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I'm not sorry for this banner one bit and you know it-

Question 1 by DragonsNotWyverns : Sup homie! Spaghetti or lightbulbs?

Sup. I choose spaghetti because I can use fire if I need light. Or night vision. Also spaghetti is amazing.

Question 2 by WingsOfBanana : If you weren't Clearsight's BF, who would you pick?

Hmmm idk I never studied the other futures but I'm older than two Wasps combined so I don't really have a choice anymore *Ignoring the fact I'm two tribes' greatest nightmare* ;v;

Question 3 by Wren_The_Scavenger : Why do you have a pumpkin on your head? Did Kinkajou find they were more satisfying than pineapples?

Unfortunately, yes. 😔
(No it's my Halloween costume I'm tHe GrEaT pUmPkIn, ChArLiE bRoWn!)

Question 4 by Wrenpool : Why does everyone think you're bad? Honestly I just think it's rude. I've done similar things and no one's called me a villain! Plus, your plan would've benefitted everyone worth the benefit!

I know right?! But also, it might be because I tried to take over Pyrrhia twice and kill an entire tribe-

Question 5 by Bellofcursedcontent : Would you do everything again? What I mean is like go through everything with Clearsight, Fathom, Indigo, Arctic, etc. Would you do it all again?

If there's a chance of it ending up without me having been shoved into a mountain and I get to have a cool-looking crown >:D

Anyways that's it #4 is next-

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