Dare #24

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SamanthaChua174:I dare Vegeta to call Tarble over so he can kiss Expert. 😊😊 P.S Goku, tell Goten i said hi.

This is just great, now my tail's all sore.

Goku: *looking at his tail* I haven't had a tail since I was 15. I kinda missed it.

Vegeta: How do you think I felt after your fat friend with the sword cut mine off? A Saiyan prince without a tail, I was humiliated beyond belief.

Raditz: At least now you two look like true Saiyan Worriors.

Okie dokie guy's, we've got a whole days worth of fun dares to do.

Bardock: Oh fun, im so excited.

That's the spirit!

Bardock: -_-

Now where the fudge did I put my phone? Turles, do you still have it?

Turles: *holds it up* I could.

*grabs it and looks at it* alright, new one came in last night and it is ... *reads it* FLIPPING CRAP!!

Goku: Whats wrong?

We do 1 kissing dare, and suddenly EVERYONE wants us to kiss people. I don't even know who this person is.

Raditz: who is it?

Some guy named Tarble.

Vegeta: Great, what do they want with him?

Well can you tell me who he is first?

Vegeta: He's my little brother. That's about all you really need to know.

I didn't know you had a little brother.

Vegeta: shut up, and read the thing.

Ok. So Vegeta has to call over Tarble, so he can come over and uhh .... kiss .... me ....

Bardock: Wow. What is it with Earthling and kissing?

I have no idea. And I grew up with them.

Turles: They truly are a strange race.

So then, Vegeta, do you have any methoods of calling your younger brother over.

Vegeta: No, I don't. And it's not like he left his address last time he was here.

Sssoooooo ...... That's a problem.

Raditz: Kakarot, can't you teleport where ever the hell you want to?

Goku: Instant Transmission only works if I have someone's energy to lock on to. *crosses his arms and cocks his head* But ... if his energy is simular to Vegeta's, and I knew what direction his planet is, I should be able to find him.

Turles: Heh, and here I thought you were a brainless moron.

Goku: Hey!

C'mon you two, no fighting.

Goku: Im gonna go see if King Kai can help me out. This might take a while though. *teleports away*

Hey Vegeta.

Vegeta: What is it?

Who's King Kai?

Vegeta: *sighs* I forget your still new to this.

--20 minutes later--

Goku: *pops in with Tarble* Guys, I found him.

Vegeta: Took you long enough.

Tarble: Vegeta. It is great to see you again big brother.

So that's him huh?

Bardock: I guess.

Tarble: Is it true that you needed me for something?

Vegeta: More or less. You see, that brat over there-


Vegeta: Has had us playing a game of Truth or Dare for quite some time now.

Since October!

Vegeta: And today, a dare come in requesting you to come in.

Tarble: So it's a game?

Vegeta: When you put it that way, yes, it is.

Tarble: Alright, I understand, so what is it I've been asked to do?

Vegeta: You have to kiss Expert. *points to me*

*nervously waves*

Tarble: I have to k-kiss her?

Vegeta: yes.

Tarble: I don't know. I don't think Gure would like this if she found out.

Vegeta: Just do it. And if she dose find out just tell her I told you do it, it's not a big beal.

Tarble: o-ok. *walks over to me* So, you must be Expert?

Y-yeah, that's me.

Tarble: It's a pleasure to meet a friend of Vegeta's. Im Tarble, the Prince of Saiyans.

Wow ...

Tarble: What is it?

Sorry, it's just, living with Vegeta for a while, its nice to meet a prince who dosn't constantly yell out death threats and "Im the Prince of all Saiyans" talk.

Tarble: Haha, yeah, I guess it is ... so, just a quick kiss?

In and out, that's it.

Tarble: Right. *leans in and gives me a quick kiss*

*blushes* Alright, we're done. Im not accepting any more kiss dares for a while. That's the second time I've had to kiss someone who's over twice my age.

Tarble: Really? Don't think me as rude but, how old are you?

Im uhh ... 14.

Tarble: Well ... this just got even more acward.

How old are you?

Tarble: 45.


Goku: Hey, your a year older then me.

So .... that makes Goku 44 .... But .... Bardock, how old are you!? 60?!

Bardock: No idea. Hard to keep track in hell.


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