Unknown #2 (Echo-Liptis)

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To: Anyone at the Arena thingy
- Quietly watches from behind a pillar hoping not to be noticed, but she sneezes- 0-0 - Runs towards the edge, but stops a meter before it, noticing that's it's a direct drop- P-please don't hurt m-me!

Steven, Connie and Sunny hearing this girl screaming they look at her in a confused manner as she slowly balls herself up fearing the absolute worse what she didn't expect was for the boy to touch her reacting quickly to this she wailed loudly deafening nearly everyone in the vicinity, surprising the boy managed to cut through her yell with one of his own "Calm down, we're trying to help you!" the boy yelled over her as she ceased her own screams slowly the other two girls lowered their hands from their ears "What's wrong and who are you? the boy asked calmly worry breaking his visage as he stared upon this mysterious girl "Your not a member of the Diamond Authority...?" the mysterious girl began the boy nodded suddenly all tension from the scene was gone, her body was now lax compared to the tense nervousness that came before "My names Lucy." she said introducing to the boy, taking his outstretched hand helping get back on her feet as he stared into her eyes he introduced himself "My name is Steven." the boy said introducing himself to this stranger named Lucy one by one the other introduced themselves with introduction done and over with, Steven asked his first question the first of a swarm that would come Lucy's way "So...why are you here?" "I'm looking for a safe place free of the warmongering Diamond Authority." Lucy said anger and sorrow both evident in her voice ignoring this Connie asked excitedly "What gem are you?" taken aback by this sudden question she stared blandly before answering "I'm a emerald." Lucy said rolling up her left sleeve revealing a bright and shiny oval cut emerald that rested on her bicep everyone crowded around and gapped at it embarrassing Lucy a bit as words like "So cool, that's amazing and wow it's so shiny." tired of it she rolled down her sleeve hiding it again that's when Sunny chimed in "Shouldn't we bring her to the other gems." at this Lucy seemed to seize up in fear at the mention of other gems "I thought you said you weren't a member of the Diamond Authority!" Lucy screamed out now clutching a small dagger to her chest noticing this sudden tone shift Steven broke into a conversation with the startled gem "Wait, wait I'm not a member of the Diamond Authority neither are the other gems, if anything we are their enemies!" Steven yelled out in panic as Lucy neared the edge of the Arena "Enemies...even in my attempts to flee I can't avoid their grasp." Lucy said pitifully tears starting to build in her eyes slowly taking steps backwards towards the edge, Steven looked back hoping to get support from his friends only to see them frozen in horror sighing Steven turned his gaze back to Lucy "Please...calm down Lucy it's alright we will help you." Steven said in a defeated voice eliciting sympathy from Lucy herself "No you won't, not with the Diamond Authority still inhabiting this planet!" Lucy yelled in a vain attempt to reassure herself this is when Steven knew to chime in "We drove off the Diamond Authority 5,000 years ago in a war for this planet since then not one agent of theirs has landed on this planet, at least without the intention of joining us." Steven said remembering that Diamond was still at the temple with that Lucy put away her dagger still a little apprehensive yet she appeared to trust Steven, she appeared uncomfortable with the looks she was now getting from them looks of pity and of fear "Come on, let's go to the temple." Steven said flashing her his best smile before pulling her with them as they made their way to the temple.

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