personal problems, bullying, self-harm? same here in the H.F.

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Sirenalagirl53, you are officially a permanent member of this book! (unless you request to leave) this is a continuation of the "new parents?" chapter.

Sirenala (if you want a different name, please tell me): Honestly, I would try to help in so many way, I try a lot of things to make people actually like my existence, really.

Stormer: Well-

Furno: I think you can used to us really quickly!

Stormer: Hey-!

Furno: You just gotta watch out for the people who think they're better than you.

Sirenala: Furno, I've dealt with High School in the south. It's a daily thing people think they're better than you.

Furno: Oh. Well, you could give Surge some tipps. Sadly, he's currently a victim of those things...

Surge: *arrives* Furnooooo, I can deal with it, seriously!

Sirenala: Surge, you may not act like it's bothering you, but it could be, mentally, especially when others aren't around aka when you're alone.

Surge: I'm fine, really, I'm quite good at ignoring that guy to be honest.

Furno: But can you ignore the jokes he does?

Surge: ....

Sirenala: Yeah Surge, try not to bottle up to yourself so much. I've been there and ended up in the mental hospital three separate times in my life before I finally let it all out.

Surge: I -uh-, I'm not bottling myself up! And do we have mental hospitals around here?

Me: Yeah, one is like 10 minutes by foot away.

Surge: Oh

Sirenala: Oh jeez, if you don't want to talk to someone about it, maybe write a journal of it. Not as effective, but believe me, better than harming yourself to help make yourself feel better. *shifts sleeves of hoodie awkwardly*

Surge: *starts getting impatient but tries to cover it* 1. I don't need someone to talk to or a journal. 2. I'm quite fine and can deal with it. And 3. Are you doing self-harm?!

Sirenala: If you say so, and yes...I do for several years. But my boyfriend usually manages to find out afterwards not matter the kind, as mine are cuts and burns, and patches me up afterwards.

Surge: I'm glad you have a boyfriend like that.

Sirenala: I'm just surprised the guy actually loves me, given my previous relationships before him...weren't the nicest and also, some have been in prison before..

Furno: *reenter the room*  I heard something about prison....what's going on?

Sirenala: Don't worry Furno, I was just mentioning my ex's. I'm honestly not surprised if they've went back to jail again. *shakes head with a sigh* Those dumbarses never learn.

Furno: Oh, OK good. By the way Surge, Zip called you. He wants to talk to you for, whatever reason....

Surge: *mumbles* I think I know what it's about... *leaves the room*

Sirenala: I have a feeling Zib is gonna try to get Surge to talk about his feelings. If that feeling is true, then there's not gonna be a good outcome. *shifts sleeves over more bandages* I hate the feeling of bandages, it's always weird...

Furno: I honestly thinks so too. And you should really stop hurting yourself!! Also, Surge is kind of a hard nut to crack, when it's about his feelings... He usually gets annoyed and leaves before one can finish their sentence....I'm worried.

Sirenala: I can figure from how he acted earlier of ways to cope. And honestly, it's become and addiction to hurt myself since I can barely feel pain since I've accustomed to it over the years.

Furno: .... Kid, try to find someone to help you from preventing doing self-harm. And Surge got annoyed earlier? Damn, he's being more and more short-tempered ever since he thinks he has a flaw inside of him....

Sirenala: I know, and with that shiz it's why I have multiple personality disorder. But eh, I've accepted it, really. And his temper is that bad? I thought I had a temper, jeez.

Furno: Well, Surge has always been a hot-head, but when we start talking about his "problems", he gets really annoyed. I think his eyes also have a red tinge then, but I don't know....

Sirenala: Oh jeez, *nervously shifts hoodie* hopefully no villain managed to get the guy like I've heard of Stormer when it came to Meltdown's Radiation he had...

Furno: No, no I don't think it was a villain. Sure, there was something between Core Hunter and Surge, but that was AGES ago. I think it's more because of that Grant guy. And Surge's self underestimatment...

Sirenala: I have low self-esteem myself, but nothing THAT bad. *crosses arms over chest* Still though, I hope he can let out all those bottled emotions up and get help. Guy needs it, and I can easily tell, it's not a good thing to keep things bottled up for so long. I did that one time and ended up crying for two hours while sitting against a tree while it was six degrees outside at that time. Not very pleasant, but it was a good thing to get all those bottled emotions out, especially knowing my biological family.

Furno: Yeah.... I hope so too-

*Surge suddenly come back into the room*

Surge: Hey guys. *continues walking out of the room again*

Furno: Hey Surge, wait! Are you alright? *he tries putting his hand on Surge's shoulder, but Surge shoves it away*

Surge: I'm fine Furno. I'm just going to the training room. *goes up the stairs*

Furno: Don't you think you need a break?! *Surge doesn't answer. Furno's hand drops to his side.* ......

Sirenala: *rests hand on Furno's shoulder*  I think he just need to calm down from his anger a bit. I could have one of my familiars keep an eye on him if you want, he'll practically be in Surge's shadow at the time.

Furno: ..... *shakes of her hand*  It's fine, I'll do it myself. I know him better. *He looks over to the training room, then decides to go in* I'll try to talk to him.

Sirenala: Okay, if you say so. *summons plush from pocket dimension to play with*

Me: *watches for a bit* D'you think Surge is being a bit hard on himself?

Sirenala: Everyone's hard on themselves, I can tell Stormer is like that with past stuff that happened, aka Von Nutcase. Surge just needs to learn to accept stuff and receiving rude comments, he needs to learn to let them flow over him like a river over stone.

Me: *sighs* He's certainly putting up the act as if it doesn't bother him. But what I'm worried about is this flaw Surge keeps talking about, and about his core...

Sirenala: Think it has something to do with the red eye thing Furno mentioned?

Me: Red eyes? Well, from what I've heard, when Surge's eyes are red, he's hella mad. It only happened once though, like ten years ago or so.... I don't know honestly..

Sirenala: Gotcha.

Me: I wonder what Grant always does. From what I've heard, he always find a way to agitate the others....

Sirenala: Probably manages a way to find out stuff of their personal loves, if he wasn't metal, I would've socked him in the jaw as karma. Or kick him where the sun doesn't shine.

Me: I only know that he makes jokes about the Alpha-team, cuz they're always the ones to get in trouble. I've heard he's been really hard on Surge, saying he's too weak to be a member of the Alpha-team.... God I wanna beat him up for hurting boy!

Sirenala: I might drop kick this guy now like a Cloaker from Payday Two now.

Me: I don't know what that is, but alright.

Sirenala: I play to many video games, I'll give you that truth.

Me: And I spend too much time on YT and TikTok.

Sirenala: Relatable, I mainly play video games to either pass the time or record on my YouTube channel.

Me: OK, we're kind of being off topic right now. I guess I'll end the chapter here.

Sirenala: Gotcha.

Me: Sooo, see y'all in the next chapter, bye!

Sirenala: Later

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