A Talk With...Friends?

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The camera turns on, revealing the extremely close face of Skitty. She is using her phone's camera.

Skitty: (whispering) Hey, Skitty here. Gavin is heading up to my sister's room to talk with her. Naturally, I'm going to record what's going on.

Skitty brings the camera away from her face and onto Gavin, who is going up the stairs. He's halfway up when Megalovania starts to play out of nowhere. Gavin pulls out his phone and answers it.

Gavin: Hello?

???: ~inaudible~

Gavin: Shy! How are you?

Shy: ~inaudible~

Gavin: I'm doing fine thanks for asking! Did you need me for something?

Shy: ~inaudible~

Gavin: No, I haven't forgotten about it! I understand you did your part, so what do you want from me?

Shy: ~inaudible~

Gavin: (confused) You want to join in? Are you sure you want to do that?

Shy: ~inaudible~

Gavin: I'm not saying you can't join, but you might want be careful. If you join in you are officially under the thumb of the viewers. If there is one thing I know about the viewers of shows like these: they're merciless.

Shy: ~inaudible~

Gavin: Okay, but you'll probably want to bunk with either Rocky or me. Everyone else is either annoying, annoyed easily, or can cause you physical harm.

Shy: ~inaudible~

Gavin: Great! Come on in whenever and we'll get you situated. Bye!

Gavin hangs up and puts his phone away. Where he keeps it is unknown, but it's gone.

Skitty: I wonder what that was all about?

Gavin continues up the stairs and arrives at EEeEE's room. It's obvious it's her room because it is covered in scratch marks and blood stains. The door is also covered in lots of "KEEP OUT!" signs. Gavin walks up to the door and knocks.

Gavin: EEeEE, you in there!?

This information was retrieved from the emergency security cameras system after Skitty hacked the system with no regard for EEeEE's privacy. EEeEE was laying on her bed playing with a ball of yarn when Gavin knocked. She hurriedly threw it under her bed and pulled out a bone in which she began to scratch.

EEeEE: Yeah! What do you want!?

Gavin: I want to apologize!

EEeEE: I'm tired of this yelling just get in here!

Gavin walks into EEeEE's room. It used to look pretty good, but it's now splattered with blood. The floor has a few bones and organs littered here and there. The walls are covered in claw marks. Even through all this the room still looks halfway decent. There is a writing desk, a bookcase, a bathroom, and a messy bed. There are a few boy band posters on the walls. They all look good, except for a horribly mangled Justin Bieber poster.

Gavin: I like what you did with your poster.(Sorry Belibers, but no)

EEeEE: Thanks, anyway what do you want?

Gavin: Are you kidding me? I came over to say I'm really sorry for what I said back there.

EEeEE: Oh it's fine it's not that bad.

Gavin: "It's not that bad?" EEeEE I called you a monster!

EEeEE gets off her bed and walks up to Gavin. She looks at him and narrows her eyes.

EEeEE: Gavin, I want you to look at me. Look at me and tell me what you see.

Gavin takes a good long look at her.

Gavin: You have something in your teeth?

EEeEE blushes and puts a paw over her mouth. She then runs into the bathroom for a minute. She comes back out with a frown on her face.

EEeEE: That was a good guess but no!

Gavin takes another long look at EEeEE.

Gavin: You wear contact lenses?

EEeEE's eyes widen and she blushes a bit again.

EEeEE: (under her breathe) Man you got good eyesight.

Gavin: I also have good hearing.

EEeEE's face turns red with anger and she shoves her face into Gavin's.

EEeEE: Don't you get it!? I'm not upset you called me a monster because you're right! Look at me Gavin! I'm a freak! I'm not an Eevee or an Espeon! I'm a freak and I know that because that's what people call me! I can't even go down the street without people running from me and screaming "Monster!" I mean, if you saw me walking down the street would you have ran!?

Gavin eyes are wide for a second. After that he blinks and then shrugs.

Gavin: I don't know, I probably wouldn't go that far.

EEeEE: Just shut up Gavin and get out.

EEeEE climbs onto her bed and starts to claw her bone again. Gavin however just stands there silently. EEeEE narrows her eyes at Gavin and snarls a bit.

EEeEE: Can't you hear? I said to get out of my room.

Gavin continues to stand there for a minute. Then he asks something that catches EEeEE off guard.

Gavin: Do you think they're scared of you because you kill people?

EEeEE blinks and says nothing for a second. After that she lets out a sigh.

EEeEE: Yeah, that probably adds to it.

Gavin: Why do you even kill people anyway?

EEeEE takes a deep breathe before continuing.

EEeEE: Do you remember how I killed my trainer because he wouldn't let me evolve?

Gavin: Yeah, of course I do. That doesn't explain those other people though.

EEeEE: After I killed him, I didn't know what to do. I had no trainer and I had no plans on what to do next. I decided to go out and find a purpose. Of course, walking around as a weird hybrid covered in blood gives off bad signals. It became so that either I got attacked by people scared of me, or people just sprinted home to hide. It's like the whole freaking WORLD hated me. I got sick of the rejection so I started killing people as like a revenge.

Gavin looks down and shakes his head. EEeEE looks at him confused.

EEeEE: What?

Gavin: You're not telling the whole truth. You kill because you're jealous, don't you?

EEeEE face turns from anger to one of confusion. There is a hint of something else though: fear.

EEeEE: (nervously) W-what are you talking about?

Gavin: You're jealous of how other people are more fortunate than you. You kill people because there is something they are that you aren't: they're loved. You cover up how lonely you are by killing the people with friends and family. You say you want revenge but you just want to be loved don't you?

EEeEE growls in anger and bares her teeth. After a minute though, she sniffles and bursts into tears. She sits down and puts her face in her paws. Her sobbing soon turns into ear splitting screams of grief.



Gavin's eye is blue and he pulls EEeEE into a hug. He winches at her screaming, but rubs her back trying to calm her down. Her screams turn into sniffles after a minute.

Gavin: Now, I have no idea where you got this idea, nor do I know how much chicken soup you ate to make you this way. I do know for a fact that what you're saying is total crap. First of all: Skitty loves you no matter what. She's your twin sister, how could she not love you? Second: Everyone in this house has lived with you for weeks. I'm sure that I could ask all of them and even Arsen would say you were great. Of course, knowing him he'd just say you were okay, he's not into showing positive emotions. We love you and don't you forget that.

EEeEE's eyes widen in total surprise.

EEeEE: Do you really mean that?

Gavin breaks the hug and gives her a warm smile.

Gavin: I'm as sure of this as I am sure that Justin Beiber is overrated. Besides, I always thought you were actually very pretty, though the blood is a bit off.

EEeEE gasps and blushes a bit by this comment. She pulls Gavin into a tight hug.


Gavin and EEeEE both turn to see Skitty at the door, jumping up and down with her phone. EEeEE blushes and growls while Gavin's eyes widen and he blushes in embarrassment.


EEeEE lunges at Skitty and pins her down.

EEeEE: Gavin! Delete that video!

Gavin runs up to the phone and pulls it from Skitty's paws. He attempts to figure out how to work it.

Gavin: Which one's the delete button!?

EEeEE: The one on the-

Gavin: Never mind I found it!

EEeEE: Wait Gavin that's the-

-Video Sent-

I apologize if the chapter doesn't load fully, Wattpad is being a jerk.

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