incorrect quotes #47

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Evo: *meditating with headphones on*

Stringer: What is he listening to?

Nex: *shrugs* Maybe some lo-fi.

Meanwhile the song: GUT GUT GUT ME OUT AND F-CK F-CK F-CK ME UP-


Stormer: What's wrong with Nex? He's been sitting on the couch for the last entire hour without doing anything, staring like he just saw the most horrifying thing in the world.

Evo: We wanted to get his medication which his therapist prescribed him, but the pharmacy didn't have any in stock and won't get any for the next two weeks. He sometimes has these episodes, like now.

Breez: Hold on a minute. Nex takes medication? Since when?? And how come we knew nothing about it?

Evo: Oh, hi Breez. Well, Julius was actually taking medication almost his entire life, because ever since he was built it was clear something was wrong with his brain.

Stringer: What does he take meds for?

Evo: Schizophrenia, he never told you because he was scared you guys would deem him as insane.


G: Quadle, where's Zib?

Quadle: [You didn't hear? Zib is in court for attempting murder!]

G: Zib attempted WHAT?!

Quadle: [Yeah, Zib snapped and shot Shadowzone, badabim badabum, went against the law and now has a trial against him. But at least Shadowzone got in trouble as well and is now suspended because he hurt Rocka]

Raven: Talking about him, where is he?

Quadle: [He went to court with him alongside Mr. Makuro and a lawyer to at least get him out on parole]

G: So much happened in such short time...


On a mission the Alpha-Team went against Purge, Nebula, Corroder and Meltdown. Purge at some point got knocked off a cliff.

Purge: *shrugs and enjoys the free fall, looks up* What the-

Surge: *also got knocked off, currently screaming as he fell down with Purge*

Purge: ... *Sighs as he formed his wings* Dear lord...


Man did not accept death

Evo got acid burned, fell about ten stories to the ground, and had his left arm cut off.

Also Evo: *gets up, to Rotor and Corroder* OI, I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU YET YOU D-CKHEADS!

Furno and Rocka: EVO STOP-


G: *reading off from a card* Who has kissed more men?

Stormer: *raises his hand*

Breez: Ayo-


Surge was in a Hero Craft in space, when the system malfunctioned and teleported him into a different galaxy via portal.

Quadle: [Surge, what happened? Your signal is not showing up]

Surge: I'm stuck in space as a potential space junk, the engine failed because all of the energy got used up for the portal and I'm in a different galaxy-

Surge: *sees Earth* I think I see Japan.

Quadle: [Japan? You mean on Earth?? God damn your like a thousand lightyears away from our galaxy!]

Surge: Which galaxy am I in?

Quadle: [The Milky way, or Galaxis. The galaxy Siren, G, Lynn et cetera came from. Hang in there, I'll dispatch a rescue team to get you]


Hero: *sees Samara* Guys look! There's a kid here!

Leader: Get her out of here, we can't have any people around the patrol area.

Samara: *lifts up the nerf shotgun she's holding*

Hero 2: Aww, she thinks she's safe with a toy gun.

Samara replaced the nerf ammo with a real one, reloaded the gun and did a test shot on a tree. A real bullet came out and hit it.

Samara: *smiles and aims at the heroes*

Pumped up kicks playing in the background.


Breez: *logging in on something*

The question: What is your gender?

Breez: Male, female, non-binary, prefer not to tell.

Breez: *clicks the fifth option* Nah bruh, I'm a Walmart-


Lynn: *just finished watching M3gan*

M3gan: *standing in the hall*

Lynn: *bails* NOPE.

Surge: Nice one Meghan.

Meghan: *in the same robotic voice as M3gan* Thank you. Gotta live up to my name.


Stormer: *sneezes*

Zita: *looks at him, before she mimics his sneeze*

Stormer: *laughing*


Nex: *half out the door, laughing*

Breez: Dude, what is wrong with you?

Nex: *walks in showing a racoon clinging to his leg* Please help me.


Surge: If you microwave a hard boiled egg and then open it (doesn't matter how, cutting in half, biting it), it will explode. Like, literally, a mini explosion with hot bits of egg on your body. And same goes to water that gets heated by microwave it can superheat without appearing to boil, meaning it can become hotter than it's boiling point.

Surge: *dumps some powder into a cup with heated water. The water literally combusts* EEK-

Lynn: ... Biosector1001 DON'T LET YOUR FURNO KNOW THIS!!


Rocka: *at the bar* Hello welcome to our bar, what can I get you?

Person: Hey, uh, do you sell non alcoholic drinks as well?

Rocka: Of course. What would you like?

Person: Can I get a diet cock- I mean cock- I MEAN DIET COCK Jesus Christ I give up...

Rocka: *trying to contain his laughter* Coke?

Person: Yes...


Fantasy AU

Rocka: *taking care of some baby dragons that got sent in, holding a forest green baby*

A venomous baby dragon next to him: *tries to bite him*

Rocka: *unfazed, pats its head with his hand* No.


Evo: *got dust in his face, sneezes*

Rotor: Pffft, you sneeze like a girl.

Evo: And how about I pound you like a boy- that did not come out right.

Rotor: I'm taken anyways.

Evo: So am I, burnt rotisserie chicken.

(I honestly love the beef between Evo and Rotor rn)


A grenade landed next to Purge's feet.

Purge: *didn't have his glasses on and couldn't tell what it was* What's this?

Pause at the moment the grenade exploded, the other villains present in shock and fear for Purge and the heroes wondering who the f-ck threw the grenade.


Random fact of the day

You know those containers the HF toys come in? Don't they resemble Hero Pods?
And the Drop ship set? Yeah, you can use that to drop off heroes in their containers.


They do this

Nex: *t-poses*

Purge: What are you doing?

Nex: *proceeds to float up into the sky*

Purge watched him float upwards, before he saw Rotor do the same.

Purge and Surge: *questioning their teammates*



Bulk: *bouta beat the sh-t out of someone for hurting his bros*

Surge and Rocka: *holding him back*


Surge and Rocka: *bouta murder someone for hurting Bulk*

Bulk: *holding them back behind him and smiling nervously at the person*


Fighting next to a river be like

Evo and Rocka got sent on a routine checkup mission in a protected area, just to meet up with a group of criminals. While Rocka fought against them, Evo looked around and dived into a river, dragging the criminals attention to him. He resurfaced, and waited for them to approach him.
Evo smiled at them and raised an arm. At the same time, a large arm made out of water rose up, which he then brought down upon the criminals and dragged them into the river. The criminals were immobilised in the water and Evo took the chance to put cuffs on them before dragging them back out of the water one by one, as Rocka lead them to the Hero Craft.
Rocka came back to check on Evo and found him collapsed on the river bank.

Rocka: *supporting him as they walked to the Hero Craft* Remind me, why did we stick to this plan despite knowing your core can't handle it?

Evo: *smiles weakily and shrugs*


ADHD be like

Rocka: *hyper focused on something in the distance and subconsciously dodges everything in his way as he walks*


Rocka: *on a phone call while carrying ten books, a to-go coffee and also carrying a bag, trips and drops a few of the books*


Rocka: *walks out of a room, jacket gets stuck on door-handle*


Lynn: *walks in* You alright Surge?

Surge: *points at the pan spasming in the counter, a pink and black checkered stove and pantry* You know what's going on?

Lynn: Oh. Classic glitches. I'll just open this universe's file and get it fixed, don't worry.

Surge: The what file?

Lynn: *has a floating screen in front of her consisting of a long text and some computer codes in-between* Don't worry about it.


Highschool AU

Surge: I started living by myself at 14.

Furno: I almost set the house on fire at 14 :D

Surge: You and I are not the same kind of people.


Evo: *sends pic* Just finished my engineering project.

Nex: My brain hurts.

Stormer: He unlocked the 4th dimension.


Creepypasta AU

Zib just finished an assassination and was now running from the security and police. He hid in a dark alley and quickly changed his clothes to a short dress and high heels, applied a quick makeup and put on a wig. He then postured himself in front a door and took out some fake keys and pretended like he was searching for the right one.

Police: *runs by, notices him and stops* Escuse me ma'am, you didn't happen to see this man run by, did you?

The officer took out a photo of Zib and showed it to him.

Zib: *changes his voice to a higher tone* I'm sorry offier, but no. I wish you good luck finding him.

Police: Aw shucks... But thank you, have a good night.

The officer ran off again. Once it was all over, Zib smiled to himself and walked off.


Nex: *riding on a skateboard at intense speed*


Nex didn't slow down. In fact, his skateboard came to a full stop when it hit the border of the pedestrian zone and Nex went gliding over the ground for a split second, before he hit the ground, about two metres away from his skateboard.

Rocka: *let the bike fall over and ran to check on Nex* Are you okay?!

Nex: *sits up, covered in bleeding scratches and held his right arm* I think my arm is broken...


Purge: *holds up his phone with a picture of a stygian owl and points at Wilbur* Ya see a difference?

Nebula: Nope.

Purge: Great, cuz me neither.


Quadle: [Of course you don't need a core recharge, you're good to go!]

Bulk: Sweet.

Quadle: [... You don't get sarcasm, do you?]

Nex: I think I had a sarcasm once.

Immediate silence.


Stringer: *rubbing his face after he got punched* Aw crap, my mouth hurts more than usual.


Stringer: Not because of that ya nasty-


Video: Here's day six of my trying to piss off japanese people. Today, we have sushi hamburger-

Surge: *eats sushi with a fork* Yeah, good luck with that. We honestly couldn't care less about what other people do, we don't even eat sushi that often so yeah. You do you.


Quadle: [Surge, what did you buy?]

Surge: I lost the battle against my own will and I bought lightsaber chopsticks that have an actual light inside. It came with four sets, one blue, one purple, one green and one red.



Breez: The hell you talking about?

Rocka: I got those metal meat claws that are meant for the kitchen kind of meat pulling apart, but they're pretty good for self defense as well.


G: I got a neck holder and uhm... I'm thinking a lot about the shape and the last thing that comes to mind is that it's a neck holder. Kinda looks like an alien tongue which I'm into-

G: ANYWAYS I guess you just lie down on it like this?

G: *lays down* Oh sweet Jesus this is, what the heck, this is actually nice. It has like these stubs that just sit right. I can literally feel all the tension just evaporate. I'm just gonna lay here forever.

Quadle: *pulled an all nighter to get Zib's work done, holding a coffee cup* Can you at least not lay in the middle of the living room?


Evo: *bonking Rotor on the head with a broom he found*

Rotor: *sitting on the ground protecting his head*

XPlode and Furno: *questioning why his bf/son is like this*


Drilldozer: If somebody says something I don't like I go slap. If someone looks at me weird I go slap. If someone breaths too loud around me I go slap slap.


Little AJ: Why are your boobs so big?

Bulk: ... They're not boobs.

AJ: Do you wear a bra?

Stringer: *wheezing*


Purge: And everything about you is perfect from the bottom.

Purge: *points at Fire Lord* Bottom bottom bottom bottom-

Fire Lord: Stop.

Purge: *doesn't stop and continues to say bottom*

Fire Lord: Purge, I swear I'm going to smack you.

Purge: *points at Jetbug* To the top.

Fire Lord: *covers his face* F-cking hell...

Jetbug: *chuckles a bit and pats FL on the head while the other Fire Villains laughed*


Nex: *in the Hero Craft with a bandaged head an neck stabalizer* Nothing much, just a minor heachache

Stormer: *checking on him* [You fell off a damn building, headfirst, snapped your neck and probably got a concussion and you say all you have is a minor headache?]

Nex: Just a minor headache.


Purge: Rotor. Where did your blades go?

Rotor: *sitting on a cot* Boss got the blueprints finished and I didn't have any missions planned for at least a week, so he decided to modify them with Witch Doctor to be retractable. They can now retract and fold down on my back, so it makes moving around easier.

Purge: So how are you feeling now?

Rotor: Major back pain, that's all I'm gonna say.


Furno: Yo, how do you say "I put" in Spanish?

Rocka: *writing in a notebook* Yo pongo.

Furno: Okay, but like in the past?

Rocka: Yo puse.

Furno: *snorts*

Rocka: What's so funny?

Furno: *snorts* Pus$y.

Rocka: ... *Crumbles up a piece of paper from his notebook and throws it at Furno's head*


Lynn: *recently started reading The Doom Box through pictures Bio sent* HUNTER how the F-CK did you get yourself dismantled on purpose, stuffed into a crate, locked into a bank vault and then put yourself back together?! All while remaining alive for days on end?!!

CH: *mentally* Who the f-ck is this organic child and how did she know-


Samara: *eating solid food for the first time*

Villain: Stop chewing so loud, bro.

XPlode: Leave my child alone!

Villain: The f-ck is you gon' do?

XPlode: *slowly pulls out his sword while Rotor also appears behind him*

Villain: *backs up* Uhhh-


Criminal: *holding a knife* Hand over you valuables!

Mr. Makuro: *pulls out a sword from his cane* Neva b-tch.


Evo: *holding some papers with rough pencil drawings on them*

Furno: What's wrong kiddo?

Evo: We need the medication the second they have it in stock again. *shows Furno the drawings he's holding* Nex's condition never got to this point.

(Describing the pics even tho I wanted to draw them but miserably failed. Also, I am no genius in schizophrenia, nor do I know anyone with it. So if this seems offensive in any way, tell me and I'll remove this entire quote.)

Each of the pictures depict a roughly and messy drawn figure. One thing they all had in common was that they were extremely thin and lanky, with limbs that seemed too long for the body.
One picture shows a figure huddled in a corner, back facing the viewer with the head turned and bent backwards in a way that the neck should have snapped, to stare directly at the viewer.
Another one depicts a figure hanging in the air, holding onto a wooden bar with one hand, waving with the other and has a wide smile showing many sharp white teeth.
The only figure which seemed somewhat normal (proportion wise) was a character with horns, standing in front of a window and leaving scratch marks on the glass.
An unfinished sketch shows a man sitting on his bed, complete worn out and tired. The room was dark and in the darkness the three previous figures are shown again. Erased but still visible were the words "They're not real" on the wall, written and erased over and over again.
Another drawing shows the face of the man with a hand covering his mouth and the other one clawing at his face, leaving deep scratch marks, while the man could only helplessly look at the viewer, while eyes stared at him. Unreadable words were written all around him.
The last paper has sketches of the team. But on some the faces were roughly drawn just to get erased again, creating a blurred effect. Others were replaced by horrifying smiles or just scribbled over completely. Furno for example also had a blurred out face, and behind him was one of the shadowy figures Nex drew.

The only normally drawn person was Evo, although he was drawn with a sorrowful expression.


Surge: You know when you're cooking eggs, and pan is covered with burnt egg bits you can't get off? Here's a simple solution to your problem!

Surge: Just throw it out, there's no saving it. Throw out all your problems.




Surge: *walks in*

Splitface: *starts coughing and gasping for air all of a sudden*

Surge: Dear robot god are you okay?! What's wrong?

Splitface: *joke flirting* Sorry, you just took my breath away.

Surge: Bad timing, Furno's right behind me.


Thresher: *looks into the fridge* Damn, we got no milk. I need to buy some.

Thresher made a turn for the front door, when Evo, Stormer and Quadle blocked it.

Stormer: NO DON'T GO.




Stormer: *sees a pocket sized claw machine online* I want it. Don't know for what. Maybe meds for someone else. I don't know.


Nex: *sitting by the balcony*

Voice: Wanna jump?

Nex: *immediately gets up and walks off to find Evo* Nope.


Surge: *in a high voice* Excuse me sir, do you know where the meat is?

Worker: *about to point the directions, before seeing Surge in the corner of his eyes and realizes he's a man* Huh?

Surge: *in his "straight" voice* Ah, my fault, dude.


Rocka: *riding a bike before the front wheel came off and both he and the bike collapses*

Bulk: I swear I just heard the Lego brick debuilding sound.


Bulk: *on Google Maps*

G: Oh, I went there before! It was raining cats and dogs though..

Bulk: Y'know, I never understood that saying. What's next? Raining fish and sharks?

Bulk looked around on Google maps and saw a shark in someone's roof.



Bulk: Unbelievable.


Rocka every third day: Quit. Don't quit. Noodles.


Purge: *hugs WD from behind* SURPRISE!

WD: *flinches and immediately pushes Purge off* Don't. Do that.

Purge: Why? Surprise hugs are the best! Don't tell me you don't like surprises?

WD: Surprises in general? I can handle them. But surprise hugs, especially from behind? That's a no-go. Never ended well...


Furno was pretending to punch Rocka, who's on the couch, to annoy him, when on of his hits made contact and knocked Rocka clean out and he fell on the floor.

Furno: Sh-t. *Sees Surge* IT WAS NOT ON PURPOSE I SWEAR!


Highschool AU
Out of pocket Yearbook quote

Furno: You gotta enjoy the little things in life. Like blowing bubbles.

Surge: People call me bubbles because I'm always floating.

(Floating according to Urban Dictionary: The act of keeping yourself or someone afloat financially)


Nebula: What do you have?

WD: *holds up a brown bunny* Chonky Bunny. I call him Choco.


Surge: *imitates the anime voice perfectly* UwU.

Rocka: *says it like he's reading off a paper* Uwu.

Bulk: *tries to get his voice high enough, just to choke on his own spit and starts dieing*


Rocka was sent onto a Recon Mission that lasted over two weeks.
As soon as he stepped foot through the gate, Bolt immediately charged at him and pressed his nose against him. Rocka laughed and patted him on the head, when he saw Lysander also running at him.

Rocka: Oh dear-

Lysander ended up knocking them all over and Rocka layed on the ground between his two dragons.

BP: *was the one taking care of them during the time, chuckles and sits down beside them* They sure missed ya.

Rocka: *laughs a bit* I can tell. I missed you guys too.


And a little last thing

"Absolute maximum is one hour, no more, got it?"
Quadle nodded as he entered the visitor room. Other people were talking to the inmates in their respective little "cells", wether it's family member, friends, anyone was there, really.
Quadle floated over to an empty one and took a seat. He knocked on the class to get the inmates attention, who seemed to have zoned out while waiting. He looked up, smiled wearily and put his glasses on, which were cracked at one corner. He showed obvious signs of tiredness, his facial markings were black halfway and both on his face and underneath the sleeves of his prison uniform, he had injuries of physical fights. He didn't have his mask, probably lost it.
"Hey Quad'. How are you?"
"Fine, just a bit stressed with work. And how are you, Zib? I hope you're alright?" He added, glancing at the Professor's bruises and half healed wounds. Zib just laughed, but it sounded fake. "Suffering. Mentally suffering." He said with a smile. "And the newspaper cutout doesn't make it better." Zib nodded at the wall behind Quadle, who turned around to look. The main caption read "Escaped convict last seen in Makuhero City. Have you seen him?" with a picture of the serial killer Mattia Mikanze underneath it. And in a smaller paragraph was the news of an attempted murder on a hero. Of course with a photo of Zib. "I feel like they hung it up just to spite me." Zib added with choked out laugh. Quadle sighed and turned around. "Don't say that. Mrs. Smith would never do that, nor would she allow it. The news was just printed in a way that both got onto the same page."
Zib shrugged and rested his head on his hand. There was an awkward moment of silence, before Quadle broke it. "Still no progress in getting out?"
Zib shook his head. "Little to no progress. Mr. Makuro came yesterday and told me. I might be stuck here for the rest of my life. I guess the main reason is because I show no regret over what I have done." Quadle sighed again. "We'll get you out sooner or later, that I can guarantee." Zib smiled at him through the glass. "Come to think my father might be proud of me for what I've done, if he knew. But you know what they say."
"Zib, no."
"Like father like son, am I right?"
Zib's voice almost broke when he said that and clenched his fists. It was obvious how much it hurt him, admitting things like that. Quadle put his hands on the table and rose up. "Nathaniel Zib, I do not want to hear those words come out of you ever again. You are far different from your father. He was a killer who used murder as the solution to every life problem. You don't. He enjoyed his lifestyle. You didn't and I know you never will. In fact, I gained access to some more information and read that he killed the Police Chef of Okansco City, presumably as revenge for locking him up. It sounds like him, but not like you."
"And yet, here I am. Locked up in jail for an unknown amount of time. He showed no regrets for murdering over 10 people, I show no regret for attempting murder. Heh, even my appearance is changing to be more like his, isn't that funny?" Zib chocked out another laugh and pointed at his face.
He took his glasses off to wipe away a single tear that escaped his eye.

"The apple doesn't fall far from its tree, huh?"

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