incorrect quotes #45

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Child AU

Zib: *holding Stormer* I have one child, who always needs to be touching me. If he doesn't have physical contact with me, then all hell breaks loose. *Motions to Furno* And then I have another child.

Furno is seen trying to kick a ball and then faceplanting onto the floor himself with a "kathunk".

Zib: ... He seems to be determined to kill himself.


Nex: Haemoglobin is red, cyanosis is blue. I ordered beta blockers cuz my sympathetic output increases around you.

Evo: That's cute. But I didn't understand a single word you spoke.


Purge: Gentlemen, Gentlemen, let's be civil about this. You surrender, and you don't die.

Hero: And how do you intend to kill us?

Purge: Oh, I can't kill you. But my buddy can. Say hi, buddy!

CH: Hi.


Zib: *fails the test with lowest score possible* Damn, I failed.

The therapist who gave him the emotional stability test: ... Very.


Highschool AU

Zib: *sitting at a table with an empty cup*

Person: *drops money into it*

Zib: Uh- sir, I'm a teacher.

Person: ... *Hands him more* I have a feeling you need it anyways.


Surge: My main traits are hungry, tired and gay.


Lynn: *picks up her phone* Sup G?

G: Lynn, help, I'm stuck in a universe and my powers somehow disabled.

Lynn: Which one?

G: Angry Birds.


Lynn: What-



Purge: I'm going to head out.

Boss: 'ight, don't get ambushed by heroes.

Purge: I won't.

Later that night.

Purge: *walks in with injuries*

Boss: Got ambushed?

Purge: Got ambushed.


Purge: *walks in*

Boss: You had fun with your friend?

Purge: Nah, I left Bot alone this time.

Boss: No no, your other friend.

Purge: ... Which other friend?

Boss: You know, the one who saves you and your daughter from the heroes.

Purge: ... How do you know?


Old recipes be like/when Surge is baking

Surge: *reading a cookbook* Mix in butter the size of an egg. ... What-


Surge: Start with 8 ounces of flour, then rub in 4 ounces of margarine.

Surge: Honestly, the only thing I have against margarine is its existence.




Surge: *cracks an egg; egg shell falls into the batter* NOOO!-

Surge: *picks it out* I know what I'm doing, I have a cookbook

Surge: *drops it in again* F-ck.


Making Jello Poke cake

Surge: Now we stab the cake and then pour the jello in.

Surge: *laughing while poking holes into the cake with the end of a wooden spatula* Have you ever stabbed a cake before?

Rocka: You're having way too much fun with this.

Surge: I had too much coffee today-


Surge: "Cool the rice down, gently." What? What do you think I'm going to use? A leaf blower?


Surge: "Quarter the cherries in half."

Surge.exe is loading.

Surge: This recipe is going to make me stroke out.

Surge: What realms of mathematics do you inhabit?!


Surge: "Gently with a stiff-" again with the gently!

Surge: How do you gently whip cream you tart?!

Surge: Like not saying gently would cause a car accident.


Making a Pinto bean cake

Rocka: Pinto bean cake from '55? I don't even know what to say about this one.

Rocka: We start by draining TWO. 27 ounce cans of pinto beans.

Rocka: *humming while opening the cans* Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death-

Rocka: *dumps the beans in a bowl* Now we put one and a half cups of peanuts through a grind-o-mat.

Rocka: ... Where did the peanuts come from? What's a grind-o-mat?? Are you alright?

Rocka decided to use a blender and blended the peanuts in that.

Rocka: Put the beans in the grind-o-mat? *pouring the beans into the blender* This is not... How do I say it? Right.

Rocka gagged while blending the two together.

Rocka: *pouring the substance out* Oh no. Ay Senor! Pedadilla total en cocina!

Rocka: *proofreading* Three quarters of a cup of honey? To this baby food looking refried funeral?! How did you come up with these ingredients?!!

Rocka: *pouring the honey into the batter* Did you throw a grenade into aisle 6!?

Rocka: 5 eggies. Now the chickens are implicated. WHAT IS THIS?

Rocka: "Make sure to clean your grind-o-mat". I'M NOT CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR PRECIOUS GRIND-O-MAT!

Rocka: Lastly, we have half a cup of melted butter.

Rocka: And two teaspoons of floof powder. Yeah, good luck with that. Only thing this thing is going to rise up from is from the dead.


G: *pokes her head in at hearing German*

Rocka: 45 minutes at 375.

45 minutes later

Rocka: *pulls the pan out* What? It's a cake. HOW?!

Rocka cut a piece off from the cake and tried it. For a moment he just stared at it with a puzzled expression.

Rocka: YOU HAVE NO RIGHT-! Soft, dense, rich. NO-

Rocka: This is phenomenal, what the f-ck?

G: *questioning on what she just walked in on*


Bot: Did you eat anything at all today?

Zib: Yes.

Bot: Iced coffee doesn't count.

Zib: Oh. Then no.


CH: Do I look, like a joke to you?

Purge: *in the background* AT LEAST YOU LOOK LIKE SOMETHING!

Nebula: *wheezing on the floor*


Rocka and Bulk: *fighting in the car over who's steering it*

Surge, in the backseat: *praying for his sanity to stay intact*


Quadle: *opens the door to see Zib laying on the grass* ZIB!

Zib: *sits up and looks at him confused*

Quadle: I thought you were dead!


Me: *imagening scenarios with the couples*

Also me: ... Why is it spicy?


Stormer: *carrying Siren* Girl, you heavy. You gon' break my back.

Siren: I thought yo girlfriend did that last night?

Breez: *spits out her water*

Stormer.exe stopped working.

Siren: *evil laugh*


Nebula: *pokes head into room* I heard a silent thud, what happened?

Purge: *playing with Ginger* Ginger fell off the couch when I tried to pet her and landed on the floor.

Purge rubbed the fox's belly who just let out fox laughs.

Purge: But she's a fox so she doesn't care.


When everything is going a bit too well for too long

Zib: ... Nothing's going on in my life, I don't have any drama, should I make some drama?


Zib: Do you listen to audiobooks or read books?

Mr. Makuro: Ah, well I recently got into audios and podcasts. These old eyes ain't what they're used to be. It feels better to read a story without squinting at some old pages.

Zib: Oh cool. What do you read?

Mr. Makuro: Oh, what's the modern term for it? Uhm... Oh right. Smut.

Zib choked on his coffee at that.


Samara was brushing her hair but messes up and gets mad. She started smacking the brush against her head and then the sink.

XPlode: ... You okay?

Samara: *still pissy* Yeah.

XPlode: oKeH-


Raven: YOU'RE supposed to be at some spiritual event!

Evo: Namaste.

Raven: And YOU'RE supposed to be dead!

Surge: I got better?


POV: the heroes on our planet where a mission involved many casualties

Human: You don't feel thing do you? Machines, that's what you are. A F-CKING MACHINE!

Stormer: Of course we're machines. What did you think we were?

Human: I thought-

The person shut up and stayed quiet.

Stormer: That's what I thought.


Traitor AU

Alpha 3: *spying on some other heroes*

Evo: Is one of them the traitor?

Rocka: Hm? No, I'm the traitor.

Evo: Oh okay.

Moment of silence.

Evo: ... Wait, Rocka what did you just say?-

Rocka: Oops. *Smiles and looks at his team* I guess that just slipped out.


Never ignore a mother's warning

Purge: Make my daughter cry, you're dead.

Villain: Okay.


Esmeray was eating candy, when the villain took the bag away from her, stating that she "can have more after dinner, but not now".
Esmeray looked up at him, before she teared up and started crying.

Villain: ... Why do I hear boss music-


The gang playing hide & seek in a giant maze

Furno: *over comms* Where the hell are you?!

Stormer: You can't find me because I don't know where I am myself!


Furno: I know this is a bad idea, but Ima do it anyway!

Furno fired a shot at some explosives and everything went KABOOM.


Highschool AU

Some bullies of the school were bothering Bulk and had him circled. At some point it got physical and Bulk was pinned face down to the ground.
They were laughing at him, when the person holding him down yelped and got off him. Another one landed on the ground next to him with a bleeding nose.
Surge has grabbed one by the hair and pulled him off of Bulk, and punched the other in the face. He had some blood on his hand.

Surge: Scram you little sh-ts.


Sun and Moon

Thresher: Hey Zibby, what are you doing on the floor?

Zib: Thinking about life.

Thresher: Cool! Can I try?

Zib: Go for it.

Thresher laid down next to Zib and there was a momemt of silence.

Thresher: This is horrifying!

Zib: I know..

Thresher: I prefer doughnuts!

Zib: Me too..

Thresher: Do you wanna get doughnuts?

Zib: Yes please..

Thresher: *stands * Let's get doughnuts!

Zib: I love you..

Thresher: *half out the door* Didn't hear that, say it again?

Zib: I don't wanna..


Person: Do you believe in the quote "age doesn't matter"?

Raven: Age doesn't matter? No. Why?

Person: How old are you now?

Raven: Ten.

Person: Okay, so in eight years, when you turned 18, I would be legally allowed to date you.

Raven: Eight years. That's a long time, you might be dead by then.



aNd ThAt's HoW i MeT yOuR fAtHeR

Furno drove his motorbike out of a driveway in which he parked it. At the same time Surge, who went on errands with a bicycle, rode down the street in front of Furno. The two collided with their front wheels, causing Surge to get flipped off his bike. But instead of falling on the ground, he landed in Furno's arms.

Furno: Are you okay?

Surge: Y-yeah. ... What the hell just happened?


The gang went out on a hill with a river at the bottom of it. It just rained earlier that day, so the grass was really slippery.
Stormer and Furno ran down the hill and ended up both slipping and sliding down it, though Stormer was able to stop himself before he fell into the water.
Furno on the other hand wasn't so lucky. He slid straight into the river.

Zib: *mother senses active and came from the car with a towel*


Furno, definition of all legs: How are you already tired from walking?

G, probably not even half his size: Little legs, are not for distance.


Breez: The clitoris has over 10,000 nerves. So if you want to get on my nerves, at least get on one of those.


Highschool AU

Student: And who do we have here?

Evo: Don't. Touch me.

Student: *pats his head* Aw, what's the itty bitty bean going to do?

Evo: I said... *Thrashes at the other student with an almost demonic voice* DON'T TOUCH ME!

The other student yelped and ran off.

Evo: Thanks for the help with the voice, Surge.

Surge: *steps out of a locker and gives a thumb's up*


Zib: Alpha Leader, you got a mission.

Stormer: No can't do right now.

Zib: *looks up* Why not- Oh.

Stormer was on the couch with Zita sleeping by his feet and Breez next to him.

Stormer: I'm kinda stuck here, and I don't want to wake them up. Can you send someone else please?


Quadle: Yo Zib, I just got the documents from the mail you wanted-

Quadle paused when he saw Zib turn around. Zib had a hand on the mouse of his computer and on his hand was his tarantula.

Zib: You alright?

Quadle: ... I don't know.

Zib: Oh, and Websy is just resting, don't worry about her.


When you have a dream about someone and wake up feeling different about them



Rotor: Samara is teething. She has fangs. And the first thing she decided to bite was my F-CKING FINGER!

XPlode: *carrying Samara and letting her bite his hand* She's half dragon, what did you expect?

Rotor: *lifts up his bandaged pointer finger* I almost lost a finger, XPlode.


Furno: Dude, wake up.

Surge: *groans and sits up on his bed* I wanted to take a nap for once in my life, WHAT?

Furno: I made hot cocoa. You want a cup?

Surge: Yes please.


Therapist: How much longer do you think would it take before you lost your sanity?

Zib: My guy. I work for the Hero Factory with both family chaos and deaths every single day. I'm gonna lose my sanity yesterday.


Aria: I ran into Clint today...

Zib: Oh, I have good news!

Aria: What?

Zib: I hit him my car.


Quote of the day

"There are two things that are infinite. The universe and human stupidity. I'm not sure about the universe."

-Albert Einstein


Nex: Why do you even love me? I'm just a nerd who likes books and games.

Evo: Jokes on you I'm into that sh-t.


Turning into your favourite animal

CH: *a cat*

Purge: *a fox* Who's the cat now, Hunter?

CH: *hisses at him and covers his cat ears*


Last summer experience

Me: It's too warm in the bed.

Me: *gets on the floor* The floor is nice and cool.

Me: *proceeds to pull my blanket and pillow from my bed and sleeps on the floor*


Dad: *walks in to wake me up* ... Why are you on the floor?


Lynn: My lower back feels uncomfortable.

G: Have you tried popping it?

Lynn: I literally laid down on the floor for it to pop and it did. I'm just getting old.

G: You're fifteen.

Lynn: I know. (Or it's my scoliosis.)


Press X to save Furno

Press O to save Rocka

Press ∆ to save yourself

Press 🔲 to defeat the villain

Stormer: *all of the above*

(I am not referring to a specific episode, but it just feels like him)


Bot: It will always surprise me how fast y'all accepted Purge as my friend.

Zib: Anyone can be a friend if you treat them like a normal living being.

Purge: Wise words.


Hero: *breaks a newly fixed weapon*

Big Joe is heading towards your direction. Objective: SURVIVE.


Thunder: *uses Nebula gases against Stormer*

Stormer, who got convinced to try out a new armour by Quadal: That hurt. You got more of that?


Hero Factory
But UNO reversed roles

Furno: *Alpha Leader who causes too many accidents*

Stormer: *disappointed follower who just wants to get sh-t done*


Demon Slayer AU

Bulk: You can fight best while asleep?

Furno: Hey, as long as it works.


Bulk, after using Hinokami Kagura: Mark, I need your healing blood demon art electric shocks.


Demon, after stabbing Rocka through the chest: How are you not dead?!

Rocka, a demon: B-tch you stupid or sum?


Bulk: If Flame Breathing works through heat being generated through friction by the sword through the air, how does Ice Breathing work?

Stormer: It has nothing to do with cold like heat has to do with Flame Breathing. But like Water, Mist and Snake Breathing, it's all about the bodies movements.

Bulk: ... Okay, and how does your body move?

Stormer: Sharp but smooth like ice shards. It also requires me to bend my sword in some way, so my sword is also made a bit bendy but sturdy as well. I also implement some of my Blood Demon Art into it as well.

Bulk: Your what?

Stormer: Nothing.

(Information taken from the Kimetsu no Yaiba fan wiki)
(Probably will make a single chapter about Stormer next)


First time meeting Furno


Furno: *dead asleep on the side of the road*


Furno: *flips him off in his sleep*



Rocka: Bro, your head is as hard as a rock. You were able to knock me out dead without affecting yourself.

Bulk, a Stone Breather: Heh, well guess what my element is.


Highschool AU
When the teacher gives THE MOST boring lessons ever

Stormer: *fell asleep during class*

Teacher: Hey, someone wake that student up right now!

Surge: *doing a different classes homework* You put him to sleep, you wake him up.

Teacher: Excuse me?

Surge: You're excused.

Stormer: *gives him a thumb's up*


Just Evo being british

Evo: Bloody hell mate, what was that you d-ckhead?


Evo: *about Shadowzone* He's such an arsehole and a twat as well.


Evo: Oh f-ck, wank, bugger, sh-tting, arse, head and hole.


Evo: Bollocks I broke my teacup!


Evo: Oh sod off Shadowzone, you think you're so cool wasting our time and energy, but in reality your just a numpty, gormless and naff muppet. Blimey, just go to hell with your arse, bloody hell.


Zib stood by the stairs, looking up at the hole in the ceiling. Bulk was walking in the attic, of which a part ended up collapsing and Bulk through the floors. Meanwhile, the hero sat next to a pile of wood and dust, covered in dust himself with a death stare.

Zib: Duncan-

Bulk: Don't talk to me. I'm in pain.


Bot was on his way home after a late night shift, when he got ambushed by an attacker. In an attempt of running away, he ended up being cornered in an alleyway. He looked around for something to defend himself with, when someone dropped down from one of the tall buildings, landing on the attacker and forcing them to the ground with a crunch.

Purge: Hey buddyyyy!

Bot: Heyyyyy... Where's that person's head?

Purge: *looks down and lifts up his foot which dripped with blood* I think I accidentally crushed it.

Bot: You- WHAT?


Serena: Thunder, get down from there, the branch is going to break!

Thunder: *in a tree* Nuh!

Serena: GET DOWN!

Thunder: Okay fine!

Thunder tried to climb down from the tree, when the branch he stepped on ended up cracking and breaking. He tumbled down and did a few rolls before he came to a stop, sitting on the ground like a damn baby panda who just tumbled down from a wooden platform with a confused face.


Savage Planet that one part

Nex: *hanging off a tree trunk* So, my claw can hold my weight for exactly 22 seconds so uh... Help?


Furno: *holding Nex up as he flies up* Oof, you're quite the weight. How about we lay off the upgrades for a while?

Nex: *mentally* Bish, did you just call me fat?


Zib sent a photo to his group chat captioned:
"I was asleep in my car when some car ran into the side of mine. That car's front part was completed damaged while mine was just fine. Just a scratch."

Bot: How old is your car?

Zib: I don't know, a decade or so.

Thresher: The power of old cars.

Fortis: Bro's driving the Nokia of all cars.

Mak: Y'all talking about the car, IS NO ONE GOING TO ASK IF ZIBBY IS OKAY?!

Zib: I'm fine Mak, not even a bruise.

Zib: Not a fun experience though. 1/10 Would not recommend.

Aria: Man even gave it a scoring...


Just pure chaos after a mission

Stormer took Nex and Evo out for a mission and now they're heading back after capturing the two villains who were restrained in the back.
They all suffered injuries, Stormer probably got brain damage, Nex is half blind currently and also broke his ankle and wrist, Evo broke his back, lost a lot of blood and almost lost his arm as well.
All of a sudden, Stormer let go of the steering wheel and fell out of his seat.

Nex: Huh? Stormer's out!

Evo: *in a makeshift bed* What? What happened?

Nex: I don't know, but it might be caused by the injury to his head. Maybe a vital power unit disconnected.

Villain: Sorry to interrupt, BUT WHO'S STEERING THE SHIP?!


Upon this, Nex got up but immediately tripped because of his ankle.
Evo forced himself out of the "bed" and, gritting his teeth, walked over to the pilot seat and took over the steering despite the pain, feeling fatigue and having an unusable arm.

Nex: EVO?!

Evo: Let it cost what it takes, I'm not letting us crash!


Highschool AU
Physics with Zib

The class was doing some experiments and it included basically creating a flame thrower.

Furno: I thought this is physics, not chemistry or whatever the hell we're doing.

Zib: *holding a lighter and a spray bottle* Ahh, electricity, atoms, safety precautions, same thing, close enough.


Nex posted a picture onto his socials captioned "Physics teacher set the table on fire again today." With Zib standing next to his desk, completely ignoring the fire.

User: Again?

User 2: Bro, that ain't physics that's straight up the kind of chemistry lesson I want.

User 3: How is he still employed if he does sh-t like that?

Nex: *replies to User 3* Don't know, don't care, f-cking love him.


A group of students was given five sheets of paper rolled up, to see how much weight it can cold.

Zib: Okay, y'all gotta stop now, the books already reached the ceiling.

Furno: Let's keep stacking outside!

Zib: Someone's going to die outside if we do that, so no.


Civilian AU

Furno: *watching a tornado suck up the fire from a burning house* Would ya look at that.

Furno: A fire tornado.

Other firefighter: WATCH OUT, BURNING DEBRIS!!

Furno: *sees burning furniture being flung out* Oh sh-t.


Picture I took while watching a YT meme video.
Loving it.


Normal day with the Science team

Su: ... Why is there a crab holding a pencil?

Scientist: Sooo remember the one guy we accidentally managed to turn into a crab?

Su: Yeah.

Scientist: That's him. He's trying to help. We haven't found out how to turn him back yet.


Su: I don't know if I should be laughing or crying.

Su is losing her mind day by day.
Get her therapy.


Furno: The recommended age for Ouija boards are eight years plus. So you need to be 21 to drink alcohol, and 8 to summon Satan?

Raven, literally comes from hell and has used the Ouija board to talk to her friends: The legal drinking age in Germany is 16.

Furno: ... What?

Stormer: Yeah, 16 year olds are allowed to buy and drink ermented alcoholic beer and wine.

Surge: In Japan it's 20.

Evo: In the UK your allowed to drink, but not buy alcoholic beverages like beer with 16.

Furno: Yo what-


Stormer: I'm starting to think that Zita was a cat in her past life. Because one, she grooms herself, two, she's able to wedge herself through gaps that are too small, and three.

Stormer: *standing on one leg because Zita is clinging to his other one* She's too damn clingy for a dog!

Stormer: Zita, get off, I need to go to work!

Zita: *barks in protest*


Civilian AU

The firefighter team was teaching the newbies how to use the equipment.
One of them opened the hose and a jet of water came out. The water hit Furno and launched him backwards into a wall.


Zib: Are you a top or a bottom?

Furno: Top.

Zib: Then explain why you became super submissive just because Surge said "Ara ara~, aren't you a cute one"?

Furno: I'm a sucker for that. He always finds the right opportunity to get me.


POV: Angy Zib

Zib: Roses are red, violets are blue. If you come into my sight, I will fight you.


Bulk be breaking the fourth wall.
The fact Surge is the only one bothered by this tho
(Comic "In love with Wolf" belongs to Brachio20 on Deviant art)


Mind: What are you planning for the second to last season of your HF plot?

Me: Stringer's villain arc.

Mind: ... Why-

Me: Vendetta.


Surge: Nothing personal, buuut-

Surge teleported behind one of the villains and snapped their neck, watching their body flop to the ground, all while keeping a neutral/smiling face.

The team:


Zib: I don't have time to "hang out", Quadle. I need to finish the reports of the missions before next week, plus also analyse the information the science team sent and resend them back with my conclusions. On top of that I have another meeting with the heads of the Hero Factory tomorrow, AND I have another training session I need to attend to-

Quadle: *groans in frustration as Zib keeps talking while working on his computer*


Surge: Rocka.

Rocka: *reading a book and not responding*

Surge: Daniel.

Rocka: *not responding*


Rocka: *no reaction*

Surge: *literally electrocutes him*

Rocka: What the hell was that for?!

Surge: I've been calling you for the past five minutes but you weren't responding! How else am I supposed to get you out of your hyperfixation?!

Rocka: I was hyperfixiated?

Surge: Yes! *Looks up* Oh hey mom, what's up?

Zib: Quadle forced me to stop working, so I'm just going to help you with dinner. Also, why do I see smoke coming from Rocka's body?

Surge: I shocked him.

Zib: ... That somehow brings up more questions.


Demon Slayer AU
If Surge could talk

Bulk: *in a quite modernized city* What is this?

Surge: It's the president's sweet 16 birthday! How the f-ck should I know?


Zib: "Try harder"? *Throws paper onto the ground* I ALWAYS HAVE TO FIND A SOLUTION! Can't even I have a moment where I don't know what to do?!


Zib: *has a gunshot in his stomach from training* Oh damn.



Surge: Next thing we're going to draw, is a surprise.

Shadow: Like Meghan! Meghan was a surprise.

Meghan: I was actually a mistake, but close enough.

Surge: Please stop calling yourself that.

Meghan: It's fine mom! Take it with a bit of humour.


We got the pessimistic moon.
And the golden retriever trying to match his energy

Zib: There's hell in hello. There's an end in friend. There's lie in believe. There's over in lover. And there's good in goodbye.

Fortis: There's fun in funeral!-


Actor AU

Zib: *holding a shovel, doing to following moves on a robot dummy* Waaaatch. First you smash it. Then you cut the head off.

Quadle: It was like nothing to him...

Zib: *walks off* I go to church now.

The crew: *wheezing*

Zib: Are we keeping that in? We are? For the bloopers? Alright, sweet.


Aria: So, one of my boyfriends is always on about self protection and uhm...

Aria: He got me a taser. I-... I feel like he stole it from the police-


Who is your favourite villain?

Witch Doctor (my version)
Gotta love a sassy a$$ Doctor.
(And no, he's not an animal abuser, don't worry)

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