incorrect quotes #43

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Surge: I ain't nobody's housewife.

Also Surge: *does the majority of cooking and cleaning and other typical housewife stuff*


Purge: *sitting by the table, watching Nebula*

Nebula: *cooking food* What?

Purge: I sometimes wonder how submissive Stormer was, for you to be top. You give off bottom vibes sometimes.

Nebula: ... Seriously?


Best attack.
The S L A P

Evo and Furno were on a mission against XPlode and Rotor. Evo managed to get close to XPlode.
And slapped him.

XPlode: *dumbfounded* Did you just... Slap me?

Evo: *lifts up his hand* And I'd do it again mothafucka.

The two were at each other's throats again. Even Furno and Rotor stopped and watched them.

Rotor: Are you sure that's your Evo?

Furno: No. Absolutely not.


Core Hunter: What are you doing you oaf?

Nebula: *holding his phone around the corner* Filming him.

CH looked and almost started laughing. Purge, who was bored, is seen playing with the ball on a string Nebula used to annoy him a while ago.


Zib during winter

Zib: *slips on the ice* I've fallen. And I can't get up. I tHiNk I bRoKe My SpInE. aGaIn.


Nebula: Now, I know I say this a lot about Purge buuuut... *Gestures to Purge huddled in a dark corner* Demon possession.


Apocalypse AU

Stormer: Any ideas on how we can help Surge?

Nex: I have theories. None of them are pleasant.


POV: Something gross happened (some corpse, a spider got squashed, you decide)

Evo: *literally takes Furno's hand and placed them over his own eyes*

Surge: *starring*

Nex: *throwing up in the background*

Stormer: *f-ck this sh-t I'm out*


Stormer: Zib, Quadle, what's going on? Why aren't any of Hero Factory electrical system working? Not even the doors work!

Zib: I think I speak for all of us when I say that wE hAvE nO iDeA wHaT iS gOiNg On!


The three leaders were running to find an exit as the building they were in was collapsing.

Furno: *running* Don't worry! We'll make it out alive! We won't fail this.

Rocka: *running alongside him* Technically, failure is always an option.

Stormer: *at the front* You know what else is an option? Slapping you.

(Someone made a joke about Raphael (TMNT 2012) saying that line with a German mindset.
I had to with Stormer being German in my AU)


Rotor: *behind glass in a cell* Uhm, not trying to rush you or anything, but please hurry up?

Corroder: *trying to pick the electrical lock* Hey, you think it's easy to pick a lock with THESE hands?!

XPlode: *pushes him aside* Move idiot.

XPlode took out two knives and jammed it into the screen, deactivating the cell and releasing Rotor.



Meltdown: *rambling about his plan to get new radioactive munition since his is running low* Oh! And I can't forget to mention I also found some new materials as well!

Corroder: Are they corrosive?

Meltdown: Sure are.

Corroder: Count me in!


Random thought of the day

Lynn: I want to voice act the Hero Factory episodes but in German.


POV: Furno won't wake up

Nex: Looks like a job for Doctor Delicate Touch.

Nex proceeded to slap Furno across the face and violently shake him by the shoulders and yell at him until he woke up.


Corroder: *walks in covered with injuries*

Purge: *turns around in those spinny chairs* And where have you been?

Corroder: I don't see how that's your business.

Purge: *deadpans*

Purge: You're grounded for a week.

Corroder: You can't ground me, you're not my mom!

V. Boss: *turns around in his chair* You're grounded for a week.


Fantasy AU
POV: It's a full moon that night

Evo: What's worse, a feral werewolf or a feral vampire?

Furno: Doesn't matter. We gotta keep these two contained until sunrise.

Zib and Bulk, who were both chained up, hissed at them in sync.

Stormer: Despite Zib being a half-vampire he's still holds all the traits of normal vampires.

Breez: They're probably more dominant in him.

Zib was starting to thrash around. Quadle grabbed a spray bottle and sprayed water on him, forcing him to behave.


Never kidnap Zib

Kidnapper: Why won't you just give me what I want?!

Zib: *already has wounds from attempted torture from the guy* You're not using the right methods to make me.

Kidnapper: Who do you think you are you little sh-t?

Zib: Someone who f-cked yo mama. And by the way, she looks like a raisin.

Kidnapper: ... *This betch was too stunned to speak*


Surge: *carrying Bulk* Dude, what's wrong?



Stormer: Hey Natalie, look at these flowers! How about we pick some and bring them home?

Breez: Hm? I mean, sure.

The two squat down in fron of the flower patch.

Stormer: I'm gonna be the most beautiful one.

Breez: Which is?

Stormer: *poked Breez's cheek* This one.

Breez: *face turns red* Eh-


Stormer: *laying sideways on his bed reading*

Breez: *walks in* Hunny?

Stormer: *looks up* Hi Baby, what's up?


Stormer: Uh-

Breez: *mentally* Sh-t he's hot-

Stormer: You okay?


A seemingly normal day with the gang. Bulk was talking with Furno and Stormer, while Surge and Rocka stood a bit off to the side.

Rocka: Something seems odd about Bulk but I can't put my finger on it...

Surge went over to the trio and stood in front of Bulk.

Surge: Who are you?

Bulk: Hm, what's with that question? It's me, Bulk, your brother.

All of a sudden Surge tackled him and pinned him to the ground. He took out one of his daggers and held it over him.

Stormer: Surge!

Surge: You're not my brother, you're obviously a fake. Hell, you're not even a normal robot. You don't even cast a shadow onto the ground! So tell me.

Surge: *gets closer to him as his eyes turn red; in a low voice* Who are you and what did you or your gang do to the real Bulk?

"Bulk" stared up at him, before he pulled his mouth into a smile as his eyes and core flickered to a bright green. The outline of his body seemed to become blurry and out of shape.

"Bulk": Good luck trying to find him.

His entire body evaporated into a back cloud and flew out of the window.
Surge sat on the ground for a moment, before he stood up and Shadow and Meghan emerged from his shadow.

Surge: I think we all know what needs to be done.


Lynn: *comes back online after days of being inactive*

My online friend: Where the bloody hell have you been?!

Lynn: *nervously*  Toilet.

My online friend: Toilet?! What do you mean TOILET?!


G: What do you think of men with slütty waists?

Aria: M-men with slütty waists? I've never seen a man with a slütty waist. I-I don't think that exists.

Aria noticed Zib take off his coat and tie it around his slim waist, before resuming to work.

Aria: L-like, a-at all.

G: *points up at her* S I M P.


Lynn and Stormer: *talking in German*

Raven: ... What are they talking about?

Furno: No idea.


Creepypasta AU

Furno and Jeff were having a race against each other with some of the others watching.

Furno: *skids to a stop* Wait Jeff look out!

Jeff didn't react fast enough and fell into a ditch with water with a scream. Surge stopped floating and dropped onto the ground laughing, while BEN was wheezing.

Furno: *laughs* Oh my god are you okay? The hand of god! Just kidding I don't care.


News: Local police have noticed a sudden decrease, even a stop in the murders and assault that have been worrying Makuhero City citizens for the past decade. They're still trying to figure out what caused this, as the deaths were reduced to only one to two per night, on many nights even zero-

Nebula grabbed the remote and muted the TV, before turning around on the couch towards Purge.

Nebula: You started going out lesser and lesser than usual, and apparently you also stopped killing that many. What's with the change of heart? And don't say it's because of your accident with the heroes, all of your wounds are healed and you're not sick anymore either.

Purge: I-... Just didn't feel like it anymore.

Nebula: Is something up?

Purge: No no! Not at all...

Nebula looked at him for a moment, before he sighed and got up. He went over to Purge and put a hand on his shoulder.

Nebula: You need to tell me if something is wrong or off, alright bro?

Purge: Okay..


Nex accidently activated his powers during a mission and made a villain get crushed by their own weight. Sheets of metal was completed flattened, blood was spilled on the ground everywhere and the villain's insides were scattered around the crushed corpse.

Nex: *staring at the scene* Hhhhhh-

Furno: God damn you completely mutilated that guy.

Nex: *in a high and squeaky voice* Can I scream in horror?


Villain Boss drunk at 3:40 am

Boss: Drugs?

Purge: Uh, no we're... we're okay.

Boss: Drugs?

Nebula: This is awkward... No thank you.

Boss: Drugs!

Core Hunter: Who- who restocked this guy's wine cabinet?


Furno's drunk

Furno: *collapses on the ground*

Rocka: *rushes over and picks him up*

Furno: *drunkenly* Rocka. I love you.



Bot: You know what you need? Huh? You know what you need?

Zib: *groans because of headache and looks up* You to shut up.


Surge: They have the centre fudge!

Nex: *pushes himself up* Centrifuge. *casually passes out again*


The robot, who was found in space, has been fully fixed and now wandered around the Hero Factory again, before he came across Mr. Makuro.

Mr. Makuro: [HERO], long tarm nah see ower mate.

[HERO]: Mr. makuro? be tha' reet thee?

Mr. Makuro: It be.

[HERO]: It's so nice t' see thee again, sir. ah long as it bin?

Mr. Makuro: Oh, it's bin almost five cunturies. thee wur lost in space fah a verih long tarm. ar almost gairv up ope o' findin thee again.

[Hero]: Unbelievabul...

Zib and Quadle stood a bit off the side listening to them.

Quadle: [What in the name of the holy Quaza are they saying?]

Zib: It's some old English dialect, that's all I know.


Evo was sitting under a table during a natural disaster, reciting the dark version of a Christmas carol.

Furno: *next to him* Really Evo? This now?

Evo: Oh I'm sorry, IT'S HOW I DEAL WITH PANIC!


Someone in the distant was screaming "GET AWAY GET AWAY GET AWAY!"

Rocka: Sounds like Bulk. But there's no way it's him, that voice is too high and whiny.

Shortly after that a high-pitched scream followed and Bulk ran into view covered with spider webs and ran down the stairs, tripping and falling down the last four or five steps.


Zib's a full on menace fighting the heroes

Zib: You guys are rustier than the Titanic's butt.

Zib grabbed Furno's wrist and threw over his shoulder and into Stormer, knocking them both to the ground.


Stormer does this.

The said hero is on a mission against a villain. During combat, Stormer got down into the splits to dodge a blast and then proceeded to get up with a flip, dodging another one.

Stormer: Noob.

Villain: *b-tch was too offended to speak*


Fortiss: *explaining something about one of the planets in the galaxy*

Rocka: *Tetris theme music playing in his head as he was zoned out half way through*

Fortiss: *pauses* Why am I still talking to you?

Rocka: *snaps back* Huh?


Some villain in hiding got hold on a street sign and threw it towards the youngest trio of the heroes like a frisbee. Rocka and Nex ducked and the sign flew right over Evo's head, grazing his helmet causing sparks to fly, before getting stuck in the wall behind him.

Evo: *surprisingly calm* Sometimes it's good to be the short hero.

Nex: How are you so calm?!

Evo: I'm not.


Zib: *angrily* I got two of the worst possible motherf-ckers both in my god damn life, one I got direct contact with and one who's looking for me and could find me at any day, any second!

Zib slammed his fist down onto his desk, while Quadle tried to calm him down.

Thresher: Hey, I kinda like it when you're ticked off.

Zib glared at him at that.

Quadle: [You're not helping Thresher...]


Stormer: Keep it together, Surge! We have to stay stealthy, not violent-

One of the villain's henchman opened the door next to him. Stormer immediate punched him back inside and quickly but quietly closed to door.

Surge: *in a bad mood of his bro's disappearance* Oh, I apologize Alpha-Leader, but in the spirit of multitasking I'd like to think that we have time for both-

Another henchman appeared in front of him with a gun. Surge slapped the gun out of his hands and knocked him out by hitting him over his head.

Furno: *quietly hisses at him* Keep your sh-t together Surge!

Surge: I'll politely decline.


Some babeh Purge

Purge: *holding a cat plush* I like fwench fwies!


Zib was carrying groceries into the house, when one of the kitchen paper bags tipped down.
Zib managed to catch it with his foot and kick it back up, catching it again.


Zib was in a "I hate myself and everything in my life" episode and was fighting against blank heroes to let off some steam.

Thresher: *husband mode and runs in* STOP BEATING YOURSELF UP YOU'RE DOING FINEEEE!

Thresher grabbed Zib by the shoulders and turned him around to face him.

Thresher: STUPID B-TCH!


A normal day

Surge: *screaming for no reason and running around for being high on caffeine and sugar rush*

Zib: *cursing at his laptop not showing his documents completely ignoring the fact he's on a video call with Mr. Makuro*

Nex: *floating underneath the ceiling silently suffering for not having control over his powers*

Stormer: *watching TV while losing his sanity bit by bit*

Quadle: *having both a mental breakdown and gender identity crisis*

Furno: *chasing after Surge to stop him*

Evo: *meditating and also losing his sanity*

Breez: *trying to comfort Quadle*

Rocka: *zoned out and starring into nothing*

Bulk: *nothing going on behind those eyes while reading*

Stringer: *in risk of making his ears bleed cuz of listening to music on maximum volume to block everything out*

Mr. Makuro: *mentally* I'm tempted to get them therapy-


Alastor: You got problems.

Lynn, who recently started simping over Haganezuka the swordsmith from KNY: *gives two thumbs up* Heeeh.

(Yes, Denki reference)


Lynn: Wait, so you're telling me that you guys turn off the lights downstairs and just walk up? Who does that? Tag someone who does this cuz you're goofy, that's what you is bro. You bonkers bro. I'd be turning off the lights and then RUN UP the stairs like the flash.


Highschool AU
When the person who never texts gets sick for a week

Rocka: *walks back in after being sick*

Surge: Daniel!

Rocka: *shooketh* Uh, hi!

Surge: You're back! We thought you were dead!!


Breez: Yeah, I'll be right there, just gotta put my shoe on.

The heel of her shoe decided to fold in when she put it on.

Breez: Can't even put on a f-cking SHOE!


Psycho!Surge AU

Hero Factory was under attack. Many of the workers have already evacuated to the safe rooms or completely left. Surge observed everything from his cell. The alarms were a pain to his hearing. He noticed a movement and the next thing he saw, was Furno getting thrown against a wall and falling to the ground. Zib, who was bleeding from his head, rushed over to Furno and hurried him to get up. A villain started approaching them, when a new alarm went off.

Alarm: Warning. Subject 092 is breaking out. Repeat, subject 092 is breaking out.

There was a loud shatter as Surge broke through the glass and crawled through it. He let out a loud roar and tackled the villain to the ground, mutilating him in the process.


G: Oops, got your mental illness.

Siren: Jokes on you you can keep it! *Runs off laughing* I'M FREE!!!


Ink!Sans: Not a question. But y'all look alike.

The Surges:



Nex: *wearing Surge's glasses* Alright, here's a lesson in physics.

Surge: *teleports into the room and then proceeds to walks up the wall*

Nex: *takes off the glasses* That's not how physics work-


Quadle: [Guess who just engaged into a fight with a guy who's the same height as Stormer?] *Points at Zib who's getting treated by Nex* This guy.

Zib: And I'd do it again.


Lynn: Okay but like, consider.

Lynn: Conversation pits, but remove the table and furniture and fill it with blankets and pillows.


No one:

Me when someone walks up the stairs in front of me: Mhhh nice floor.


Raven: Why are you scared of penguins?

Evo: *shows her a picture* Have you seen the insides of their mouths?!

Raven: Oh, that's my sleep paralysis demon Jeffrey, he's really chill.



Surge: *looking for his chocolate bar* WHO TOOK MY DAMN- oh wait, found it, nevermind.


Villain Factory
Nex being a gremlin

Nex: *to a hero* I will destroy your bloodline. YOU F-CKING B-TCH! AHHHHH-

Evo: *questing his bf*


Nebula: How would you like your coffee?

Purge: As dark and bitter as my soul.

Nebula: Be realistic, you don't have a soul-

Core Hunter hit him over the head before he could finish.

Core Hunter: A cup of milk coming right up.

Purge: Thanks bro.


Thresher: You were attacked. Do you remember anything?

Bot: Only the ambulance ride to the hospital...

Thresher: There was no ambulance, I drove you.

Bot: But I heard a siren?

Thresher: That was Zib.

Zib: Sorry, I panicked...


Purge: Doc, have you seen Von? I can't find him.

Witch Doctor: Sorry but no.

Purge: *frowns* Hmm...

Witch Doctor: *mentally* I'm slowing understanding this cat joke about him.


I'm pretty sure she regrets asking these questions

My friend: What's an orgasm?

Me: *explains it to her*

Friend: ... Oh damn-

Not many days after

Friend: What's the meaning of 69?

Me: *explains it*

Friend: ... OH-

Not too long after again

Friend: What's rule 34?

Me: *explains it as well*

Friend: Why did I ask-


G was filming while Surge made pancakes.
Surge tried to flip a pancake without looking, so he looked directly at the camera. He tossed the pancake into the air and Furno, who stood next to him, snatched it and made a run for it. When Surge looked at the pan and noticed that the pancake was gone, he deadpanned and looked back at the camera.

G: *can't hold her phone steady as she wheezes*


His Italian genes are kicking in

The team was out in the snow on a hill. Furno made a snowball and then threw it at Zib who stood a bit further down. The snowball hit the back of his head. Zib turned around and started shouting while doing the typical Italian hand movements.
Furno was just wheezing.


Surge: *singing to the Industry Baby melody* If you spell "applesauce" with his A's, you can call it-



Thunder: If poison expires, will it stop being poisonous or will it get more poisonous?

Purge: *windows error sound*

Meltdown: I don't think poison CAN expire-


Zib: *about to go out* I'm getting wrecked tonight. R.i.p my life ayyy!


Zib: Yahoo! Welcome back Furno!

Furno: *confused at his good mood* Eh?!

Zib: Glad to see that you didn't end up with the police.

Furno: Ehe, thank-

Zib: Otherwise I would've left you there.


Bot: That's a rare smile with no ulterior motive.

Zib: Eh?! My smile is always straightforward and pure!

Bot: "Straightforward and pure" coming from you already is impure...


Mr. Makuro: Hey, make sure you don't stay up all night working.

Zib: Mr. Makuro, are you my mom?

Mr. Makuro: ... What?

Zib: Sorry, sorry, sorry! I promise I won't! I promise I'll be in good condition!


Quadle: [How late were you up last night?]

Zib and Surge, at the same time: Me?

Quadle: [No, not you two. You stay up late all the time]

Quadle, to Stormer: [You]


Zib: *wearing his mask* Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! *Takes mask off* It's mentally unstable!


Quadle pretends to be Zib

Quadle: *imitating Zib's voice and picks up a hair dye bottle* Oh hey Quad', how about I go back to dyeing my hair black and let them grow out again? That could look cool!

Quadle: *puts the bottle back* Just kidding, don't do that Zib, you were a wreck back then.


Quadle: *staring at the plush aisle*

Zib: I don't do that-

Quadle: Yes you do, why else would I be here right now?


Quadle: *holding chopsticks* You could murder someone with these.


Quadle: See?! That was my reaction when you first said that!

Zib: It's weird when you say it!


Zib: *stretches his back with a groan* Ah sh-t...

Bulk: What is up with you?

Zib: I sat the whole entire day and I'm a parent, I have lower back problems.

Bulk: You know what we need to get you?

Zib: A cushion-

Bulk: A wheelchair.


Bulk: *wheezes*


Momma Purge at it again

Purge: *switches to a disguise and about to go out*

Nebula: Where are you going at daytime?

Purge: Vortex woke up with a sore throat and possibly a cold, so I'm gonna get the ingredients for a chicken soup to make him feel better.


Continuation of previous quote

Vortex: Why is the soup purple? ... Are you trying to poison me?

Purge: *snorts* Oh, I bought coloured carrots and I think the dye from the carrot also dyed the soup...

Vortex: It's okay, I'm still grateful. ... I'm still nervous.

Purge: Careful it's hot!

Vortex: *takes a sip* Oh, hot!

Purge: *facepalms with a laugh*


Zib: This is my son.

Surge: *holding a Starbucks coffee cup* Want a coffee?

Zib: He... Drank too much coffee today.

Surge: *slightly shaking* I'm caffeinated too!


Surge: We're gonna hop on Omegle and take a shot every time someone is homophobic to us.


Furno: *pulls Surge to his side as he's swaying a bit himself* This is us afterwards. How many shots did we take?

Surge: Six!

Furno: We took six shots. Surge almost broke his a** trying to do a headstand.

Surge: I feel like a wilderness explorer.

Furno: I texted a random number.

Stormer: And I'm sober.


Rocka: *falls through the elevator shaft*

Dumb Ways to Die playing in the background.


Esmeray: *playing with a purple bunny plushy*

Nebula: When did Esmeray get a bunny plush?

Purge: Oh, my friend got it for her.

Nebula: Bot? I thought he didn't know of her?

Purge: I told him.

(It was not Bot)


UNO Card: Kiss a person or draw 25

Witch Doctor, aroace boi: *draws 25 cards*


But I just can't date a dude: Cataracta, Flintstone, Quadle

But I just date a dude: Furno, Surge, Bulk, Evo, Breez

But I can't date just a dude: Stormer, Stringer

But I just date: Rocka, Zib (+Me)

But I'm just a dude with a vag: V. Boss

But I just can't date: Witch Doctor

(I should add the rest of the villains as well. But it would be too much :D)


Samara: *walks up to Rotor and XPlode with a sheet of paper in her hands* Mama, Dada!

XPlode: What is it dear?

Samara held the paper to him and he took it in his hands. On it was a drawing with coloured pencils showing Samara, XPlode and Rotor in a green field during a sunny day. Over them she wrote in crooked letters "I lov mi mama and papa!"
XPlode stared at the picture and teared up.

Samara: *tail stops swaying* You don't like it?

XPlode: *smiles and wipes away the tears* No baby, it's beautiful.

Rotor: *picks Samara up and pats her head* We love it.


Highschool AU

Surge: *slams book down and stands up* That's some BULLSH-T!

Teacher: You can take that language. Straight to detention! Anyone else?

Surge grumbled and sat back down. The class was silent for a moment.

Furno: *throws book onto the ground and gets up* Motherf-cker.

Teacher: Alright, you too Mr. Furno.


Fortiss: Out on another evening and I'm not going to bed right next to you.

Zib: *pauses at poly confusion*

Fortiss: *didn't want to say that out loud* Uh-


Fortiss: *screaming into his pillow* WHY?! F-CK!


Past of a villain

The school bullies cornered a 17 year old boy and shoved him into a locker and shut the door on him, before leaving.

Aldous: *banging against the locker* Open the door! Open the door open the door open the door! OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR! I beg you PLEASE JUST OPEN THE F-CKING DOOR!

Aldous' voice began to break and he sank onto the ground crying, still trying to get someone's attention.

Aldous: Open the door, please...


Past Them
Before Von Ness case and after break up

Stormer: Despite everything and you still can't get out of your own way! GOD! *turns away from him* I feel sorry for you.

Ness: *grabs his wrist* Don't your dare turn your back on me!

Stormer: *frees himself and shoved him back* I should've turned my back on you AGES AGO!


Fantasy AU
When Stormer and Breez first met

Stormer: *in a forest* Show yourself. I know you're watching me. I can see you.

Breez: How can you see through my spells?

Stormer: Haha! I was lying! And you fell for my bluff. Hahaha!

Breez: Well done you lied to me, what's your name?

Stormer: You first and maybe I'll do the same.

Breez: Nice try but two can play this game.

Stormer: Ah, don't be so modest, I know you're a goddess. You are "Athena"! Badass in the arena.


Past Purge

Amon: *inside Surge's head* What are you doing? Why are you still. Holding. Back? Have you forgotten what they said to us? What they DID? They think you're a monster!

Amon: Prove them right.

(More to Amon at end)


Furno: *leaves Surge's room the next morning*

Bulk: *leaves Stringer's room at the same time*


Bulk: DUDE-

Furno: SHHHH! Just don't let Rocka know! He would kill me...


Meltdown: What are you starting at?

K (Kayra's new name): *nods to Thunder* Him. He's been going at it for five minutes now.

Meltdown: He.. doesn't know how to tie shoelaces.

Thunder is seen giving up and curling up onto a ball.

K: He's crying...


Oh? What's this? Another unnecessarily long chapter?

I got bored in the middle of this so here's Haganezuka as a demon because yes (might need to add more changes but oh well).
Honestly, and I think many can agree with me, Haganezuka can kill any demon only by being himself when one of the swords he created breaks.
Y'all know the scene with Akaza breaking Tanjiro's sword?
Yeahh if Haganezuka knew, that demon would've been killed ten times over by him (theoretically).

And here's Amon.
Amon is an entity representing of Purge's dark side, with corruption and all. It doesn't have a gender, and the name means "The hidden one".
Purge's snapping point came when he followed Amon's suggestions and that's when he became a villain.

Lol, I think y'all can tell I make my characters more and more rushed and with less effort.

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