incorrect quotes #8 (ft. Villains, Heroes and Neutrals!)

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Zib is short.

Zib: Can you at least TRY to see things from my perspective?

Bot: *literally three heads taller than Zib; bends down to be at the same eye level*

Zib: *flips him off* I despise you...

Bot: *laughs*

(Introducing Bot at the end of this chapter!)


Purge: Wait, y'all still believe in gravity? Like-

Purge: *walks up a wall* Just walk on a wall y'all.



XPlode: ¡Rotor, se supone que debes estar dormido!

Rotor: XPlode, ¿por qué hablamos español?


POV: Rocka and Surge are in the city with Splitface and Black Phantom. They ran into Daniela Capricorn.

Daniela: So, now that you two are ex-villains, what do you think of your new lifestyle?

Splitface (Grey): Pretty chill honestly.

Splitface (Red): It's awesome!

Black Phantom: I'm just glad I could change myself.

Person: *stops close by* Change yourself, hah! Once a villain, always a villain. You will always remain one and there's no such thing as changing.

Rocka and Surge: *glare at the person* Repeat that. I dare you.


Nex: *sitting on a branch while whistling*

Branch: *breaks*

Nex: AHHHHHH-!!!!


(Reference video)

Surge: *laughing*

Surge: *voice box glitches* Ah AAAAAAAAAAAA-

Surge: *hitting his chest with the side of his fist* Ah AÂÄÆÅAAAÃ



Purge: *starts of as Surge* Okay, that's good.

Purge: *gets judged* O-okay, that's good.

Purge: *literally a loner* Okay, that's good...

Purge: *traumatic memories join in* Okay.... That's good...

Purge: *gets Zib to be scared of him* O-okay t-that's good!...

Purge: *switches to the villains; frustrated af* Okay THAT'S ENOUGH!!!


Zib: *coughing while his voice box is glitching*

The team, minus Nex: *laughing at that*

Nex: *worried*

Zib: *glitch cough with a strong echo*

The team: *falls silent at that*

Zib: *coughs again, this time it sounds like a VERY glitched out shout*

Nex: Alright that's it, you're going to the Hero Factory!


Bulk: Hey, look what I found on my recent expedition to the attic!

Rocka: Expedition, serious-?

Bulk: *pulls out an old Nokia* An old timey telephone! Let's see if it still works. *dials a random number*

Stringer: Ohhh boy..

Bulk: Hello? Who's there-?

Creator: *making her voice sound like a demon* The answer to everything.

Bulk: *throws the phone against the wall, causing the wall to crack* HOLY SH-!!!


Splitface: What a nice day. Time to go bother my best friend.

Splitface: *runs through multiple streets and through the front door of the mansion*

Wolfie: *was about to go out* You could've knocked!

Splitface: *runs past her and to Surge's room; hits his door* Open up.


Fire Lord and Jetbug: *walk in next to each other*

Literally all of the other villains: Hello Jetfire.

Both: Stop calling us that!!


(Video for reference)

The team vibing to Mamma Mia by ABBA

Stringer: *singing* And I can hear a bell ring.

Surge: One more look!

Siren: And I forget everything.

Breez: Whoah!

Zib: *leaning back on a chair* Mamma mia.. *tips over* FACK!!

Nex: *half laughing* Here we go again!


Thunder: *injures himself*

Purge: *dealing with him, looks at Von Nebula* Don't. You. Dare. Laugh.

Von Nebula: *wheezes*

Purge: Fuck it. *laughs as well*


Surge: *laughing at Bulk* Geez, you're so stupid!

Person: *laughs* Yeah, you're such a dumba**!

Surge: *eyes flash red as he turns to the person* What are you laughing at?


Corroder: Yo bro, what's your body count?

Purge: Oh about thirty by now.

Von Nebula: Dude, you are a h*e!

Purge: How does that make me a h-?! Wait, are we talking about how many people we slept with?

Corroder: Y-yeah?

Purge: Oh! Then it's zero.

Corroder: W-why did you say thirty then?

Purge: Ahahaha! *smiles*



Mafia AU

Furno: *playing a game with Stormer* Hey, how many did you kill?

Stormer: *kills another character* That was number fifty.

Furno: Dang you're good! I only got forty..

Zib: *cleaning a bloody dagger* I got a hundred.

Furno: Dude, what game are you playing? You're good at it!

Zib: *looks at him* I don't play games.

Stormer: Daaaamn boss!


Stormer: NO! Leave her alone!

Meltdown: *has Breez in hostage* Woah Woah Woah! Hold you horses, I don't want to hurt anyone. I'm just taking her with-

Stormer: *slaps Meltdown*

Meltdown: Ow! Dude what the hell-?!

Stormer: Am I a joke to you? Don't you ever talk to me like that ever again-!

Breez: *creeps up from behind and hits Meltdown with shovel*

The rest: Holy sh-t!


The team playing an online VR game

Furno: Hey Siren!

Siren: *glitchy voice; holding a grenade* What do you waaaaant?

Furno: We're here, we're here to save you!

Siren: Uh oh I just pulled the grenaaaade!

Siren: Praise the looooooord-!

*The grenade explodes killing Siren's character. The team laughing at that*


Furno: *sends a pic to Rocka with him doing half a heart* Finish the heart ;)

Rocka: *sends back a pic with him holding up the middle finger* No <3


Furno: Are we enemies?

Rocka: No.

Furno: Are we friends?

Rocka: Hmm... Nah.

Furno: Ouch. Are we gay?

Rocka: Yep.

Furno: Eyy!


Creator: *squeezes a rubber chicken*

Siren: Geez that thing is so loud-

Wolfie: *kicks one the door and walks in*

Siren: Dude, what the-?!

Creator: What the fuck???

Wolfie: *imitating the chicken (video above)* AAAAAAAAAAA!


Random people you'll find in friend groups! (Villain version)

Von Nebula: *The quiet one! Who isn't exactly sure how they ended up there*

Rotor and XPlode: *The two who are clearly way better friends than everyone else.*

Meltdown: *The 50/50 friend who can either be the life of a party or say something extremely cringy*

Villain!Siren: *The funny one! Someone should probably check up on them* (Sirenalagirl53 I don't know if this is accurate, correct me if needed)

Corroder: *The reckless one, who will take every opportunity to endanger something or themselves*

Nitroblast: *The clumsy one, same as reckless, just unintentionally*

Purge: *The recluse who can physically see dying the longer they are around*

Thunder: *The naive who'll laugh along at jokes they have NO chance of understanding*


Black Phantom: *gets invited over to the mansion*

Black Phantom: *was exploring it and got lost*

Black Phantom: *trying to find his way back to the main room while panicking*

*Rocka was in the main room with the rest. Phantom is heard screaming somewhere for him.*


Policewomam: You're under arrest for driving a motorcycle with four people on it!

Furno: Tsk, god damn it...

Breez: Bro, I told you this was illegal.

Evo: Oh my god I gotta call my mom...

Stringer: .... Wait..

Policewoman: What is it?

Stringer: Did you say four people?

Policewoman: Yes, four people.

Evo: Oh my god...

Breez: Jesus Christ..



Stormer: Why didn't you tell us you had the Purple Quaza?!

Surge: Oh, because I wanted to wait until it kills me.


Hi ho Siren, in case you find a way to rolepay with the villains, feel free to do so! For example with your villain version to yourself.

And now, meet Samuel Bot!
Bot is a Hero Factory worker, leader of the Villains Storage Unit (VSU). He is 43 years old and 240cm (7'10") tall.
Bot is a robot with a yellow and skyblue colouration, the watch on his wrist is used to create holographs and screens and he sometimes also needs to stop fights between villains, which is not fun, but he's used to it.
He is friends with Zib since a few weeks, but they don't meet each other that often, because of the different shift times and areas they work at.
He and Zib tend to call each other by their first names, Zib using "Sam" or his last name, while Bot uses either "Nathaniel" or "Zibby".
From personality wise, Samuel Bot is usually really calm and can't be angered that easily. And even when he is mad, then it's normally because of frustration or worry. Or you f*cked up bad.

Description for his robot form:
-Yellow head with a skyblue helmet
-baby blue eyes
-body is light yellow with blue markings, making it look like he's wearing a jacket
-blue watch with white markings on left wrist for holographs and such
-a sort of belt on his waist to put cuffs and a taser, in case they're needed

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