incorrect quotes #9 (yes, another one)

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God damn it Furno...

Surge: ... I want McDonald's.

Furno: Oh really?

Surge: Yeah..

Furno: Alright then. *does something on his phone* It's done!

Surge: Nice what food do you get?

Furno: ... The food?

Surge: Yeah the-, the food.

Furno: Ohhhh you wanted the food!



Surge: Furno, what did you buy-?

Furno: The company.


POV: The team got turned into children (again) and Stringer is gone.

Zib: Jimi, where are you baby? Mommy wants to go home and go to sleep!

Zib: Has anyone seen my son?! Oh god... Jimi!!

Zib: *running through the streets* That mother's adrenaline is kicking in... JIMI!!

Zib: *ran into a tree* I can see every equation.

Zib: *talking to Capricorn* Excuse me ma'am, have you seen my son?! He's about this tall, clearly gay but we haven't had the talk.

Zib: *in a tree* JIMI ARE YOU IN THERE?! *falls out of it* Ah F*CK!!!

Zib: Oh look my luck's beginning to turn. *drinks coffee; spits it back out* WHO THE F*CK PUTS SOY IN THEIR COFFEE?!

Zib: Do you know where my son is?

Bot and Thresher: *very concerned* No-

Zib: Damn it JIMI!!!


Zib: I'll let you do drugs!

Wolfie: What in the-??


Zib: I'm gonna have a stroke....



Furno: *drives the car out of the garage*

Stormer: What the?

Furno: Get in the car bishes we're going shopping!

Rocka: Oh god-

Siren: F*ck yes let's goooo!


Little Siren: What if I say a swear word?

Bulk: Go ahead and try and see what happens.

Rocka: No no no, swearing is not allowed on our household.

Little Siren: This isn't your house. B*tch.


The brother trio got turned into kids

Rocka: *on the couch with Black Phantom*

Surge: *sitting on Furno's shoulder*

Bulk: *carried by Stringer*

Surge: Ahhhhhhh!

Bulk: Ahhhhh!

Surge: *high-pitched* AHHHHH!

Bulk: *even higher pitch* AHHHHHHH!

Phantom, Stringer and Furno: *laughing*


Creator: Introduce yourself by the name your favourite person calls you.

Splitface: Nice to meet you, I'm Mr. Two-face.

Creator: Who calls you tha-? OH WAIT I KNOW-!


Thunder is dumb

Purge: Airplane

Thunder: Airpain!

Purge: Close enough... Tomato

Thunder: To-.... Mah toe..

Purge: Banana.

Thunder: Ba... Na.... Ananana..

Purge: Did you even try?

Purge: Kitty-

Thunder: Tittie!

Purge: NO-!

Meltdown has joined

Purge: Blanket.

Thunder: Banket!

Meltdown: The fu-?

Purge: Dumptruck.

Thunder: Dumbf*ck!

Purge: Definitely not.

Purge: Balloons.

Thunder: Baboons!

Purge: McDonald's.

Thunder: Mic...... McGobbles.

Meltdown laughing in the back

Purge: My god... Tennis.

Thunder: Tenni- ... Tension!



Zib: *drinking coffee*

Stormer: *mind* He drinks his coffee without milk and sugar???

Stormer: *looks at his own cup* Hmm... *takes a sip* Bleh.. *laughs nervously when Zib looked at him* I don't do well with bitterness...

Zib: Then go get the milk and sugar.

Stormer: Yeah.. Thanks..


Raven is with the team in the main room.

Splitface: *walks in* Hey y'all how you doing-?

Raven: *growls at him while Wolfie holds her back*

Splitface: *shrieks* GET YOUR F***ING DOG!!!

Wolfie: She don't bite.

Splitface: YES SHE DO!!


Surge: *standing on the launchpad of the Hero Factory while a few people gathered beneath it*


Splitface: DO A FLIP!!!

The crowd stare at him.

Furno: Dude what-?!

Surge gave a thumb's up and jumped backwards, doing a few flips while falling and landed on his feet in front of the crowd. The people just stare at him and Splitface.


POV: Trying to pick up Black Phantom's mace be like.

Rocka: *sitting on the floor next to the mace*

Bulk: *walks in* You alright bro?

Rocka: No, I can't get this thing out of the way!

Bulk: Here let me do it..

Rocka: Good luck.

Bulk: ... Uh thanks?

Bulk manages to lift it up by an inch or so, but it falls down again and cracks to floor.

Bulk: .... Oh in the name of the Purple Quaza..

Rocka: Great, first the broken wall and now the floor...

Black Phantom: *walks in* Ah, there's my mace! I was wondering where it went to.

Black Phantom picks it up with ease and walks back out.

Rocka and Bulk: *visible confusion*


Surge: I'll head to the training room, see you guys around!

Surge: *walks out, teleports and hits a wall*

Surge: *curses in noodles*


Mr. Makuro: You know you can take a break when you need to Zib.

Zib: I know, but I'll be done soon anyways. Thanks father.

Mr. Makuro: Of course-... Father?


Mr. Makuro:

Zib: *blushes in embarrassment* I-I meant Mr. Makuro I didn't mean to say that I don't know how that slipped out!!

Mr. Makuro chuckles a bit.


Surge: *staring at his genderbend self, who literally looks just like him, only with a different body figure*

Genderbend!Surge: *staring back*

Bulk and Rocka: *walk in* Hey Surge-

The Surge's: Yeah?

The brothers: ... Which one of you is Surge?

Both: I am.

The bros: Which one of you is our brother?

Surge: I am.

Rocka: *to Genderbend!Surge* And who are you?

Genderbend!Surge: I would be considered as your sister.

Bulk: ... Wait your a girl?!

Mara: Mara Surge, nice to meet you other Bulk.


POV: In an universe, you get a target you have to kill

Zib and Shadowzone walk up to each other.
"Target has been found"
The two look at each other, shrug and walk off in opposite directions.

Shadowzone: *throws an axe at Zib*

Zib: *throws a knife at him*


Rocka and Furno: *looking at each other*

Rocka: Why you so f*cking ugly bro?

Stormer laughing in the back.


POV: Wolfie took Zib's keys to his office and workstuff in general.

Zib: *leaning against Wolfie's door* I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums. *hits the door twice*

Wolfie, inside of her room: *PANIC*


Stringer: Why is the sky blue?

Wolfie: Because it's creators drew it blue?

Evo: Because the sun is... Yellow? (That was dumb nvm...)

Bulk: Because space is blue. I think?

Surge: It's actually blue because it is reflecting off the ocean and vice versa.

Rocka: So if they reflect off each other, which comes first?

Surge: Ah...

Surge: Uhh..

Surge: *experiencing a mental crisis*


Surge: Two best friends in a room. They might kiss.

Furno: Yes they will.

Surge: What?

Furno: *moves closer* I said yes they will.

He and Surge lean towards each other, before laughing and pushing each other's faces away.


How Stormer and Breez started to date in a nutshell

Stormer: Hey guys, I'm single!

Breez: *swoops in and picks him up* Not anymore.

Stormer: *confused and embarrassed*


Zib ain't joking y'all.

The team is training. Zib and Thresher are trying to get them to mission control.

Thresher: Walk please.

Zib: No no no, you gotta go like this.

Zib: *whistles* WALK!!!

The team jumps at that and rush out of the training sphere.


Stormer: Strike, scream and run. You give it a try.

Furno: *hits a sleeping Rocka, gives a short scream and runs*

Rocka: *confused of what just happened*


Surge: *has a lollipop in his mouth*

Evo: Can I have one?

Surge: Sure. *gives him one*

Creator: Can I have one too?

Surge: *hands her one* Here ya go.

Creator: Thanks!

Creator unwraps it and puts it in her mouth. She freezes for a second, before gagging and collapsing.

Evo: *stops before he put his in his mouth and stares at Creator in shock* WHAT HAPPENED?!

Surge: *raises a brow and looks at his lollipop wrapper in his hand* ... No wonder these taste weird, they're made of cyanide.

Evo stares at him before dropping his lollipop.


Purge trying to teach Thunder how to spell

Purge: T

Thunder: T

Purge: I

Thunder: I

Purge: K

Thunder: K

Purge: T

Thunder: T

Purge: O

Thunder: O

Purge: K

Thunder: K

Purge: What does it spell?

Thunder: Kiti Koto!

Purge walks out with the "I'm done" manner.

Purge: *from the hall* I know you have SOME braincells Thunder!


Wolfie: ... So what rooms do we have that other houses don't have?

Nex: A training room, at least a dozen of bedrooms, medical room, an office for Zib and an extra room for files, an indoor garden, and an indoor swimming pool with hot tub and stuff.

Creator: Add another two to the list, I added a dance studio and a recording studio for you musical gang.

Nex: No wonder this place is a mansion and Phantom got lost once.


Oh lord Surge has two fanboys

Splitface: *talking to Surge*

Splitface used flirt.

Surge: Oh, haha! ... Can you take three steps back please?

Splitafec does so. Surge held his arms out and stopped Furno from charging at Splitface.

Furno: *hugs Surge* Mine.

Splitface: You two aren't even dating, chill.

Furno and Splitface glare at each other, making Surge sigh.


Furno: *in the studio with Stormer* What do you think of when you hear a violin?

Stormer: I don't know, classical music?

Furno: Pretty sure classical music is the only music style that fits to a violin.

Surge: *holding a violin case* It's obvious you never heard Lindsey Stirling before.


POV: When the team first discovered Surge playing the violin

Surge: *playing the music above in his room*

Bulk: *walks in* Ayo, you play the violin?!

Surge: *flinches and plays crooked*


Furno: Hey I bet you I can hit this note!

Stringer: No no, please don't.

Furno: *hits the note by literally shrieking*

Stringer: *puts his headphones on to block Furno out*


POV: The Alpha-team visits Creator in the real world

Stormer: Where are Wolfie and Raven?

Creator: Oh! They are basically in my mind so they're not here.

Furno: .... Hah-?!

Creator: *throws masks into their faces* Now remember, whenever you enter a building, WHERE A FACKING MASK! JUST BECAUSE THE RULES HAVE BEEN ABOLISHED DOESN'T MEAN CORONA VIRUS IS GONE!!!

(You decide how this chaos continues)


Zib: Wolfie is so annoying.

Wolfie: *pops up behind him* I heard you were talking sh-t about me.

Zib: Good.


Bot: Hey Zibby, if you were my "wife" I'd put poison in your coffee.

Zib: If you were my husband, I'd drink it.

Thresher: I don't know if that was flirting or not honestly..


The brother trio doing the dance in the video. With the maid dresses.

Stringer: *laughing while recording*

Bulk: *is actually having fun*

Furno: *nosebleed while looking away*

Surge: *is fine with it*

Rocka: *embarrassed and only joined for his brothers' sake*

The rest of the team: *either laughing or just pure confusion*


And now, prepare for my angst theme for Zib.

"You should smile more often."
"I never see you smile Zib."
"Is everything okay? You always seem so serious"

Zib looked up at his mirror reflection. It looked back at him. There wasn't anything wrong with his facial expression, he just always kept a poker face.
It's true, he never laughs, he never smiles. You could say he's basically emotionless from what he shows. Only thing he has ever shown is annoyance and anger. And at times worry.
"They're worried, aren't they?" Zib thought. "They think they've done something wrong, or something isn't right with me. All I can do is shrug it off and tell them I'm fine."
He shook his head. "I can't tell them what happened in the past. It's stupid for me to lose my humor just because of that..."
Zib looked down at the pocket knife in his hand.
"It's hard for me to smile naturally. But they want to see me with a smile for once. So what if I just...?"

Stormer walked into the bathroom, rubbing his eyes. He noticed a blurry figure in front of him. He blinked a few times and noticed it was Zib. And a few blood spots on the sink.
"Zib, what are you doing?"
The mission chief flinched and turned around. From the right corner of his mouth to his cheek, was a bloody cut, resembling a smile.
The two stared at each other. Stormer was the one who broke the silence.
"Mom... Why?"

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