February's day with December

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March: Uhhh... ok then...?

February: What is it?

March: You spend a day with December

February: Ooooh nice!

December: WHAT

February: We get to spend a day together!

December: That's not too bad

February: We'll spend tomorrow together for the full 24 hours

December: Ok. Got it!

March: You guys are cute together

December: *Blushes* I guess we are

February: *Hugs her* Awwe

December: Its been a while since I've been in my cat form. We could spend the night as our other form

February: Cool

December: I have good ideas, don't I?

February: Well of co-

December: I was talking to myself

February: *Cri*

December: *Turns into cat form, and falls asleep on bed*

February: *Turns into a cat, and lays down next to December*

7:00 A.M.

December: *Stretches and slaps February with her paw*

February: *Wakes up to feel December slapping him*

December: *Turns into human form*

February: *Turns into human form* WHY DID YOU SLAP ME?

December: *Rolls her eyes* For obvious reasons

February: Well, we get to spend the day together!

December: Oh yeah!

February: Why are you usually grumpy in the morning?

December: Cause I haven't woken up yet

February: Wanna go grab a coffee?

December: Good idea!

February: HAHAH

December: Let me get dressed first

February: Ok. These fleece pajamas are really warm

December: Its winter

February: So?

December: -_-

February: What?

December: Nevermind

February: Ok...

December: *Goes into the bathroom and changes into a white shirt, a shawl, leggings, and a beanie*

February: *Gets changed into a black shirt, a denim jacket, and jeans along with a beanie*


February: Ok.. Please don't hurt meh

*At the coffee shop*

March: Guys. Chill. We don't have anything better to do, you just chill

June: You talk too much

March: *Huff*

June: Now everyone, shut up. We have a mission

April: *Nods*

August: Mhmm

June: *Zip the lip motion*

August: *Nods*

September: Come on! Lets do this!

January: I came to see my sister happy, not to spy on her

October: *Snickers*

January: Shut up

October: *Nods* Hehehe

January: *Rolls eyes*

September: Oh dear

July: Guys, lets just make sure everything goes well

October: You're too pure

July: *Smiles*

December: Ok! I'm awake

February: Thats good!

December: Whatcha wanna talk about?

February: Maybe we can play cupid for other people?

December: Hmm... who?

February: Do you know who January and October like? They are your sisters, after all.

January: *Inhales sharply*

October: *A panicked look spreads across her face*

December: I don't think I should tell you. Its their business, and I wouldn't want to betray them.

October and January: *Exhale peacefully and smile, relieved*

February: Ok. Lets find something else to talk about then

December: Ok. Well maybe we could think about who is cute together?

Everyone else: *Sharp inhale* 

February: We are, May and November are cute together. Maybe March and...

March: *Turns bright red*

December: Who?

February: September?

March and September: *Turns bright red*

January: *Turns away*

December: Uh... maybe. What about June?

February: I'm not telling you who he likes

December: Maybe later?

February: Later. Ok. 

June: *Facepalm*

December: Ok. *Pulls out notebook*

February: *Writes it down*

December: *Writes other things down*

February and December: *Looks at each other, smirking* We have a ship plan for everyone now.

Everyone: Ok maybe its time to go now *Leaves*

December: Is it noon already? Oh geez

February: Maybe we could...

December: Hmm...

February and December: GO TO AN AMUSEMENT PARK!

February: *Puts a dollar in the tip jar before leaving*

December: Woah... its so pretty!

February: What do you wanna do first?

December: Where is the food?

February: You're hungry? But we just had. Coffee. OH CRUD! DECEMBER!!!

December: *Vibrating slightly* WhErE iS tHe SuGaR?

February: Ok... heheh this is fine

December: *Holds his shirt* wHeRe Is ThE sUgAr?

February: Over there *Points to a stand with elephant ears*

*Technical difficulties please stand by*

9:00 P.M. 

February: I'm pooped

December: *Having a sugar crash*

February: *Takes December home and puts her in bed, taking off her beanie, and covering her with blankets*

December: *Sleeps peacefully*

February: *Turns into a cat and sleeps on the floor, after laying a blanket on top of him*

12:00 A.M.


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