Question #4 (SunnyTheGemGirl)

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To: Steven and Connie
Do you come here often?
From: Sunny

"Well not all the time, but this place is pretty cool." Steven said answering for both of them walking up the stairs of the Ancient Sky Arena, soon being followed up the stairs by Sunny and Connie, Sunny found herself gaping at the large elaborate arena before her, intricate statues stood brilliantly defying the degradation that permeates in even the greatest of human creations, needless to say it was magical "It's amazing isn't?" Connie asked looking over at Sunny with a goofy smile, Sunny was still gaping and merely nodded causing Connie to chuckle, what Sunny saw shocked her more then even the Ancient Sky Arena, Steven had rushed down the stairs into the Arena calling out "Hey Diamond you here?! Cupping his hand around his mouth to emphasize his voice, slowly a winged man came floating down from the sky, wings glistening in the sunlight, a great contrast to the man's long dark green cloak, he had short white hair that rested neatly on his head, a long white goatee adorned his face, the most striking part of this man besides his wings we're his piercing blue eyes that stared at her in a confused manner as she walked down the steps with Connie she could hear the man ask "Uh... Steven whose your new friend?" "Oh... that's Sunny she came by today asking if we would be her friends, so we brought her here to hang out with us." Steven said explaining Sunny's presence "So you brought her here?" the man asked looking at Steven in clear disbelief "Yup." Steven said so nonchalantly it caused the man to sigh in defeat, he slowly walked up to Sunny extending his hand for a handshake while introducing himself "Hello, my name is Diamond. Yours?" the man asked politely "My name's Sunny." She said stuttering due to her shyness "Well I hope you have a good time Sunny, but I must leave." Diamond said politely leaving the children alone in the Ancient Sky Arena to play their games.

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