Question 10

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"Mario and Luigi! I dare you to have a debate about which is better; dinosaurs or humans.. and which came first- man or woman?''

From- Senpai_Rachel

Mario: Rachel, dinosaurs are-a better! :3

Luigi: Mario?! They lived billions of years ago!

Mario: Weegie, listen. Long before any of us-a humans were born- there was no sign of bombings, radiation, wars or any sort of-a stupid and unneeded violence! Dinosaurs were peaceful!

Luigi: Peaceful? Pfft- bro! xD Dinosaurs would fight, wouldn't they?

Mario: Yeah- maybe but without bombing down buildings and shooting unnecessarily! When they-a all died- they left the Earth clean, nice and-a great- and good. Then-a we came along, with our nasty factories and-a things!

Luigi: Says the one who was raised in the countryside! How are you the one to care about smoke?

Mario: We've lived in Brooklyn and-a stuff -.- C'mon, a-Weegie! Get a grip for once! I know about pollution and I'm not that stupid..

Luigi: Mario! Dinosaurs would have done something like that..

Mario: What? Pfft xDD

Luigi: If they had a chance to evolve- but they went extinct before they could..

Mario: They didn't know about technology and-a all that.

Luigi: Mario?! We DIDN'T either! We used to live in caves going 'Awoooogaaa! Wooooo!' without a care in the world- we didn't know about tech either- but then we then evolved over-time and then..

Mario: Imagine a dinosaur inventing a phone.. pfft Luigi >O< It's too-a hard to believe it if it was the dinosaurs. Luigi- even if I spent a little time in the countryside as a kid- I mean- we went on to Brooklyn- with all its traffic and-a stuff.. bleh..bleh..

Luigi: So technically, you only emigrated to judge Brooklyn for the city's commotion and it's smoke etc.

Mario: No! So we could-a start our business! There was no use starting in little village like that-a; where you would go
'Is anyone even going to turn up?' e.e
I'd prefer to relive my childhood than live with so much-a smoke.

Luigi: So we can run around and wear whatever it was we wore xD

Mario: Remember when I thought my undies were-a shorts? I followed Papa to the market like that; and I got loads of stares. People be like:
'Well maybe SOMEONE just hasn't be trained to be civilised!'

Luigi: Memories! XD Papa didn't even notice.

Mario: t-shirts and-a undies; Mario's best fashion since he was-a six! XD

Luigi: ^^ And I really needed to spill the lemonade- and I did it on grandpapa's lap- on his favourite outfit. Ugh >o<

Mario: When you got-a up you were all 'sorry grandpapa- I got a bit.. Wet!' XD

Luigi: Geez! We were so stupid back then!

Natalie (Admin): Bros! Stop admiring your childhood and actually answer this: which came first: man or woman?

Mario: OK, Weegie! Time for more debating!

Luigi: You start!

Mario: I think it-a was a girl- obviously- so she could have children so-a there would be more..

Luigi: No!!

Mario: That's-a right! There's nothing wrong!

Luigi: W-where's the dad?

Mario: *ashamed* Weegie that's so true!

Luigi: *sticks out tongue* See?

Mario: What if she had a son and there was like-a this thing where they sort of marry their own sons?

Luigi: That is silly and incorrect! There needs to be a dad for the-a child!

Mario: This is-a hard!

Luigi: Maybe the man came-a first- then there was a lot more Mpreg all those millions of years ago.

Mario: Male pregnancy is only from Fanfiction! I read a story about-a me being pregnant! :o It was-a so weird but- oh well.. It's the fans I guess.

Luigi: Drat! Then I-a don't know ;-;

Mario: :/ that is why it is a Paradox..

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