Blog Post: Oh my Gosh, Monster Hunter World!!

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So I was coming back from a job recently, Tatsu and Freya were with me, and we passed by that Game Stop they recently built in Magnolia. And then the moment I saw that poster of Monster Hunter World coming out on the 26th of January, I could feel my jaw hitting the floor.


I mean seriously, RPGs are my JOY! and Monster Hunter and Dark Souls are my too biggest gaming addictions (though a nice dosage of Fortnite with Tatsu and the rest of the gang each night is quite awesome).  The fact I didn't know about this sooner, that Monster Hunter is back on the Home Console is beyond me! 

Anywho, I preordered it.. sheerly for the reason of trying the Beta (cause honestly, preordering is kind of pointless unless you're playing pure multiplayer.. and since Monster Hunter has no PVP, without the Beta preorders would be the COMPLETE ULTIMATE POINTLESSNESS.. ), and so far, the Beta alone feels incredible.  Nearly shorted out my PS4 in excitement because sparks were jumping out of my hair the entire time.

The monsters have pretty similar AIs to their counterparts in the older games. Fighting a Rathian wasn't too different from how the experience of fighting a Rathian always was.  Of course, I went with Dual Blades, coolest weapon for me other than the Switch Blade and Gunners. Gunners mainly cause it's the most hardcore skill based weapon, and I LOVE a challenge.  My review of the game purely by the Beta (the jury's still out on the full game until I get my hands on it) is a 5 out of 5.. As far as Betas go.. this game is good.  

When I get to playing the game, I'll be sure to tell you all the JUICY details! heheheh! I'll probably make Uncle Natsu play with me, he loves anything explosions.  

Well I'll see  you folks next time, gotta keep Tatsu away from the fridge till Mama gets home.  Peace! Miyoko out!

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