It's been a long day

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Purge ran through the streets, into a small alleyway and pressed himself against the wall in the shadows. He made sure that the heroes ran past him and waited until the last sound of footsteps passed, before he looked down and unwrapped his wings around his body. In his arms, sleeping peacefully like unaware of the danger, was his daughter Esmeray.
Purge's breath was heavy, blood dripped or poured from multiple parts of his body. He looked up at the night sky. The reason he came out with Esmeray was to watch the stars move across Makuhero City's skyline, just for them to be ambushed by a group of heroes. To be both a defensive and offensive is not an easy thing, but Purge had to protect Esmeray, who managed to fall asleep before that, from harm and at the same time fend off the heroes. They were lucky they even managed to escape the heroes. For now.
Purge's legs gave in and he sank onto the ground. One of his wings was burnt from a lucky shot by one of the heroes. He also had a cut across the throat, but no vital blood vessels were damaged, only breathing was hard for him. What is currently bothering him the most is a gash in his stomach area. In his defence, Purge used up nearly all of his energy and now they were struggling to heal his body. His eyes turned to a pale purple as he stopped the rest of his energy from flowing out, in order to focus on healing his body.
Purge wiped away some blood from the side of his mouth and looked down at the sleeping child. Esmeray snuggled against him, her face next to his flickering core. The villain smiled a bit. "Look at you, a little baby, unaware of the danger that I brought upon you. I shouldn't have taken you out with me, I only put your life at risk." The villain sighed and closed his eyes. "It's my fault. And I'm sorry", he said quietly. Purge opened his eyes again to look at the sky, only to find himself looking straight into a pair of lime green eyes of a familiar face.
"Hello, Purge."
Purge hid his surprise and narrowed his eyes at the newcomer. "Splitface." The ex-villain smiled. "That's my name." Purge activated his mask and put his intact wing around Esmeray to hide her. "Why are you here?", he snarled at him. Splitface answered in a higher voice, the one Red uses to talk. "We saw you running away from the heroes." His voice switched to the deeper tone of Grey. "And then we saw you run in here. Thought we could check on you." Purge narrowed his eyes at Splitface and backed up a bit, even though his back is already against the wall. "How do I know you're not distracting my attention so that the heroes can get me?" Splitface snorted at that and got down in front of him. "Listen man, I may be an ex-villain, and yes, I do help the heroes when I'm nearby, but somehow I can't get myself to work against you."
Purge was about to say something, when he heard noises again. People talking and footsteps. Splitface must've heard it too, because he then picked Purge up, who hissed in pain, and ran further down the alleyway with him, where it was darker, and hid behind a dumpster. They both saw the light beam of a flashlight move past them, and disappearing again. Splitface let out a sigh of relief, when another sound caught his attention. A sort of quiet whimper. He looked down and saw Purge silently crying and shaking a little. It was then that he noticed his injuries. A cut across the throat, the burn marks over his body and the gash in his stomach. Splitface made up his mind and both voices said simultaneously: "I'm taking you to my place." Purge didn't say anything against it, he only looked up and nodded a little.


Later on, Purge sat on the couch with bandages wrapped around his wounds, though they were just there to slow the bleeding while his body does the rest. Splitface has used a sewing set from the first aid kit to close the major wounds like the gash on his stomach. But he didn't do so for Purge's neck, in fear of worsening it in case he messed up and hit an artery. Bandage was loosely wrapped around his neck to slow down bleeding, and somewhat prevent air from escaping while he was breathing. In a half feather half fabric state, his damaged wing was able to regenerate and Purge also had enough energy to fuse them back to his cape.

He watched his littler daughter play with a tennis ball in front of him on the ground, and didn't even look up when Splitface sat down next to him.
"So, that's your child?"
"Who's the lucky girl?"
"No one, I created her."
Splitface looked at him with a confused face. "How though? Some sort of power of yours or what-?" Purge glared and snapped at him. "Is this an interrogation or what are you trying to do?" Splitface scooched back a little and held his hands up, as the red side of his face spoke: "Dude, calm down, we're genuinely curious!" Purge grumbled a bit and looked back at Esmeray. "Why do you even allow me to stay with you?" "You didn't decline my offer. And you're hurt." The villain only let out a "hmph" and stayed quiet.
The two sat in silence for a moment, both watching the little girl play. At some point Esmeray looked up and crawled over to them. She stopped in front of Splitface and held her hands up while making a baby babble noise. Splitface glanced over to Purge, who just kept a neutral face, before picking her up. The child giggled a little and patted the side of his face with her little hands. "What's her name?" "I named her Esmeray." "Doesn't that mean like, "dark moon" or something?" The villain looked at him. "I'm surprised you know that." Splitface just shrugged and said: "I know the meanings of some names, Esmeray happens to be one of them. And it's quite fitting, if I'm honest." He added with a smile. Purge looked away, but couldn't help but smile a little himself. He took notice of the way his daughter was playing with Splitface. "Looks like she likes you." He said with a slight chuckle. "You think so? Most kids are scared of me, because of my appearance..." "Well one, it's pretty obvious that she likes you and two, she's a baby who's growing up around villains who look scarier, your appearance is one of the most normal for her." "You think so?" "I know so." Purge replied to that. Splitface laughed a little, before he looked at Purge again. "I have a question. How come you look almost identical to Surge? Were you built with the same model?"
Purge thought for a moment, before he turned to answer him. "Let's put it this way. I am Surge. But not the one you know."
"What do you mean by that?" Was the reply to that. Purge sighed and facepalmed. "I mean that I'm a different version of Surge. I'm from a different universe." Splitface stared at him in awe. He expected anything but that. "A whole different universe? That's awesome. Uhm..." "What?"
Splitface looked at Purge's core with the V badge over it. "So, your an ex-hero? Why's that?" The villain turned away from him and stayed silent, before stating that he didn't want to talk about it and that he had no reason to tell Splitface in the first place. Splitface just muttered a "sure" and moved his focus to the child on his lap. Esmeray giggled and patted his face again. The ex-villain smiled at that and poked her cheek, making her laugh again.
Purge put a hand over his mouth and yawned, before he looked at his daughter, noticing Splitface looking at him.
"Tired, huh?" Purge rubbed his eyes and answered: "A little... It's been a long day." He jumped a little when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "You can stay the night here." The villain shook his head at that. "I need to go back, my brothers are waiting and-"
He moved too quickly, which agitated the wound on his neck, causing him to cough up blood. Splitface grabbed some tissues from a box and gave them to Purge, who took them and cleaned himself up.
"The heroes might still be out there. Plus your injured. I don't know how far your base is, but it's definitely not a good idea to go out now. Especially with your wounds and tiredness." Purge just shrugged at that. Despite trying to deny it, he knew Splitface was right. And he was tired.
Very tired.
Purge tipped over to the side and rested his head on Splitface's shoulder, much to the ex-villain's surprise. "I don't understand you at times..." He muttered. Splitface smiled and patted him on the head. "You don't have to. Get some sleep, you need it." Purge replied with a "hm", before closing his eyes and slowly drifting off to sleep. The little Shadow Child yawned as well and fell asleep on Splitface's stomach. Thinking how it's funny that both fell asleep at the same time,  Spltiface chuckled to himself. He sat there for a moment, just listening to the rain that started outside, before feeling tired. He leaned his head against Purge's and fell asleep.
Subconsciously, he took Purge's hand, which was next to his, in his sleep.

The villain smiled in his slumber and held his hand, not questioning anything and enjoyed the moment.

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