Dare #1

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Langerpop asked: I dare all of them to go camping


Rai: Well, that's lit. Right Lit-ten?

Kai: Insert snarky remark here.

Neva: Insert disappointed face here.

Lydia: You two are just gonna say it and not do it.

Somo: Well, that's cold hard irony for you.

Kane: Y'all are just weird.

Zale: You are no exception.

Kane: Coming from the one who can't keep his hands to himself.

Zale: You have officially gone too far, buddy.

Lydia: *she sighs* Everyone! Let's just pack our stuff and get ready for camping, it'll be a three-day trip. Groups will be assigned.

-The groups pack and they finally arrive at the camp, it's the first day. They decided to spend this day to hike. This day will focus on group one.-

Rai: Hey... Fay?

Fay:... Yeah Rai?

Rai: Soooooo... What do you think about the forest?

Fay: It's really nice, I really like the colors.

Rai: What about me?

Fay: Huh?

Rai: W-what do you like about me?

Fay: Well... I like your personality!

Rai: Do you like me as more of a fri-

Fay: You're a really great friend!

Rai: Yeah... You're a really great friend to... Lit...

Fay: Geezz... I really didn't notice! The others in the group are ahead of us! C'mon let's go!

Rai: Yeah!... Let's go... 'Geezzz, I blew it...'

-It is finally day two, the focus now shifts upon group 2, they decide to go fishing.-

Kai: Agh, damnit! I got away!

Somo: Maybe if you were actually strong you'd be able to catch it.

Kai: Are you saying I'm weak?

Somo: Uh- Yeah. I don't see you training during the day.

Kai: I do... It just isn't working...

Somo: How about I train you?

Kai: H-huh?!

Somo: I SAID... How about I train you?

Kai: Ummmm...

Somo: It's a simple yes or no question.

Kai: Umm... Sure.

Somo: Good.

Somo: We'll start training by the end of this trip. 

Kai: Cool, cool.

Somo: Yeah...

Somo: Cool...

-It's the third day, the last day. We now focus on group three. It is the day they decide to go get wood for a campfire.-



Lydia: Excuse me, Kane.

Kane: Yeah?

Lydia: What do you think about me?

Kane: What do you think about me first?

Lydia: You're a fine person Kane, I'd honestly like to get to know you more.

Kane: I... I honestly feel the same way, Lydia...

Lydia: Well... Maybe after this trip, we could spend some time together alright? Tomorrow once we get home?

Kane: Yeah... No... I promised Fay I'd go with her to go get groceries... How about the day after tomorrow? I'm free then.

Lydia: Yeah... That sounds nice...

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