Somebody please stop me

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So, a while back I was recalling events from the Ordeal of Fire episode. And I came to some realisations.
In that episode, Fire Lord had these two lines that were directed at Stormer, that stuck to me:
1) "Good to see you again, Preston."
2) "You don't recognise me, do you, Preston?"

Anything clicked yet? No? Okay, let me elaborate a bit more from my perspective.
The way I see it, the heroes get called by their first names when it's in a flirt or teasing manner, or when the hero and the other person are close. Stormer's first name is Preston. See where I'm heading?

It's canon that Stormer and the old Fire Lord (before he became corrupt) met for the first time on Tallos 5, the mining planet. The way I interpreted it, is that they must have had some sort of connection, for Fire Lord to say line 2). Stormer also said these lines in the episode:
1) "We can fix you."
2) "Come with us, the Hero Factory engineers can reverse the effects."
As far as I am aware, Stormer never said anything similar to other villains who became the way they are due to corruption.
Or he said it in the heat of moment, since he was losing to Fire Lord.
I do believe that Stormer recognised the old mining bot in Fire Lord. I'm not exactly sure how to explain why though.

What was my first thought when I noticed that?
"Ayo they had some relationship going on."
I first had some idea that the old mining bot was some fanboy of Stormer, and his liking for Stormer became twisted up after the fuel addiction, until he stopped liking Stormer all together and became the Fire Lord we know now (at least in this book).

Somebody stop me before this gets too far.

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