The Squad

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The screen blurs from a midnight black and into a fuzzy screen of static. You're greeted by a group of Pokemon, the one and only Eeveelutions.

Lydia: Greetings... It is nice to make your acquaintance. 

Lydia, the Espeon type Pokemon. A Pokemon that focuses more on science and Pokemon fights, along with taunting people weaker than her out of enjoyment; Fay, the Sylveon type and Kai, the Litten type Pokemon, one of the many targets of this aggression, she sees her taunting as jokes and sometimes encouragement. Her current interest is of Kane, the Umbreon type Pokemon. She sees Aksha, the Eevee type Pokemon the youngest and yet one of the top 5 strongest as a successor of her taunts, as she used to taunt her as encouragement which is where she gets this mindset.

Kane: *he sighs* That's nice... Hi, I'm Kane.

Kane, the Umbreon type Pokemon. A Pokemon that focus more on Pokemon Fights and Pokemon Moves; along with occasionally taking time watching a play. His current interests are of Lydia, the Espeon type Pokemon Fay, the Sylveon type Pokemon and Neva, the Glaceon type Pokemon. He sees Aksha, the Eevee type Pokemon as someone in training; he currently trains Aksha.

Aksha: Oh great a new opponent!

Aksha, the Eevee type Pokemon. A pokemon that focuses on training, and drama, along with making fun of people below her, as in not as strong as her. Her current interest is in no one. She sees Kane as a mentor to her goal of getting stronger and sees Somo, the Popplio type Pokemon as a sparring partner in her training.

Kai: Arceus no...

Kai, the Litten type Pokemon. A Pokemon that focuses on adventures and relaxing evenings, he mostly spends his times avoiding other Pokemon. His current interest is in Somo, the Popplio type Pokemon. He sees Somo as an example of strength and is inspired to be strong like her.

Somo: Ugh, really?! 

Somo, the Popplio type Pokemon. A Pokemon that focuses on sparring and adventuring, she spends most of her exploring the forest around her. She had no current interest right now. She often practices sparring with her friend Aksha, the Eevee type Pokemon. 

Fay: And this is why I focus on baking instead.

Fay, the Sylveon type Pokemon. A Pokemon that focuses on baking and anime, she spends most of her baking for her friends. She has no current interest at this moment, her best friend is Zale. She often spends time alone with herself.

Neva: Really?

Neva, the Glaceon type Pokemon. A Pokemon that focuses on drama, she spends most of her time learning and starting drama. Her current interest is in Rai, she is the sister of Akina. She often can be found reading magazines or asking people about this that happened.

Akina: Oh, BOY!

Akina, the Leafeon type Pokemon. A Pokemon that focuses on reading and occasionally, she sometimes spends her time gardening. Her current interest is in Rai, she is the sister if Neva. She can often be found daydreaming about spending time with Rai without her sister.

Angi: Can I just spend time with Akina in peace!

Angi, the Flareon type Pokemon. A Pokemon that focuses on gardening and making friends, he spends his time gardening with Akina. His current interest is in Akina. he can often be found spending time with friends or watching his friends spar.

Rai: Lit.

Rai, the Jolteon type Pokemon. A Pokemon that focuses on getting info on people and current situations and making jokes and looking at memes, sometimes he spends time gardening with his friend Akina. His current interest is in Fay and Somo. He often gives the info he gained on people to Neva.

Zale: Time for punishme-

Rai: Husssshhhhhhhhh.

Zale, the Vaporeon Pokemon. A Pokemon that focuses on nature, and cooking, he spends time cooking with Fay. He has no current interest, his best friend is Fay. He often can be seen taking nature walks around the forest.

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