Question 9

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"I dare you two to prank Peach and Daisy!"


Mario: You're always stalking us! :o

Luigi: *Hides behind Mario* Stalker? Where? ;-;

Mario: Nowhere >3< Now quit-a hiding behind me!

Luigi: *Comes out from behind Mario* Is the stalker gone?

Mario: *Sigh*

Luigi: ?

Mario: .. Anyway, Liz; I do-a forgive you from last time! Well, of course, I wasn't used to submarines, tall buildings and traffic- I was a country boy :3 So, although it was nice having a large place for a change- instead of just seeing sheep, donkeys and all those little houses all the time >.< Submarines spook me!

Luigi: He admitted it! :D

Mario: But-a you were scared too!

Luigi: Yeah, I know-but remember our 14th Birthday years ago? I got Papa to take me and my old girlfriend to a submarine; and you obviously denied and stay home like a sissy >:D

Mario: I bet you were acting like a sissy around Annalisa :p You were so stupid though- dating a girl who lived like-a miles away.

Luigi: You're just jealous because all you ever got to date when you were younger was that boring girl- slightly * A lot actually* fat- who always rode horses about the place o-o I feel sorry for the horses- who were- literally getting tortured by her body weight.. And I got to date a cute, pretty city girl! >:D

Mario: *Embarrased* But hey, at least.. she was more local!

Natalie (Admin): You should never be going back, the past is in the past! *Let It Go tune* Seriously, guys- you're forgetting your dare! >:(

Luigi: Oh yeah :3

Mario: Pfft.. Nat? What now?

Natalie (Admin): From Princess Liz, remember?

Mario: Oh her- of course I know her!

Natalie (Admin): You guys are to prank your girlfriends!

Mario: Pfft- NO! -.-

Natalie (Admin): Yeah! >:D

Mario & Luigi: *Look at each other*

-Later in Mario's room-

Mario: *Dressing into jeans and T-shirt and uses 3D Printer to print a mask* She'll never know it's-a me!

Natalie (Admin): Cover up your accent, Mario!

Mario: How-a?

Natalie (Admin): Just.. by talking differently.

Mario: *American accent and deep voice* Sure, dudette :3

Natalie (Admin): *Nearly dies of laughter*

-At Peach's Castle-

Peach: Welcome to Mushroom Kingdom! (: *Points to herself* Princess Peach Toadstool- and you're?

Mario: Franklin Wilson *American accent*

Peach: Very nice to meet you *shakes hands with him*

Mario: ^w^ Sorry to burst your bubble, Princess- but..

Peach: Mmm?

Mario: Have you- uh- heard of some Mario dude?

Peach: Yeah? He's my boyfriend! He's nice, right?

Mario: Well he's not nice NOW; he's dead!

Peach: *Shrieks and castle rumbles*

Mario: Girl sure knows how to make buildings dance.. *Mumbles inaudibly*

Peach: Where? When? What? How? ;-;

Mario: Dunno- screw Mario! Let me kiss you.. *Reaches over to her lips*

Peach: *Slaps* My boyfriend is DEAD and you want to kiss me?! >:(

Mario: Yeah.. at least you won't be alone, y'know

Peach: We've only seen each other for like 3 MINUTES! >:( Leave me alone! I'm finding out what happened to Mario NOW! *Gets phone*

Mario: *In normal voice and accent* I-a CAN EXPLAIN! I-a CAN EXPLAIN! It's-a me, Mario! ;-; Look, it's true! *Removes face mask*

Peach: -.-

-With Luigi- At Home-

*Bell rings*

Luigi: *Opens door*

Daisy: Hi I'm Daisy! >:D

Luigi: *Shy* Hi.. D-daisy.

Daisy: *Hugs Luigi* What's up with the WEEGIE? :D

Luigi: Ehh.. *Bends down on one knee*

Daisy: Um..? Heh x3 What's this all about?

Natalie (Admin): *Peeking outside window* I hope Luigi remembers his lines- especially that "JK" at the end :3

Luigi: *Brings out diamond ring* My-a.. eh *Tries to remember lines* My-a love.. my-a precious.. will you marry me- Luigi- even though I'm just.. eh- heh.. a plumber, and nothing more.. I'd like you to be my ever-lasting soul-mate.. til death do us part :3

Daisy: OMGEE! WEEGIE! Yayyy! *Dances and some random fast nightcore song plays*

Luigi: *Nervous* ..

Natalie (Admin): C'mon Weegie..Say it..

Luigi: *Over-whelmed at her excitement* Jk..

Daisy: JK?!! >:(

Luigi: *Nods* M-hmm ;-;

Daisy: (Insert some crazy psycho serial killer rampage video clips)

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