A

Rotor: Dada!

Samara: Death!


Samara: *gets injured after sneaking out into a fight*

XPlode: *to Rotor* Hold my explosives.

Hero: ... Why do I hear boss music-


XPlode, when someone made his child cry: Do you understand, how f-cked you are?


Surge: Ohayoo, onii-chan!


Bulk: Never say that again, I beg you it sounds cursed.



Mafia AU

Stormer: You call detonating bombs in buildings a successful way of destroying evidence?

Furno: Hey, as long as it works.


Smol Stormer is adorable
Change my mind

Stormer: *holding his plush*

Breez: Hi Preston!

Stormer: *whimpers a bit and hides his face behind the plush*


Me: *has a favourite character or creates a character* After all, why not?

Me: Why shouldn't I give them trauma and extreme power?


Hero Factory animated on YT for free


Hero Factory if the secret missions were animated as well and the series went deeper into the lore plus more intense fighting sense. But it costs money.

Which one do you choose?

Me (and I think any other HF fan): *slams credit card down* GIMME.


POV: The team went on a mission in a building and activated one of the traps

Bulk: *on the otherside of the hall after using his particle separator* God damn it, Surge, USE YOUR PARTICLE SEPARATOR!

Surge: *dodging the shots, still in the middle of the hall* I'D RATHER BE A HARD TARGET BI-


Zib: Are you sure about this Mak? You wanted to keep this a secret before.

Mak: I think I know what I'm doing. *runs into a lamp post*

(Mak wanted to make their relationship official, that's why Zib asked)


Surge: I hate it! I just hate it when I can't even have the slightest amount of control over my powers!- *vanishes*

G: ... Bro disconnected.

Bulk: *holding back laughter* Now is not the time.


Random thought of the day

Me: ... Why do I look like Kanamori's secret love child?


Any Hero after stabbing Purge through the stomach, slicing his throat and giving him burns: HOW ARE YOU NOT DEAD?!

Purge: *having an existential crisis because of that question* I have no idea!


Surge, trying to read without glasses or contact lenses: What the. Eh???


Zib: *slams the training room door open* Do you boys have ANY IDEA what time it is?!

Furno, Bulk, Rocka and Evo:

Bulk: Two fifty two am?


Part of me is scared of my imagination

Rocka has gone beserk and is tearing a villain apart.
Nex crushed someone on accident with gravity.
Shadow just went half into Surge's body. Not into his shadow, so they're like... Sans and Papyrus from Six Bones.
Zib is somewhere repeatedly stabbing a blank hero who is long "dead".
Purge looks like the definition of a zombie.

The decent part of my mind after imagening that: That is all kinds of wrong!


Nex: *excited about a centrifuge*

Rocka: If I ever get this excited about a centrifuge. Don't even hesitate, just put me out of my misery.


Surge: Rocka's pissed.

Bulk: How do you know?

Rocka: *somewhere in the distant* I HAVE A PHD IN ANGER ISSUES AND I'M TELLING YOU RIGHT NOW-


The villains: *having a meeting and discussing stuff*

Samara and Esmeray: *sitting on their respective mother's lap drinking from juice cartons, observing*


Nex: I cannot tell who's rubbing off more on Evo. At times he just acts the same as Furno, other times (especially when mad) he's like Rocka. And then the majority of time he acts like he doesn't know what's going on in his head.


Bulk: *cleaning the window and accidently knocked over the water bucket next to him*

Stormer: *just leaving the house, gets doused in the water* AH, COLD!


Villain Factory AU

Zib: You are seriously twisted.

Mr. Makuro: Thanks.


Bulk: *meets Phantasmaraneae (basically a giant spider) for the first time* NOPE. Nope nope nope nope, nuh-uh, I ain't dealing with this sh-t, I QUIT!


Lynn: *listens to song above*

Lynn, seconds later: I wish I understood physics as fast as the song text.


Lynn teleported to our reality

Stormer: *stands up* Alright brunette, where are we?

Lynn: *smiles and puts her arms out* Wir sind in Deutschland!

Furno: ... What did she say?

Stormer: We're in Germany.

Furno: B-TCH do we look German to you-?!

Lynn: Oi listen punk, many Germans can speak English so you'll be fine.


Surge: *absorbs an electrical shock*

Villain: What is this guy, a lightning rod?

Surge just got struck by lightning.

Surge: *to the sky* NOT NOW ZEUS!


Evo: Just keep calm. AND RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!


Actor AU

The crew was filming a fighting scene.

Furno: *yelps and clutches his left eye* IT GOT IN MY EYE, IT GOT IN MY EYE!

Nex: What, what got in you eye?

Furno: The fake blood! F-CK IT BURNS!


Zib: Do something I was not willing to do all those years ago.

Rocka: Fulfill destiny?

Zib: No. Get some therapy.


Highschool AU
Introducing the "villain boss"

Parent: Sir, those kids are a menace and lower the school's reputation.

Mr. Makuro: Eh, no not really. There's worse. And my brother has them under control.

Parent: You... Your brother?

Mr. Makuro: The deputy director.

Nero: *pokes his head in* Nah bro, those kids are a handful. Be glad you're not in charge of them.


Surge: Don't ever take kindness for weakness. That being said, be soft.

Surge: *in an almost demonic voice* But be ready!


Person: Y-you're not going to shoot a hero, right?

Zib: Yeah, straight in the core.


Actor AU

Shadowzone: *dramatically* If you don't like me at my worst, you don't like me at my best.


Zib: *still in character* B-tch I don't like you at all.


Purge: Hey, have you seen my-... What are you doing?

Thunder: I'm just... Thinking.

Purge: Oh dear lord NO-

Thunder: Grave robbing is technically premature archeology.

Thunder: If you're turned on by dirty talk , aren't your genitals voice activated?

Purge: Stop-

Thunder: If you eat meat as comfort food, is it also a support animal?

Purge: I don't wanna know-

Thunder: The deadliest clown in history is actually Ronald McDonald. His body count is higher than Pennywise and the Joker.

Purge: *mentally* Forgive me Serena. *Slaps Thunder* We're taking you to therapy.

Thunder: The therapist is going to need therapy after dealing with me, I tell ya.


Purge: Who the f-ck needs a social life. I have the voices in my head to keep me company.




Purge: Although they argue a lot about who's in control of me.

Nebula: That's not better-


Zib: *applying eyeliner*

Stormer: *opens the door without knocking*

Zib: *flinches and the eyeliner gets into his eye* F-CK, SH-T! KNOCK NEXT TIME GOT DAMN IT!


Zib: Fun fact, some arachnid species are able to purr.

Bulk: ... Despite how much I hate spiders, that's actually cute.


How to immediately piss him off

Furno tried to cook rice but ended up burning it badly. The bottom was literal charcoal and the whole thing was just a block. And it stank.


Surge: *turns to Furno with a blank expression* Did you just burn the rice?

Furno: *scared*


Zib: I'm in a really great place right now.

Zib: Not mentally, I'm just in my bed. Hehe.

Zib: Working.


Far into the Future AU

Surge: I've been considering the possibility that Yariel is a figment of my imagination. This is probably because I fail to understand how someone, with a personality like his, could survive in this sh-tty work. And also because I fail to understand how someone with a personality like his would take any interest in a misanthropic, pessimistic a--hole like myself.


Future AU

Stormer: Please, we don't want to hurt you.



Purge: Stuck in an elevator because Thunder decided to jump?

All: F-cking mid.

Purge: Witch Doctor just had three panic attacks within ten minutes.

All: F-cking mid.

Purge: Hunter is being immature and yelling the whole time.

All: F-cking mid.

Purge: Boss hasn't said a thing since we got stuck.

All: F-cking mid.

Purge: Meltdown has just been listening to music and calling his mom.

All: F-cking mid.

Purge: Corroder has to pee so bad he might get a bladder infection.

All: F-cking mid.


[HERO]: Oh sure, let us just load me-sen inta t' ero factorih systum 'n look fah tha' specific file. (Oh sure, let me just load myself into the Hero Factory system and look for that specific file.)

[HERO]: *puts his hand on the mission control desk* I'm sorrih if tha' sounded lark sarcasm, i'm in. (I'm sorry if that sounded like sarcasm, I'm in.)


Elemental villains: We are stronger than you!

Alpha-Team with their elemental bursts: Are you sure about that?


Time traveller: *moves a chair*

The Timeline: *Insert Invasion from Below*


Su: What are you up to?

Joe: Oh, I finished repairing a team's weapons before they set off on a new missions, so now I'm just taking a break.

Hero: Uhm, Big Joe? We need new repairs again...


Su: oh dear-



Worker: *tells Mr. Makuro about Zib getting into a fight with a hero*

Mr. Makuro: I can't seem to tell where the problem is.


Evo, watching Furno and Rocka fight for the 164th time be like: 😮‍💨


Shadowzone: *made Aria cry and proud of himself*

Zib: *behind him holding a gun to his head*


Daily serotonin


G: I'm slowly starting to head canon that Evo is Rocka and Furno's adoptive son. It's just that trio and imagine just Evo being done with his parents' sh-t.


Hero: *stabs Purge from behind through the chest*

Purge: *alive*

Hero: B-tch how dare you still live?

Purge: *standing behind them* Because the one you stabbed is my son...


Mak: Life is like Zib.

Assistant: Aww, because Zib is your life?

Mak: That too. But also because life is short.



Dawn of Evil be like-

Evo: On a scale from 1-10, how bad is it?

Nex: I'd say a... 7 point... arm ripped off-?

Evo: My arm is WHAT-?!


An AU where people have to eliminate each other

Stormer: *in a school; picks up his phone*

Person on the otherside: I can see you.

Stormer: Are you in the locker?

Person: Uh, n-no?

Stormer looked at one of the lockers and fired a gunshot.

Stormer: Did I get you?

The person didn't answer, the call broke off. Stormer saw blood leaking from the locker he shot at.

Stormer: Looks like I did.


Creator!Surge: You think you're better than me?

Glitch!Surge: I was first. I have seen everything.


Mak: Can I have my shirt back?

Zib: *wearing the shirt Mak once gave him* Can I have my virginity back?

The others:

Thresher: Yo bro, what?


Person: You can't be into two fandoms at the same time!

Me, having a KNY and HF phase: Try me b-tch.


Fortiss: I like your personality.

Zib: Which one?

Fortiss: Wha-

Zib: Which personality?


Stormer got Zita one of those mats where you press a button and it says a word or phrase.

Zita: *presses a button* Dad.

Stormer: Yeah?

Zita: *presses another one* I love you.

Stormer: Pfft, love you too Zita.

Zita: Food.

Stormer: Is your bowl already empty?

Zita: Yes.


Far into the Future AU

Furno: Rocka had the worst week of his life. And he NEEDED YOU!

Surge stayed unresponsive to that and didn't even look at Furno. The hero looked at Surge, before hitting him across the face.

Furno: YOUR F-CKING BROTHER NEEDED YOU!! And you weren't there! You were here the whole time but not for him! You've changed so much.

Furno: And he's dead because of YOU.


Stormer topping be like

Stormer: Forget naughty and nice lists, you can be on my to-do list.

Breez: Oh!-


Stormer: Let's play titanic. You're the iceberg and I'll go down.

Breez: JESUS-


Stormer: Have you checked my pronouns? Cuz my preferred pronoun is yours.

Breez: Oh my-


Stormer: We're like chocolate and marshmallows. You're hot, and I want to be on top of you.

Breez.exe stopped working.


Zib: *texting Bot* What ride are you picking me up in?

Bot: My third leg, if you know what I mean.

Furno: *walks in* ... You alright Zib?

Zib: *hiding his face in his hands* No.


Surge: Ara ara.

Surge: *pulls out a gun* Sayonara.


Nex: GET THIS! Self assembled chain linked COPOLYMERS!

Rocka: Hey, that's my favourite kind of copolymer!



Stormer: Are you hurt?!

Furno: Just my pride. And my internal organs. *f-cking dies*


Nex: *k.o on the couch*

Stormer: ... *To Lynn* Was ist den mit Julius los?

Lynn: *le shrug*


War AU

Zib: What happened to you? What happened?


Zib: Because this isn't you.

Stormer: What do you know about me? What would your presumption be?


Zib: Wanna dance?

Mak: No.

Zib: Wanna awkwardly stand in a corner together?

Mak: Now you're speaking my language.


Furno: COME QUICK! It's an emergency!

Surge: *rushes in* What is it?

Furno: I need a hug.

Surge: *sighs with a smile and hugs him* And for a second there I thought you called me for something silly.


Brain: Focus on what's important.

Depression: Nothing is important.

Anxiety: Everything is important.

ADHD: What is focus?

Rocka: Damn.



Bot: I'm going to confess to you on Valentine's Day!

Zib: Ah-

Bot: You're free after work, right?

Zib: Y-yes.

Bot: So be prepared!

Zib: *hiding his face* 'kay...

Bot: Why is your face so red?

Zib: Because you basically already confessed...

Bot: *blushes* Ah! Then forget what I just said...


Thunder: Death is just the day your birth certificate expires.

The gang trying to have a normal dinner:

Purge: What the fu-


Football players after falling: Aw crap, get the doctor!

Stormer: *survives an explosion, has his vital circuit disconnected once, and survived a Nebula Gas attack* Just a few dents.


Nex: You have 2-4 minutes to live but every time you breath it resets.


Stormer: *texting* Can you send me a photo of you real quick?

Breez: *sends pic* Here you go.

Stormer: Thanks.

Stormer: I was playing cards and I needed a queen.


Thunder: A shark eating a person because it thought it was a seal is equivalent a person eating a raisin cookie thinking it's a chocolate chip.

Thunder: Any stairway is a stairway to heaven if your clumsy enough.

Thunder: Scuba diving is equivalent to travelling to another dimension where you can fly and there are aliens everywhere.

Thunder: The phrase "calm down" has a 100% failure rate.

Thunder: It would be really easy to get a world record if we colonize Mars.

Thunder: The old you is actually younger.

Thunder: There was actually a moment when you were younger when your mom or dad picked you up for the last time.

Thunder: The first person to test out a parachute must've been terrified.

Thunder: If money is the root of all evil, why do they ask for it at church?

Thunder: How can a person's brain and body replicate the feeling of falling from a hih place in a dream, when they never experienced that before?

Thunder: It would make more sense if the number 3 had the value of 4, since 3 already looks like half of 8.

Thunder: Computers are the only things where too much heat can cause freezing.


Meltdown: Why is it, that everytime we spend time as a family, YOU PULL THIS MOVE?!-


Thresher: There is nothing scarier than hearing Zib count down from three. Change my mind.

Stormer: No, I don't think I will.


Furno: *sneaks into the kitchen to steal some food*

Surge: *bonks him on the head with a broom* No.


Me: *proud because I sorted the laundry without distraction from my phone*

My dad: Don't forget the bucket outside, there's more.

Me: The sheer amount of disappointment I felt is immeasurable.


The team had to go into a cave.

Stormer: *hears running footsteps* The f-ck?

Evo: *from the very back running to the front* THERE ARE BATS!!!


W.D: *treating Purge's burned hand* How the hell did you burn your entire hand from boiling water?!

Purge: I let the intrusive thoughts take over.


W.D: *facepalms in disappointment* You are just like a cat I swear...


Demon Slayer AU (on crack)

Bulk: *come back in pain after Final Selection*

Surge: *kicks down the door and walks out* SUP B-TCH.

Zib: *visible disappointment*


Self defense at it's finest bi-

Zib recently bought Aria some self defense thing and today they wanted to try it out. A blank hero approached Aria. The mission chief took out a small cylinder out and pressed down on a button on it. It snapped into a pong metal rod, of which one end went right through the robot.
Both Zib and Aria starred at it.

Zib: Note to both of us, never aim it towards a person unless you want to kill them.

(These things exist in real life. No idea what their called, but they can break glass (at least from a picture frame) for sure.)


Newbie: That's a weird f-cking tone man.

Purge: That's just the way he sounds, he has an a$$hoke voice. Hunter, tell him he's okay.

CH: *in a sarcastic sounding a$$hoke voice* Everything is great.

Purge: Dude.


Role swap AU

W.D: *observing over the monitor* None of the dumb kids have gotten hurt yet.

Purge: Dumb kids? Wait... *sees some figured dangling off a cliff* THOSE ARE MY DUMB KIDS!

(No, Role Swap is not the same as Villain Factory AU. I'm really extra, I know)


After a mission

Surge: *done with everyone's bs cuz he has to take care of them after they used their elemental bursts* Oh look, Furno's on fire-

Surge: *realizes* FURNO'S ON FIRE?!

Furno: *pretty much dead on the floor while on fire*

Furno: *gives a thumb's up*


There are two types of Furno in the fandom

Furno: *the one who is actually responsible*

Furno: *hazard to society*


He's too unhinged for his own safety-

Meltdown: How do I put this?... I was just "goofing around".

Corroder: You built a practical miniature nuclear bomb just to "goof"?


Holy f-cking SH-T if Biosector1001 didn't remind me I wouldn't have noticed this was the 100th chapter of this ENTIRE BOOK HOLY SH-T! (Even if like, half of it consists of incorrect quotes)

When I first started this it stayed dead for so damn long and then BOOM.
Sirenalagirl53 came in my life!
and BOOM.
Jesus Christ I never thought this could ever get this far.
I am SO grateful and glad to have found people who seem to enjoy what I'm creating (despite the many changes and plot holes :D).

To everyone who helped me stay on this path and made this possible, thank you. Thank you so much.
I hope this stays that way and perhaps we might make it to chapter 200 as well :D!
Lol, I'm already setting new goals, that is so not me...

Thank you everyone, and see you next time!

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