.::Old Story Challenge::.

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So, I came up with this challenge.

What you have to do is type up an old story you wrote when you were younger. It can be an old Fanfic or an essay of some sort; tag 10 others to do the challenge. PS: it doesn't matter how "cringey" the story is! ^w^ 

Also, if you can't find any old stories; that's okay! You don't have to do the challenge if you were tagged. Make sure the title is "Old Story Challenge" or something along those lines. 

Please give me credit for this challenge if you liked the idea! >w<

I wrote this one when I was nine or ten. The title was "Hero of Persia" I wrote a little bit but then dropped off. I found it crumpled up in my old school  backpack. It's REALLY "cringey" but try and enjoy it if at all possible! x'D 

"Midnight, the sun long dead. A young child slept contently in a silk bed in a large castle room. The child's name was Marius, who had (been) discovered earlier by residents of the kingdom. His parents-sadly- became victims of the savage Beast. King Lars agreed to let the poor orphan reside in his castle.

King Lars and some rather important-looking guests were busily engaged with a meeting in the Meeting Hall. The king arose in his ruby cloak.

"My friends; we must not let the Beast succeed, we must arise and take sides!" the king said willingly. 

All attendants immediately (began) to clap, pleased with the king's speech. 


Marius awoke from his long slumber. Rubbing his eyelids, he gave out a loud yawn. The sun's light shone through the stained-glass window. Gradually, grief came back to him.

"My mother and father.. gone!" he sobbed,

"how am I to cope?"

The same question repeated itself in the child's mind. Marius slowly walked out into the hall. 

Having no idea where to go, the young boy entered a large room, which appeared to be the dining room. Joseph Walter- the king's personal assistant led him in. Despite having a shaggy, snow-white beard; Walter beamed at all time, except during serious issues. 


Marius was given a loaf of bread and some fruit to eat. He watched as the older people helped themselves too. He began to cheer up as the thought of his parents slowly dissolved. Chewing up the last grape, he arose from his seat.

"Thank you, Sir Walter," Marius beamed at the elderly man.

Joseph smiled kindly at the child.

"Actually, she is the one to thank," he gazed over at a slightly plump brunette woman. She turned at smiled at Marius.

King Lars strolled in. Fixing his eyes on the boy.

"Our joy has been found!" he laughed merrily.

Walter shifted in his seat. 

"What do you mean, your highness?" he asked the king politely.

" A better future for Persia, someone to confront the beast," the king became relieved and joyful.

Marius scratched his head; wondering what the two men were on about.

"According to the Scriptures of Persia, a young boy with a heart of gold shalt defeat the Almighty Beast."

Walter looked over at Marius in disbelief.

"Those small hands cannot possibly bear a sword!"

[A/N]: Looking back; it's a bit cheesy in a way.. x'D The story was pretty brief; and the range of vocabulary.. was okay.. but not varied quite enough. *Dusts thesaurus*

 I'm pretty sure Persia is an actual place. I actually though of "Persia" after my Dad and I were looking online for some 3DS games :3 There was this game callled "Prince of Persia"
















[PS: You don't have to do it if you don't want to]

Have a nice day!


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