Dare #25

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RealMelodyHope: I dare Tarble to pull really small pranks on Vegeta, just stuff to get on his nerves.

Espeon804: Hey Tarble, I dare you to act like Vegeta when he's around. But only when he's around.

Goku: Expert? You ok?

Yeah ..... yeah I'm good. Just some slight shock is all. Hey Bardock.

Bardock: What?

How are you not covered in wrinkles!?

Bardock: Tch, has no one really told you about this?

About what?

Vegeta: Saiyans dont age past their prime moron.

So you mean I won't grow old?

Vegeta: No.


Raditz: How do you not know this?

It's not my fault. I wasn't born a Saiyan like you guys.

Goku: Wait ... how dose that work?

That, is a long story for another time. We have dares to do.

Tarble: Pardon me, but is my business here concluded?

Not yet. Sorry, im kinda taking advantage of you being here, but I asked the guys to send in a few more dares for you just so everyone can have a turn in a way. After a few I can have Goku here take you back.

Trable: I understand. I wouldn't mind staying here a while longer.

Great. Here, these next few are for you. *hands him phone*

Tarble: *reads them* im sorry, im afraid I don't quit understand the first one.

*looks back to make sure Vegeta isn't listening* What do you mean.

Tarble: I've neve done anything close to a prank, I'm not sure how to go about this?

Look, they're not asking for something elaborate, just a few small things to get on his nerves.

Tarble: Like ....

I don't know, put your armor on backwords, shove a boot on your head, leave sticky notes around the place.

Tarble: Alright, I think I understand now. *takes off armor and puts it on backwards* and then I must act like him in his presence?

That's what it says. I'll go make some sticky notes and leave them everywhere. Have fun. *walks off to kitchen*

Vegeta: Tarble, what the hell are you doing? Why is your armor backwards?

Tarble: W-why should I tell you anything?

Vegeta: Excuse me?

Tarble: You heard me, it's none of your business. *takes off a boot and shoves it on his head*

Vegeta: ...... Your doing that on purpose.

Tarble: I have no idea what your talking about.

Vegeta: Tch, I have better things to do then pay attention to your pointless antics. *walks off*

Tarble: ...... This is the most embarrassing thing I've ever done. *takes boot off of head*

Vegeta: *find a sticky note on the Tv* *reads it*

-Dear Vegeta
    Happy Lee Varicson Day! Yerga Hinga Dinga.

Vegeta: Tch. *crumples it up and throws it aside*

Hey, you better pick that up!

Vegeta: No.

Do it, or I'll kick your ass!

Vegeta: heh, you'll kick my ass?

Tarble: *holds a finger an inch away from his arm*

Vegeta: What are you doing now?

Tarble: Im not touching you.

Vegeta: I can see that.

Tarble: Im not touching you.

Vegeta: Stop that.

Tarble: Im not touching you.

Vegeta: What is the point of this!

Tarble: Im not touching you.

Vegeta: *puts a hand on his face and pushes him aside* Enough! I'm tired of your games. *walks off again* And put your armor back on strait for crying out loud!!

*quickly sticks a note to his back without him noticing*

Tarble: How much longer must I do this?

Just a little bit longer.

Raditz: *kicks Vegeta*

Vegeta: Gah!! The hell you kicking me for!!?

Raditz: *chuckles* Just doing what the note said.

Vegeta: What note!?

Raditz: The one on your back.

Vegeta: What!? *grabs it and looks at it*


Vegeta: *growls* TARBLE!!!

Tarble: Hey, that one wasn't me this time!

Vegeta: Then who was it!?

Tarble: *points to me*


Vegeta: Expert.


Vegeta: You have 5 seconds to run.

Ohhhh ...... crapbaskets.

Vegeta: 4 ... 3 ...

Oh shit!! *runs off*

Vegeta: 2 ... 1... *runs after me*

Tarble: Im afraid this will not end well. *puts armor back on the right way* I believe this dare is concluded.

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