Pain With No Gain(Part 1)

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The camera comes on with everyone running around the house cleaning. Rocky is vacuuming the carpet and Flicker is dusting. Skitty and EEeEE are both cleaning the kitchen and fixing snacks for later. Arsen is just lying lazily on the couch watching television. Gavin is for some reason absent.

Arsen: Hey, welcome back to Ask or Dare My Friends and Me. Gavin asked me to introduce because he's busy cleaning the bathroom or something. It's about time someone realizes I'm the real star here.

Arsen has a proud look on his face. Rocky comes up to him and gives him a blank look.

Rocky: Are you sure it's not because you're a bug, so you lack the body shape and/or size to do any work? I'm pretty sure you can't do any chores with legs like those.

Arsen gives her a dirty look before resuming what he was originally doing. After a minute Gavin comes rushing in.

Gavin: The bathroom is looking great now. Is he here yet Arsen?

Arsen: Do you see him anywhere?

Gavin looks around the room for a moment. After that he looks at Arsen and narrows his eyes in annoyance.

Gavin: Arsen, if you're going to be like that, you can go help in the kitchen.

Arsen looks at Gavin blankly for a second, then starts watching television again.

Arsen: How about you shut up? I can't here what's going on.

Gavin's eye glows a light blue in annoyance. After a moment though, he smirks darkly.

Gavin: You know what Arsen? You can forget the kitchen. I have a better job for you. If you do it, you don't have to do any dares we have for you.

Arsen does a double-take and his eyes widen in surprise. After a second though, they narrow in suspicion.

Arsen: What exactly do you want me to do?

Gavin: All you have to do is go upstairs to my room and get the bag I use to hold the ask and dares.

Arsen blinks, and then gives the best shrug he could possibly muster with no shoulders.

Arsen: I guess I could do that, sounds easy enough.

Arsen jumps off the couch and makes his way to Gavin's room. Rocky gives Gavin a confused look.

Rocky: Are you seriously going to let him off the hook just because he got a bag of dares?

Gavin: (smirks) It's not going to be that easy. Do you have any idea how many asks and dares we have? I'd be surprised if he's able to drag it out of my room!

Rocky looks at Gavin in surprise. Suddenly, the silence is broken by the sound of the doorbell. Gavin's head snaps toward the door.

Gavin: Oh my Jynx he's here!

Gavin sprints to the door and flings it open. Standing at the door with a suitcase by his side is a Rowlet. Gavin immediately pulls the Rowlet into a hug. The Rowlet hugs him back. After a second he pulls out of the hug.

Gavin: Shy it's great to see you! How are you doing?

Shy: Great! Can I come inside?

Gavin: Heck yeah!

Shy grabs his bag and comes into the house. He suddenly puts his beak in the air as he sniffs it with confusion.

Shy: Hey, what's that smell?

Gavin: Girls! Come on out!

Skitty and EEeEE come out of the kitchen smiling with a chocolate lava cake. Shy's eyes widen in pure shock.

Shy: Oh my gosh you guys rock!

Shy heads for the cake, but Gavin stops him.

Gavin: Hold on! We have to introduce you to everyone. We also have a boatload of dares to take care of first!


Everyone looks at the foot of the staircase to see Arsen dragging with his mouth a big burlap sack. He makes it to the couch and let's the bag fall on its side. A bunch of envelopes fall out of it.

Arsen:(angry) There! Here's your stupid bag of dares! Now you have to pay up dude!

Gavin: (smirks) Yeah, about that, you never had any dares in the first place. Any dare you'll be doing is because the dare is for everyone.

Arsen sits there for a second in shock, before he hisses in pure fury.


Gavin: (smiling) Sorry, but that's what you get for being a jerk.

By now, Arsen has fire in his eyes. He begins to slowly head towards Gavin. He has a Poison Tail ready. Everyone is watching this in curiosity. Somehow Flicker had gotten popcorn and was eating it happily even though he lacked a mouth.

Gavin: Arsen, please calm down. I don't want this to get ugly.

Arsen: You mean ugly like you!?

Gavin narrows his eyes and the left one begins to glow slightly.

Gavin: Arsen please stop I don't want to fight you.

Arsen smirks darkly and without warning rushes at Gavin. He jumps and prepares to land a Poison Tail. Gavin just stands there calmly, but then his eye gives off blue fire and he thrusts out his flipper. Arsen is suddenly surrounded in energy and stopped in midair. His smirk is replace by a shocked look.

Arsen: What kind of move is this!?

Gavin:(smirks) Who said it was a move?

Gavin waves his flipper around in circles and Arsen begins to spin in the air extremely fast. He begins to scream in fear.


Gavin gently places Arsen on the ground and his eye stops glowing. Arsen stumbles down the hall to the bathroom. He shuts the door and the sound of moaning and vomiting can be heard.

Gavin: (gestures to everyone) Guys, this is ShyGuyRedstone! He's going to be joining us from now on. Say hi to him everybody!

Everyone says hello to him in various ways except for Arsen because he's still puking his guts out. Shy waves in greeting

Shy: Hey guys!

Gavin: Now that we have that out of the way, let's start the dares! Our first one is from ShyGuyRedstone who dared:

I dare Gavin to do the Shock Challenge( Every time someone says to shock you, you shock yourself or someone shocks you with electricity)

Gavin's smile is immediately wiped off his face. Arsen, who had come back a bit pale, begins to laugh out loud.

Gavin: (sighs) Well, a dare is a dare, no matter how painful.

Gavin's eye glows blue and he waves his flipper. A shock collar appears out of thin air and he puts it on his neck.

Arsen: Shock yourself!

Gavin: (gets zapped) Ow!

Arsen: Shock yourself!

Gavin: (gets zapped) Ah!

Arsen: Sho-

Arsen is unable to finish that sentence before Gavin uses Hydro Pump on him. He crashes into the wall and hits the floor and groans. Shy looks at Rocky who is next to him.

Shy: (whispers) Is this normal?

Rocky: (whispers) No, it's usually a lot worse.

Gavin: (clears throat) Okay, our next dare is from lizbomb1636 who dared:

I dare Gavin to lock Skitty and EEeEE in a room together and see what happens. :3

Everyone stands there for a minute in silence. After a minute, EEeEE decides to speak.

EEeEE: Is that it?

Gavin: Yeah that's all you need to do.

EEeEE: Well, how long do we have to stay locked up?

Gavin: The dare doesn't specify a time, so we'll just lock you two up for 30 minutes.

Skitty & EEeEE: Sounds good.

Gavin: Okay then, follow me.

Gavin heads down the hallway to a door labeled 'The Room'. EEeEE and Skitty come up to the door in confusion.

Skitty: What's this room?

Gavin: This is a special room that I made using my awesome powers.

EEeEE: Why is it called The Room?

Gavin: That's because calling it something else would say it has a specific purpose. Rather, this room can be anything you require. If you want to watch a movie, it's a theatre. If you want to do some experiments, it's a lab. If you want to get rid of something, say a body, it's a bottomless pit.

Gavin looks at EEeEE specifically when he makes that final statement. EEeEE nervously smiles and scratches the back of her head.

Gavin: However, we just need it so you guys can hang out and talk. Hold on a just a second.

Gavin places a flipper on the door and his eye starts to glow.

Gavin: I need a quiet place for two people to chat.

Gavin takes his hand off of the door and his eye dims. He opens the door, revealing a carpeted room with blue paint on the walls. Two bean bags sit in the center of the room by a glass table. A water cooler is in the back of the room to the left. Skitty looks shocked, but EEeEE looks suspicious.

EEeEE: How do I know that you're just full of crap and that's just a normal room with a weird name.

Gavin: (shrugs) You don't know, but when we need it for something else you'll know for sure.


Skitty rushes past them and belly flops right onto a bean bag. She then rolls around on it in pure bliss. Everything is fine until she takes out her claws.

Gavin: Skitty don't you dare tear up the furniture!

Skitty pouts, but retracts her claws and snuggles into the seat. EEeEE walks into the room and climbs into the other bean bag.

Gavin: Alright, you girls have fun. I'm going to go cut the cake for everyone. I'll give you some cake when you're out okay?

Skitty & EEeEE: Okay

Gavin shuts the door. While this chat was supposed to be private, Skitty of course got into the security footage again. We really need to get a more secure system. Anyway, the twins spent most of the time talking about different things. It's best not to get into the details. While mostly everything was normal, a bit of the footage was quite interesting.

Skitty: Hey EEeEE can I ask you something?

EEeEE: (takes a sip of water) I guess you can. What do you need?

Skitty: (smirks) What's up with you and Gavin?

EEeEE's eyes widen a bit and a blush forms on her face. She then shakes her head and looks at the wall.

EEeEE: I have no idea what you mean.

Skitty: (smiles) I've seen how you've been acting weird ever since you and him had that talk. You like him don't you?

EEeEE blushes a bit more at the question.

EEeEE: I just think he's a good friend that's all!

It is obvious that EEeEE is a bad liar and a bit of a tsundere.

EEeEE: (shouts to nothing) Shut up author!

Sorry EEeEE, but Skitty and I both know you like Gavin. Now stop breaking the fourth wall.

Skitty: (smirks) Even the author says you're a liar. It's obvious you like Gavin.

EEeEE looks at Skitty and bares her teeth with a huge blush on her face. After a second she just sighs.

EEeEE: Alright you caught me. I do like him. I mean can you blame me? He's the only one who understands me and actually accepts my appearance. In fact, he even thinks I'm pretty!

Skitty: Yeah I get what you're saying.

Neither of them speak for a second.

EEeEE: Please don't tell him I like him.

Skitty: Alright I won't tell him.

EEeEE: Twin Swear to me you won't tell.

Skitty: Wow, you really don't want him to know do you?

EEeEE looks down and shakes her head.

Skitty: (sighs) Okay let's do it.

The twins get up from their bean bags and approach each other. They then touch their front paws and foreheads together.

Skitty & EEeEE: To break this promise we do not dare. We join as one to make this swear.

They disconnect and sit back down. They then start to talk about normal things again.

~Time Skip~

EEeEE and Skitty exit the room and head towards the living room. There they find everyone chatting and eating cake. Gavin approaches the twins with two slices of chocolate lava cake.

Gavin: Did you guys have a good time? I bet the dare was a PIECE OF CAKE!

Gavin looks around the room hoping for a laugh, but is met with silence. He then frowns and gives EEeEE and Skitty some cake. Arsen then decides to speak up.

Arsen: Do you know the meaning of shame?

Gavin: Shame [sham]
1) dishonor, guilt,humiliation
2)to humiliate or embarrass

Everyone stares at Gavin in shock. Arsen is the most surprised. Flicker decides to speak up.

Flicker: Wow what a savage.

Gavin: (smiles) Well, that's all the time we have for today. Tune in next time for another episode of Ask or Dare My Friends and Me!

Everyone: Bye!

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